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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I'll keep Rudy in my thoughts and prayers. I lost three to this effin disease. One was gone within hours, one went within days, the other lasted 2 weeks.
  2. I've been following your thread. I hope she does heal completely. And good for you on getting your money back!
  3. I remember Lizzie. I have a special place in my heart for white and black girls. All paws crossed here.
  4. I miss her too. She was very special.
  5. Try a consult with Dr Couto. He is the greyhound guru. His contact info is in the osteo thread.
  6. He was much much too young. I read your roller coaster ride in H&M and was so saddened when he didn't make it. What a beautiful soul he was.
  7. I lost three of my seven bridge kids to hemangiosarcoma, only one to osteo. One of them did have fever spikes.
  8. Meds will make them anxious. It seems the hardest part is the first 2 weeks. Hang in there.
  9. I was thinking hemangiosarcoma too. My girl was fine in the morning dead by 1:00 AM The next morning
  10. Has it already been four years? Sometimes it seems like yesterday, sometimes it feels like forever. He was such a great boy.
  11. OMG Amber! To lose two so close together is unthinkable. I'm so sorry.
  12. I have been following your threads. I so hope she finally heals. Iggy's I think might be in my future when I get too old to handle a 60 grey. something 6 or 16 would be more my size.
  13. Of the tests done was a liver function test done? That is not part of a regular chem panel. They test liver enzymes. This is a special test. My 5 yr old had ascites. The regular liver tests were normal. Her liver function tests were off the charts. She was in full liver failure.
  14. Is there any possibility you can get another dog? It sounds like he loves to interact with other dogs at the park. If you're unsure if it'll work or not, foster.
  15. When I had the 4 pack (thus my name) three of those four had VERY fuzzy tummies. At that time only Opal had a bare tummy, in all her spotted glory. (I loved her spotted tummy)
  16. Pearl probably had about 2 doz echos in her lifetime. Never needed sedation. They shave her tummy, then did the ultrasound as she laid on the table. They didn't sedate her for ECGs either.
  17. While many greys can have a murmur but no heart disease, my Pearl DID have heart disease diagnosed at age 5, then hypertension diagnosed at age 6. We had regular appointments with her cardiologist for the rest of her life. And while there were changes with the heart as she got older, cancer took her at age 12. I'm lucky, she was insured before the diagnosis and was covered for most of it. An echo will tell you if it's something to be concerned about or not.
  18. Do the duck tape method work on his corns? I've never had a dog with corns, but I've heard that one is very successful. But I'm glad it's not OS.
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