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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I too have an OS dog. But I went the amp route. She's 9 and doing great. Now I read that you can't afford to do that. How about a crowd funding option? People would donate to save the life of a dog. Just thinking outside the box here. I'm sorry to hear the news.
  2. What about feeding her chunky peanut butter. No pill. See if she gets used to the chunkiness of it. Then if she decides she likes that peanut butter, try sticking the pill in there. When my Pearl was on 21 pills a day for her heart and BP, I used to rare cook chicken livers. Crispy on the outside, mushy on the inside. It was the only thing she would snarf down. So I could get pills in that.
  3. I'm so sorry. She was adorable. Nothing seems worse than a sudden loss. I too lost one suddenly.
  4. I'm glad she's doing so well. I think local GPs are sufficient to remove a tooth or two, but when you have to get some real dental work done, I'll go to a dentist all the time. I too have to travel an hour and a half to get to my girl's dentist who is very expensive. But so worth it. thanks for the update.
  5. I just wanted to let you all know that Tanzi had her third chemo and first post op x-ray. She's handling the chemo very well so far, and her x-rays were clear.
  6. I agree with TBHOUNDS. I don't like the look of it either.
  7. I went to my chiropractor first because my brand new horse, Hearty, was unridable. He hurt himself doing yahoos in the field. Two months of no progress, I, the non believer of chiro, broke down and found one. I was riding and jumping within 3 weeks. I've used her for both horses and dogs since 1990.
  8. OMG, that's horrible. Now that he's got drains and hopefully other goodies, he'll heal fast.
  9. Thanks for the details. I will be more observant of my girls mouths.
  10. Tanzi lovers her hero. He's her inspiration.
  11. We went to the bank this morning for my deposit and their withdrawal (cookies). One of their favorite places. But since Emma is three legged, she tires easily. So, now that it's snowing outside, and cold, she's sacked out on her bed.
  12. Yup. Two amps, two dogs, in two months! Her toe started to split after Aiden's mom posted about his. Her toe looked to have healed really well. But it ended up splitting 3 more times. So we made the decision to take it off. My vet said the joint had a chronic infection. She's back home now. And sleeping it off. Of course I have to keep it dry. I have a dog door and it snowed last night. Sigh.
  13. Your vet should have something called Elasticon. It's a tape. You put the gauze and vet wrap on. Then just on top, maybe an inch, or half inch depending on how big a baby he is with taking tape off, use the tape. It's strong enough to keep the vet wrap on. Or you can try papertape, found in any pharmacy. Very light on the sticky (so make come off anyway) so easy on the fur.
  14. Tanzi does allow me to pull her around the house on her bed. (I have wood floors) So I'm hoping I can tire her out enough to put her in the wagon on a bed and pull her around. That Twit, by the way, went down the basement stairs! I had planned to do that when I thought she had built up enough muscle in her front leg and was really used to being a tripod. But she had different plans. I heard a thump, thump, thump and saw her standing on the landing. She didn't fall, but it was not a graceful descent. I had to help her back up.
  15. Ducky, there's a little poddie in Spain who never got a forever home. She fought illness after illness. Sophie got her wings this morning. Please add her name.
  16. She had her first chemo Fri and even though they put her on anti nausea drugs she has shown no side effects. Our next chemo is Dec 30. I think I'll still get a wagon as she just wants to keep going and going. So I should have a wagon when she realizes she over did it.
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