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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. The first two weeks are the worst. Hang in there. Before you know it Juneau will be running around as if nothing happened.
  2. Can you add River? The 'baby' in H&M lost to Mast cell at age 4.5.
  3. When Diamond had her amp, she didn't get gabapentin (sp?) but I've seen it here on GT when other's went thru an amp. Is this something in conjunction with tramadol that might work better?
  4. Diamond (Half Profit) had none of those in her lineage. She had OS in two legs. Six months after a front amp, she developed it in her rear leg.
  5. It would have been a rough two weeks with the amputation too. Give it a little time. Does he still have enough pain meds? Maybe he needs more of a cocktail instead of just tramadol. And happy Gotcha Day Jake, from your 2015 Secret Santa!!
  6. Wow! What a roller coaster. Hope it ends on a positive note.
  7. While I've never tried it, lots of people here recommend Manukau honey to speed up healing.
  8. My first girl Brindle poo'd several times a day. My little Opal could hold it forever. But if I recall, I used to feed Nitro to Brindle. However that was 22 yrs ago. So I can't be 100% sure there is a correlation. I haven't fed Nutro in a very very long time.
  9. Aw geez! Your Trenton cats must be some tough kitties. Opal never got beat up like Brees but she always went after the cats, too.
  10. I was dogsitting a wonderful boy named Archie. I wanted to take one of my girls to the vet for an eye check and bring everyone along. Archie loved car rides. So I shuffle everyone into the garage and go to lift the tailgate of the SUV when Archie jumped. The tailgate wasn't open yet. He bounced off and fell. It was a short fall. Just a couple of feet. But a very poor angle and he shattered his elbow. He lost his leg. No OS. That was 2 yrs ago. Once past the trauma he returned to his normal self. He loves running around my back yard chasing chickens. He's learned that he can't chase my girls when they are in full run, but is able to join in at his own speed. He can do 5 steps without issue but does prefer the ramp I have (I made it when my Diamond had OS, years ago). The only thing different is that he is hesitant about not carpeted floors now. He'll still do them, but prefers the runners. It doesn't necessarily mean OS. And even if he loses his leg, he'll be fine. The first two weeks are the worst. Hold on. It gets much much much better.
  11. Oh Robin. My heart sank when I saw his name here. I'm so sorry.
  12. What about 'panties' instead. Small boxer shorts I think are popular. (I've always had girls). But sometimes covering the area instead of the mouth works well.
  13. Did you do an ultrasound? Sometimes things don't show up on xray.
  14. Gee, how much does she weigh? She looks all of 48 lbs soaking wet.
  15. I've used them for years. I like them. they're gentle. And they get the teeth as clean as possible without the anesthesia. Tanzi's teeth are slowly getting worse, but having Houndstooth do her teeth every 6 months is helping me keep ahead of it. And yes, I brush her teeth DAILY. I had a regular, under anesthesia, at a vets office dental done on her a year ago. It didn't last any longer than the non-anesthetic dental. She needed to be done in Oct and she still needs to be done again this April.
  16. My Onyx (who made it to 15.5) had an LP tieback at age 11. She had several surgeries between that and when she left. There is no problem with the intubation, however, the tube needs to remain in as long as possible. That's the tricky part is to keep it in but remove it at just the right time so as not to scare the dog. But that was it.
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