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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. We saw her doctor yesterday. Her kidney values are so bad he said no need to keep checking them. Creatinine is over 12 (normal less than 2) and BUN was 102. (Normal less than 30) He also said that she's maxed out on meds. So once they stop working we're done. Thankfully each day she still gets up and is ready to attack the day. I fight daily to find something she will eat. But when I find it she eats enthusiastically. She'd been on a roll with my meatloaf, but that's waining. Tonight we try pork shoulder. I think I still have a week. But, my dad will be leaving me probably within 48 hours. 2021 is really going to suck for me.
  2. Panacur and Advantage Multi took care of my girl's hooks in 6 months. But if I recall. I think we threw a Strongid in there too immediately after the panacur. We followed the protocol I found through GT. I did use one drontal somewhere in the middle of the process instead of panacur.
  3. I know someone here has an akc greyhound but most people here have ex racing dogs. Which are generally older than 18 months. Maybe with the tracks closing there might be more puppies available. So you won't get as much help with finding a good breeder. Unfortunately I'm not one of those with the experience you're requesting. But one thing I can tell you, being a greyhound owner is belonging to a very special cult. Welcome!
  4. The ondosetron is making her feel much better. It's anti-nausea. Her kidneys are still crap. And this will only last a short while. But she's eagerly eating breakfast and dinner. (As long as momma's meatloaf is part of it). And still very much enjoying life. She takes 6 meds in the morning. 5 are for making her tummy feel better. But at least right now they're working.
  5. Didn't know about ammonia breath. She has bad breath but not ammonia. I've tried a pure carb diet. She wasn't interested. So my best bet is to cut the protein with as much carb as she'll eat.
  6. I've asked about dialysis or transplants. She could do dialysis but it doesn't work as well as in humans. It works better for acute failure that dogs might be able to survive. And transplants do very well for cats. But for some reason dogs don't. I even have a young greyhound that might have been a donor. I don't know what suc-therapy is.
  7. Update: I decided to call CC's internist to see if there's anything else available before I send her to the Bridge. They gave me an anti-nausea and another appetite stimulant. If that works then she'll stay a little longer. Maybe a week. And before anyone bashes me about quality of life, she is still enjoying life. Kidney disease pretty much makes them sick to their stomach. There is no pain. So if her tummy feels better, she feels better. I'm watching her very very closely to make sure I read the signs.
  8. My little China girl Cee Magic is losing her battle with kidney disease. In September I made 3 milestones I hoped she'd make. Christmas, a big snowstorm and her 7th birthday. Due to a rare December storm we got 2 of the three. But shes not going to make 7 in March. I have the vet on call for Thursday. This little girl has the biggest personality. The most expressive eyes. You can see straight to her soul. She spent most of her short life in the hellhole known as the Canidrome. Yet her tail never stops wagging. Her little body is so broken (huge bedsores scars on her hips and shoulders from sleeping on cement, broken hock, broken elbow, 24 rotten teeth and renal damage). But her spirit soars. Unfortunately her kidneys just don't work anymore. She's only interested in eating meat. No more cookies, treats, eggs, even homemade eggnog. She would have eaten her bowl if it was edible. She still likes walks and bye-byes. So Thursday morning I'll give the vet a call if she's completely stopped eating and/or loss of interest in walks and rides. She will make #10 at the Bridge, but one of the hardest I've lost.
  9. Gabapentin is safe for kidney dogs. My girl is in renal failure. And the only pain med she can have when she needs it is gabapentin.
  10. I adopted a greyhound from the horrid Canidrome in China. Her mouth was so bad she couldn't eat. I didn't have her but a week before I got her mouth done. She lost her 24 teeth. Now I don't know what she was like when her mouth wasn't painful so I don't know if this is related to mouth pain. But she is a big chatterer. I always know where she is in the house because I can hear her teeth clicking. Is it coincidence? Maybe. Could it be related to her previously sore mouth? Maybe. I don't know but wanted to toss this out.
  11. He was such a handsome boy. Beautiful brindle markings.
  12. I'm so sorry that Nigel left. It's so hard to lose them, especially around the holidays.
  13. Looks like a scab to me. Tick bodies still move when the head is embedded.
  14. Please don't second guess about testing. You'll never be able to fix it and it'll only eat you inside. I have 9 at the Bridge. I do wonder about some of them. Too soon? Too late? Wrong diagnosis?
  15. I found this bed that looks similar to the favorite slumberballs many of us miss. It's at 50% off right now. https://www.fromhooman.com/product-page/plushy-calming-bed Anyone else used "fromhuman" before? Thanks to Steve, this doesn't look like a safe buy.
  16. How can I spoil my girls any more than they already are?
  17. My CC had plates and pins put in a year ago to a broken elbow. She just had a pin removed when it caused the skin to open up. The plate is broken but due to her renal failure, surgery is out of the question unless it causes a problem.
  18. CC was in renal failure when she had a dental. But we knew her severe mouth would only accelerate her kidney disease. So she had a dental when I first got her; lost 24 teeth. While she was only 5 at that time her kidneys were already shot. She survived and will have gotten close to 2 more years out of those kidneys. I also had a 15 year old go through a dental. I went to an expensive dentist and she came through just fine.
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