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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. My Brindle had it. The vet said it could have been from her major thoracic surgery 3 months earlier. We had to get Doggles because she wasn't able to blink on that side of the face. He said it would last about 3 months and it did. She passed 14 yrs ago, so I don't remember too much about it.
  2. Yay Twiggy!! She's the fiestiest grey I've ever met. Twiggy, you rock, girl!!
  3. On no! Not Twiggy. Please let her be OK. She is a ray of hope to everyone that gets OS. Keep us updated.
  4. Onyx lived to 15. She would go several days without eating and just about when I was ready to ship her off to the vets, she'd start eating like there was no tomorrow. Drove me nuts!
  5. Welcome from the Garden State. (NJ)
  6. Sarah, welcome to the cult. We can't wait to see pix. You will have to use a free photo place like photobucket to post pix.
  7. She's so beautiful. I'm really sorry for the diagnosis. I had one with OS but 3 with hemangiosarcoma.
  8. Twenty years ago I started my spiral into greyhound ownership with my first dog Brindle. The chipping started 19 years ago with Topaz. Then just a few years later, 16 years ago today, at the tender young age of 5, I lost Topaz to liver disease. I could not have been more blindsided than if someone hit me with a baseball bat. I had no time to prepare for something like this. She was supposed to be with me another 10 years. I never even thought of what to do with the bodies of any of my furkids should I lose them. She's the only one buried in the back. All the others are cremated. She was an incredibly silly, goofy girl. So full of life. Still in a tailspin 3 weeks later, I went out to get another dog for Brindle. I came across a little black girl who's name was Onyx. Someone had told me about her in Sept, but I questioned why they told me about her. At that point in time I thought 2 dogs was a normal number. Only hoarders had 3 or more. I wasn't interested. But after Topaz died, I was reminded of this little girl. Highly adoptable, cat safe, young, small, but no one wanted her and Onyx sat in the Nittany kennels for 4 months. So, I figured...........here's a little girl who's name is a gemstone like Topaz. Highly adoptable but has been ignored. And she smiles. (Topaz was a smiley dog) I thought it was karma. I really wasn't ready to adopt emotionally. And that story can be found in several places on the web, Onyx: From Eggplant to Blossom. But to make a very long story short. I ended up loving Onyx as much as anyone could love a dog. And thankfully, she lived to 15 1/2. My longest liver. But........Onyx wasn't silly, goofy or white and black. For two years I always kept an eye out for a parti-girl. That's when Pearl entered my life. A white and black goofball of a girl. She entered my life almost 2 years after losing Topaz and 3 weeks before I suddenly lost Brindle. Pearl became my Heart and Soul dog. Pearl was perfect. (for me anyway). I felt that Topaz had a hand in sending her to me. She helped so much when I lost Brindle. Unlike poor Onyx who I had to work so hard to bond with the year after Topaz's loss. On any given day after I lost Brindle, I was perusing the adoption sites, specifically the one that Pearl came from. When I saw the name Half Profit, I wondered if there was a connection between her and Pretty Profit (Pearl). There was. Littermates!! While I originally wanted to keep my pack to two dogs, now I was very interested in having sisters. So up from Fla comes "Diamond". (keeping track so far?) So at this point, the three dogs I've adopted after Topaz's death were pretty much because of her. I won't have adopted Diamond if it wasn't for Pearl, who I would not have adopted if it weren't for Topaz. And Onyx was adopted because of Topaz. I was content for several years. But I always love to look at website at the adoptables, when I came across a teeny tiny wisp of a little white and black girl. I have stopped paying attention to most colors now and pretty much get caught by the white/blacks because of Topaz and my subsequent love of Pearl. I asked all the right questions, answered all the right questions and Opal entered my life. I was now a 4-pack. All courtesy of Topaz. One thing I noticed of this pack was that although one white/black girl and one black girl were sisters, the two black girls hung together and two white/black girls hung and played together. It was like that for a blissful 6 years. When I lost Pearl, the first thing I did was started looking at silly goofy white/black girls and adopted Jade. Then I lost Diamond. Then Onyx. And it was just my two parti-girls. But after a whole year, Jade learned to escape and if I didn't want her to die by car I had to give her back. Opal who had belonged to a 4 pack for most of her young life was now alone and she looked it. I decided to try to veer off the w/b theme and just find a companion. I found a little black girl even smaller than Opal and put in the application. I was interviewed and while I wasn't "officially" approved all indications were I was. The interviewer even asked how soon could I pick her up? So when I got the phone call a week later being denied because of the dog door I threw a fit and got on the internet and started searching. For a white and black girl. Which I found out in the middle of PA. Enter Tanzanite. My upside down clown. When I first met her at her fosters she was in a large crate, roaching. Her tail swaying back and forth like a metronome. A year later as I was once again just looking at pretty cow doggies I came across an older broodie. Crystal Falcon. When I looked at her pedigree I found her to be Topaz's niece. They had identical markings. How could I resist? I adopted Crystal, only to lose her 18 days later to cancer. But for those 18 days I had 3 beautiful cow doggies and one black one. (Emerald) Emerald the other current dog I have is the only other dog of a total of 10 other than Brindle that was not part of Topaz's legacy of being a silly goofy white and black girl or attached to a silly goofy white/black girl. Topaz, thank you for your legacy. And yes, I still love and miss you very much.
  9. I went the amp route on a 12 yr old. She had a great 6 mos before OS was discovered in another leg. However she didn't have the back leg issues yours does, nor did she have spots on her lungs. If you fear a break that much make sure she goes thru a rigorous exam by doctors to make sure she can handle being a tripod. My Diamond spent a whole day at OSU being examined to make sure a 12 yr old could handle the stress at her age. The decision is very difficult. But please remember whatever decision you make it is because you love her. I want to wish you the very best, whatever happens.
  10. she's gorgeous. Keep us updated on her medical progress? I wonder if she'd like to live in NJ?
  11. First,take a deep breath. I just went thru the limping thing with Emma. Let the vet exam Daisy first after telling him/her all the symptoms. They may find a very obvious reason why she's limping. When it's not obvious like with Emma, I asked them to do the Lymes because I found several ticks on Emma lately and we live in a high tick area. When the SNAP test came back negative I then asked for xrays. This was done all on the same visit. They had no problem with the requests as it was a logical order. If you get nervous and tongue tied....write it down now and bring the questions with you.
  12. Oh Irene, I'm so sorry that you now lost Ceecee. It's hard to believe that I had met all three when I came riding and now you're down to two. I do know how you feel, I lost 6 in 2 yrs back in 2010-2011.
  13. I don't know if my vet was able to get the X-ray to Dr Couto or not. But Emma has finally stopped limping without any meds. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if my vets were successful. Doesn't help that I got taken out by the flu.
  14. If you go the amp route, I just want to let you know I did a front leg amp on a 12 yr old. She had a great 6 mos before OS struck another leg.
  15. Dr Couto has reviewed the films but would like a different format. Hopefully my vets know what that is and can resend tomorrow. He said there is nothing obvious. So keep those prayers and well wishes coming. Emma is on a high dose of Rimadyl she still limped last night and this morning but I didn't see a limp when I got home tonight.
  16. I just came back from the vets with a limping Emma. Tick diseases are negative. They did xrays and saw 'something'. They don't think it's OS, but I just sent them Dr. Couto's consultation email. I hope they do it ASAP and Dr. Couto responds ASAP. The wait is killing me.
  17. Interesting. I just got a new bag and started the girls on it. Tanzi is fine but Emma's down for the count. She has severe diarrhea. She's going to the vets tomorrow. It's the High Prairie.
  18. Here's the blog of Luna's accident and recovery. Scroll down to Dec 4th, the day of the accident. And while she didn't say who hit Luna, that cute little spotted girl on the couch, my Opal....all 50 lbs of her, was the other dog. http://lunaslifeinthegardenstate.blogspot.com/2011_12_01_archive.html
  19. Don't give up hope. About 4 years ago my three girls and a cute little one named Luna were at a LGRA race. Luna came in first followed by Tanzi and Emma, with Opal coming in last. Luna overshot the now stopped lure and turned around to come back to it. Just as Opal was coming to it. They collided very hard. Both stayed down for a few minutes, but Opal eventually got up. Luna did not. Opal had T-boned her so hard Opal's basket muzzle had shattered. How she escaped facial injury is beyond me. Anyway, Luna was rushed to the hospital and diagnosis was spinal damage at the base of the neck. The spine was misaligned but the cord still looked intact. Luna was completely paralyzed. But the owners weren't going to give up. Luna did show signs of fighting and each day there were tiny improvements. This happened Dec 4. The owners had a commitment to be away for Christmas, so I offered to care for Luna since I had experience. Christmas Eve, they carried her inside my house and placed her on her bed. At this point in time I think the only thing she could do was stand if you got her up and placed her legs squarely under her. Nothing more. The owners gave a teary and apprehensive good-bye and left. I was watching TV and watching Luna just gazing around the house when suddenly my three girls jumped up and flew out the dog door. (they do this often, so I didn't think anything of it). But Luna had no idea what was happening and as if caught in the votex my three created she got up and hobbled to the door. I good 20 ft on her own. I call that a true Christmas Miracle. I immediately called the owners and when they heard my voice just an hour after they left they panicked. I told them the great news. By the time they picked her up 5 days later, Luna was walking and even trying to run on her own. Of course I was right there, hands hovering on either side of her to make sure I could catch her if she fell. She was very wobbly but walking on her own none-the-less. While this was an injury, not a stroke........I just wanted to let you know miracles happen. Luna came back 99%. She gets a slight limp when she's tired. That's the only sign that anything ever happened.
  20. I'm glad she's improving. I hope she recovers fully.
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