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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Almost all of the edema is gone. Even the waddle under her chin. She has the slightest puffiness in her other front leg. The bruising is going away too. It's more pink now than purple or red. She just went outside all by herself (dog door). We did a bye bye today. She jumped into the car by herself and waited for me to put the ramp down for her to get out. She also did the 5 steps into the garage almost by herself. Almost. but she came up them with little problem. Just a little hesitation. She's a little clingier that she was before surgery. So I guess she needs the reassurance that it'll be ok. So physically she's handling it well. I think mentally she's still unsure.
  2. now here comes the hard part. She's starting to show her frustrations. She would start to fluff her bed and you can just see it in her face she's getting frustrated that she can't fluff with both legs, and she let's out a whine. I can tell, it's not a pain whine. She'll then stop what she was doing and come over to me for comforts. She's done this a couple times now.
  3. She's hardly crying out now. Sometimes she'll start "squeaking". But I'm thinking that might be more the meds than pain. And she goes thru bouts of being hot. I do have the thundershirt on her, so that adds to the heat, but I'd prefer to keep that on for a few more days. I'm not going to push my luck and just have a flimsy T shirt covering the incision. Especially since she is using both sides to lay on. It was about 34 outside last night and massively windy. I had the window open about an inch just for Tanzi. Emma and I were under lots of blankets. I still slept lightly as I don't want Tanzi jumping off the bed in case she had to go out in the middle of the night. She got up and down several times. Either to just change position or to find a cooler spot. But for the most part she slept well. Her incision is getting itchy, that's a good thing. Another reason I want the thundershirt on. It's thicker and will protect the site from scratching hind feet. She's still got a terrific appetite, but alas, I can't sneak all those pills in. While a hoover, she still was able to detect half the pills. So, PB it is. Since I use chunky PB, she doesn't know the difference between pills and peanuts.
  4. She's currently not oozing. The incision itself looks great. It she is still really purple. And there's still a bit of edema.
  5. I have a very small bedroom, stairs won't fit. I have 3 dog beds stacked hoping if I don't catch her, at least it'll be a soft landing. I'm going to look for an ottoman that wouldn't slide on wood floors.
  6. She's laying on both sides. But does cry out in pain when she not positioned well. I had to dump her off the dog bed last night to help her up. She prefers that to me trying to find a place on her body to hold and lift. As far as using a sling? Poo on that. And she keeps jumping onto my very high bed. DAMMIT! The bandage came off this morning and the thundershirt put on. I think that's a great idea. Use a thundershirt to protect the site. I have a cut up T shirt under it for any oozing as that's easier to clean or toss.
  7. She's home! She was brighter and more alert than I expected. She wanted to jump into the car but I wouldn't let her. She didn't want to do the ramp. So we lifted her in. She settled for the ride home but because she drank a ton of water just before we left I did stop halfway home. She was motoring around. I had a hard time keeping up. Good thing I closed off the steps to outside from the deck. When we got home she barreled through the dog door. Luckily she does do the outside ramp. She really had to poo. You'd think she'd be tired at this point but she kept shadowing me. She WANTED DINNER!! A full tummy, a couple of outside potty breaks and a wad of pain meds (15 pills a day!) and she's sound asleep.
  8. Another update this morning. Dr. Koshko is very pleased with her progress. She actually had a little bit of tail wag. She can get up off the floor by herself. She's eating well. The swelling is steadily decreasing. He said she's acting more like a greyhound again and is ready to come home tomorrow. She'll be coming with antibiotics and pain meds. Which I expected. I was through this before in 2009 with Diamond. So I don't understand why I'm more upset this time around.
  9. Yes, I had planned to do that. My local vets will do that for me. I'll do it the day before, and fax the info to Metzgers. 3 1/2 hr one way is a long trip for nothing.
  10. I just got another update this morning. Dr. Koshko said that she's showing a little spunk today. She's now eating. The edema is decreasing, having peaked yesterday. There's still a little oozing but he said that's to be expected. They've taken her outside using a sling and she seems to be doing well. I should have no problem bringing her home Sat. They are going to let me borrow a sling for a few weeks. I'll bring it back when I have her first chemo. I will be taking her all the way out there for the chemo, because when I had my local vets do it for Dima, I think they did the first one incorrectly. I lost Dima to kidney disease and OS in a hind leg. I think the kidney disease was caused by the first chemo. So, I'll go out to Metzgers for it, as they have done it many times on greys.
  11. yeah I agree, but pulling is also easier than pushing. I think I'm leaning towards the stroller though. They're both pretty heavy. But now as I think about it, if is just collapses, across the middle, it might be too tall to fit in the SUV without laying it down, which then takes up too much room. I'll have to think about this.
  12. Actually this item with the fatter wheels might work better. http://t.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=87374376&clickid=prod_cs&recid=prod_PageElement_product_rr_2_1072 I was also looking at this: https://www.amazon.com/Best-Choice-Products-Stroller-Suspension/dp/B00N11PEPQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479306644&sr=8-1&keywords=dog+strollers+for+large+dogs But if I'm on gravel or grass, which would be easier to move? The large wheeled stroller, or flat wheel wagon.
  13. Alas, I don't think Tanzi is going to be able to build up to be able to do long stuff. She's quick to lay down and rest. But I do think she will take to a stroller/wagon. The little Tykes would be number one on my list, but it takes up too much room. I need something that fits in the SUV with two dogs.
  14. I called later last night. They said they had gotten her up a couple of times to go outside. She's wobbly as expected, and didn't do her business. But just to be up and out on the same day as the surgery is a plus. She did cry out earlier.......maybe from pain or from fear. But they said she's adapting. I should get a call today from the doctor. Yesterday he said Thur or Fri if everything goes well. I can't get out of work until Sat. So I'll leave Sat morning. I don't suppose there're any NJ peeps feel like keeping me company?
  15. Just from experience, I know most dogs can't do the distance once they became a tripod. And Tanzi loves her long walks. So does anyone have any recommendation for a folding stroller or wagon?
  16. She's out of surgery and has survived. She's pretty much out of it with all the meds and hasn't tried to stand yet. My heart just aches for her as she tries the first time to get up without that leg.
  17. Osteo of the wrist. Please keep her in your thoughts. She's at Metzger in PA.
  18. When Diamond had OS, I drove out to OSU to have the amp done. Now that Dr Couto is no longer there, where would you recommend to go to for an OS related amp? Anywhere within 8 hrs of central NJ.
  19. My Diamond had an infection after her front leg amp. She was done at OSU when Dr Couto was still there. 'nuff said.
  20. Hi Amy. I met you a week ago. I have Tanzi and Emma. Welcome to Greytalk.
  21. TBHounds. Isn't the carpus part of the paw? The long bones 'finger' in the xray? I think I see what you're looking at. The xrays are reversed. The top is her right leg. And it's a lump inside the wrist.
  22. The vets don't see OS, but there is a lump of bone on the inside. And the bone doesn't seem as defined as her left leg (bottom leg). At least to me. But the vets said they don't see anything. I asked what else could it be and they just said to come back in a week or so to see if there are any changes. I sent a JPEG to Dr. Couto. I don't know if it's sharp enough and I may have to send the disc. Also, since it's a wrist, are there other options than full leg amp? I'm definitely not doing palliative. I work all day and I'm not coming home to a dog with a broken leg and in distress. I already came home to a dead dog. Not going thru that again. And I'm set up for a tripod since I dogsit one all the time. Can we do partial amps with prosthetics? Can we do radiation on the tumor only? Since it's one of two bones, can the tumor be removed and the leg spared? Has anyone gone thru alternate options to palliative or full leg amps?
  23. Tanzi has a lump on the inside of her right front wrist. And she's limping. What do you think? (the xrays are reversed. Her right leg is the top leg. Closest to the marker.
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