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Callie Broke Her Leg - Update Post 220

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Sending lots of prayers for Callie. Lots have given good advice. There is also a lot of support on Circle of Grey, a Greyhound cancer group.

Get plenty of sleep as you won't get much when Callie is able to come home.


Sending you best wishes and positive thoughts from Jamey, a 19 month osteo survivor- it was also his right front leg.

Tin and Michael and Lucas, Picasso, Hero, Oasis, Galina, Neizan, Enzo, Salvo and Noor the Galgos.
Remembering Bridge Angel Greyhounds: Tosca, Jamey, Master, Diego, and Ambi; plus Angel Galgos Jules, Marco and Baltasar.

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

Im so sorry you have to go through all of this, it can be very hard but you are doing your best and she knows that you love her thats all that matters. :grouphug

Edited by Lovey_Hounds
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Sending lots of warm healing thoughts. :hope

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Guest VelvetEars

So many prayers coming your way. You both have been in my thoughts all day. In some ways, it reminds me of Jane's stroke....the uncertainty, the pain, the needed assistance for everything, the praying, the hoping, the fears..... Jane does NOT want to see her at the Bridge anytime soon. She says it's her damn bridge and Callie better stay the hell away from it if she knows what's good for her. And you know Jane means it!

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I'm very sorry for the late reply.


We had our vet visit at 1pm. We arrived around 1250pm and I went inside to see where they wanted us to go since Herman was going to carry her. I had to first fill out two papers on Callie's history. The receptionist, after finding out that we had to carry Callie in and how much she weighed, put us in a room right off the lobby. When I got back out to the car, Herman had the windows open?? It was bitter cold out! He said Callie was kind of freaking out, trying to stand and panting. Once we got her out of the car and Herman held her under her belly, she peed a lot in the parking lot.


We got her in the room and there was really no where for her to lay down. A tech came in and then brought us a thin mat and a bath towel, clearly not cushy enough for our Callie. I ran back out to the car and brought in her quilt and made her a nice comfy nest on the floor. Herman has to pick her up and lay her sideways, she hasn't quite mastering laying down using only three legs. She was shivering and shaking so bad before laying down, I was afraid for her. She actually calmed down quickly once she laid down and I shut the door so she couldn't see/hear all the commotion in the lobby.


The new vet came in... I immediately liked him a lot. Very easy to talk to. First thing he asked is how did she get around before this. Herman says her back legs are really bad. I immediately said they are not, she was able to get up off the couch and off her bed on the floor being in pain and only using three legs, she just needs a little traction (like floor rugs). We have hardwood floors and she slips on them sometimes.


The vet said, "Time out" and then laid it on the line. Either she has the surgery or she is put to sleep <--- he didn't use those words, but it was clear what he meant. He went over her x-rays and said they may take another, but really he can see what he has to do. Herman asked if he would take x-rays of her back legs, no he wouldn't.


He will take a chest x-ray first thing in the morning (he gets in around 6am) and if all looks clear, plans to proceed with Callie first. He said we don't want a call from them until later in the day because an early call will be bad news. He said he will give her a pain patch, a catheter to pee and something else (maybe an IV?).


He said if the surgery proceeds, she can leave when they are sure she can handle on three legs.


I asked about using Amacar...he said he was expecting that question after talking to our vet. He said he has no problem using it, then asked me if I had any?? Was I supposed to provide my own?? (maybe he thought I got some from our vet, I guess)


So we said our goodbyes and then waited for a gurney to take Callie to behind... well the "gurney" was just a flimsy metal table on wheels. Knowing Callie would freak out --- she freaked out every time a hotel luggage cart rolled by when we were on vacation --- and I was right. I kept telling them that it was problem, Herman would carry her to the back. The girl finally said they are putting dogs under or putting them to sleep and he can't go back there --- I hope she was just making an excuse because maybe only staff is to go past a certain point. Anyway, we decide that each of us would take a corner of the quilt and lift her up on the table. Once the table moved a couple of inches, Callie tried to get up. They stopped and covered her legs up with the quilt and off they went.


Once they brought the quilt back, we were on our way home. Driving down the highway I was having flashbacks of the first time I saw Callie's face, her eyes, in a Petco and the tears wouldn't stop. I am dreading morning, so afraid we are going to get a bad call. I just want her surgery to get over with, her to be out of pain and come back home where she belongs.


If you've read this far, thank you. I tend to ramble and throw in a lot of unimportant details...I guess it's for my benefit, it helps me remember everything that happened.


Hopefully I will have good news tomorrow. I'm going to try and go into work... I can't believe how tired I am though! My arms are so sore and weak feeling, and I didn't even carry Callie. I guess it's from nerves, also everything I eat makes me sick.


Thank you everyone for prayers, love and concern shown to Callie, Herman and I. Meredith, Jane made me cry. I hope Callie obeys her.


Good night everyone,



Kim, (Herman), Pixie (NK Mary Ann), Kitten, Sammie, Darcy and Scout

Callie (Callie Walker), Ava (Lass Dance), July, Peanut, Kodi, Bailey, Kony, PJ, Scampie, Carlo & Casey waiting for us at the bridge

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Thinking of you and your girl this morning.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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I had tears reading this. They didn't sound very empathetic. But, no matter, she's in their care now.


If you have stairs she needs to do to go outside, why not take the time and build a ramp. I'm a middle aged woman and I built a simple but very sturdy ramp in 2 days. (It held my weight). It'll keep you busy and also give her something easy to go down. Also, if you don't have one, get a sling. They are easier to work with than towels under the tummy. She'll need it for just a couple weeks while she's remembering how to do things without all 4 legs. The next two weeks will be the worst. But it'll pass.

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I was having flashbacks of the first time I saw Callie's face, her eyes, in a Petco and the tears wouldn't stop.





Oh I am so sorry you, your family and Callie are going through this. I have had such flashbacks, different Petco and different special girl. And I'm keeping you all in my thoughts. Strength to Callie in surgery and on three legs thereafter.


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Your baby girl is strong and will pull through this. Sending tons of light and love to her and all the vet staff, and holding all of you in my prayers for the best possible outcome. :hope:heart:candle Get plenty of rest before she comes home. :blush

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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It's 1015 am and no word yet. I woke up before 4am and couldn't fall back asleep. I feel like I'm going to be sick, the waiting is almost unbearable. At least no early call, which is what I was dreading. (The vet had said an early call would be bad news as it would of meant her chest x-ray wasn't clear.)


I'm usually prrtty good in a crisis, but not when my babies are involved...I just fall apart.


I'm at work and sending this from my cell, but wanted to let you know there's no news yet.





Kim, (Herman), Pixie (NK Mary Ann), Kitten, Sammie, Darcy and Scout

Callie (Callie Walker), Ava (Lass Dance), July, Peanut, Kodi, Bailey, Kony, PJ, Scampie, Carlo & Casey waiting for us at the bridge

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Oh, I knew I shouldn't read this at work! :( Kim, you know that there are a ton of prayers going out for you, Callie and Herman today and I'm sending mine in boatloads. Please try and rest in order to gather your strength. Callie is going to need to feed off of your positive outlook. She needs to know that she can count on you to be her rock. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest TeddysMom

My heart is just aching for you, I know how hard this is. Callie just has to come through this surgery and she will be just fine on 3 legs, they adjust so well. Your message brought all the tears I have been holding back since DH's surgery to the surface and it actually felt good to get it out. I will be praying for Callie and you today.

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When Diamond had her leg amputated, I sat in the OSU waiting room ALL DAY. From 7 AM to about 5 PM. I didn't get to see her, I just sat there waiting. Luckily Jane (my Ohio hostess) stayed with me all day too.

The only thing that helped was to see all the greyhounds coming and going.

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