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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I guess I couldn't see the spelling through the tears. Lots of errors.
  2. It was a normal day. I left work anxious to see my furkids. I stopped at the bank, we chatted about the girls because they go in with me all the time. I stopped someplace else but don't remember. The last stop was Boston Market. I picked up 1/2 chicken so that I can give the girls the dark meat. I'm home, fumble to open the front door with all my packages. I open the door and saw a cowering, blood and mud covered Tanzi and knew instantly something was devastatingly wrong. I called for Opal. No answer. I dumped my pakages, ran out the back, and saw Emma cowering at the bottom of the stairs. I called for Opal. No answer. I went inside, threw on my snow boots, grabbed a flashlight and hurried back outside. I found her masuled body within seconds. I'm so sorry Opal I wasn't there for you. I miss you every day. I hurt for you every day. I never should have adopted Emma.
  3. Give my buddy a kiss from his auntie. (An Ernie too, can't have a jealous brudder)
  4. Without having seen what happened, I did have something a little similar with Opal. Severe cramping in her back legs. Brought her down. Couldn't walk. But she wasn't as stressed as Walter seems. The vets put her on Magnesium. But because of his stress, I'm thinking more of TIA or something like that.
  5. the two places that had it don't seem to be around anymore. You don't have enough posts to PM me yet, so email me at mppwith4 at yahoo dot com. (write it the correct addy way)
  6. I did all you mentioned with four. The first greyhound I lost was only five. I adopted within three weeks. It took almost a year to bond. But that was so worth it because she made it to 15.5 yrs. I wrote an article for CG magazine, summer 2001 documenting the journey. If you want to read it it's called Onyx:from eggplant to blossom. It's online at a couple of places, if you can't find it I can email a copy.
  7. I lost three to that effin disease. My first greyhound Brindle who was 8. My heart and soul girl Pearl, and one that I had all of 18 days, Crystal. But I still can't say or do anything to help you feel better.
  8. She was beautiful. Of the 7 I have at the Bridge, I've second guessed 5. It's just human nature. But you did the right thing.
  9. The thing with insurance is will you be more upset about throwing money away because you didn't need it? Or not being able to get treatment for your pet because you didn't have coverage?
  10. He was truly special. Your post also points out the importance of loving your furkids every. single. day.
  11. I also want to point out, Twiggy is a (I believe) 4 year post amp survivor. If not 4 yrs, very long none-the-less. She's on this board. Dr. Couto can give you excellent advice.
  12. Whatever decision you make is the right one. Because you're doing it out of love. But I do want to tell you I did a front leg amp on a 12 yr old. I drove from NJ to OH just to see Dr. Couto since he sees so many greyhounds. I wanted his opinion if a 12 yr old could handle it. His answer....12 is just a number. She spent Thursday being examined, and the decision was, yes, she could handle it. She was done on Friday. The staff was prepared to have her longer than most due to her age, but she surprised everyone and was discharged Monday and back to NJ on tues. The first couple weeks are very hard as they adjust and have the pain meds (which does make them anxious). But it's almost like magic at the 2 week mark they improve exponentially. She had a terrific 6 months before OS hit a hind leg. She was chasing deer and scaring the crap out of her mom as she acted like she never lost a leg. I wish you the best of luck whatever your decision.
  13. Please go and read this blog. (read from the bottom up) It hasn't been kept updated for a couple years now but the important part is where I sent you which is Dec 2011. My little Opal was the "other" dog involved in this accident. Luna came for a visit last week and was running around my back yard. She came back about 95%. There is always hope. http://lunaslifeinthegardenstate.blogspot.com/2011_12_01_archive.html
  14. {{{{{{{{{{{{ Jane }}}}}}}}}}} Maggie sounded like a super wonderful girl. I'm sorry she's gone.
  15. Trish and Burke, my heart sank as soon as I saw the locked H&M thread. I had to wait a few minutes respond because I couldn't see through the tears. I have lost my hearthound but still have no words to help ease your pain.
  16. Brindle was my very first greyhound. Actually my very first dog that wasn't part of the family growing up. She was born 23 yrs ago today. And left me 15 yrs ago. But she got me hooked on greyhounds. Believe it or not, I still miss her.
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