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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Sounds like a bad injury. Do you have an acupuncture vet close?
  2. Sending prayers for peace & comfort. I'm so sad she was frightened She doesn't have to be afraid now. I hope she sends you a sign that she is ok.
  3. I'd opt for the ultrasound now. Torbugesic is fine.
  4. I've seen a smaller bruise in the same area -- maybe a little more toward the groin, after xrays. I think the vet techs grabbed him to hard or tied him down improperly or he slipped off the table some.
  5. My little bed buddy. She is one of the few little dogs I actually liked Sending my sympathy -- I can picture her young again......
  6. Depending on the dog and symptoms, a free T4 is a good indicator of the thyroid function. I've done both -- full panel and just the T4. If yyou are going to do a full panel, send it to Michigan. You can do a full panel on thyroid meds. Trying to remember the paperwork from Michigan, I think there is somewhere on there where you indicate they are on thyroid and the dose.
  7. Looks like Allivet still has Interceptor.
  8. I hear you. I am very spoiled living in Houston. We have good vets for all things very close. If he is a good vet and is converted to Eastern medicine even a little, it'll work
  9. For several years I thought Isaac was chicken intolerant and, of all things, he has an allergy to rice. I know immediately if the food is going to work or not.
  10. Absolutely not. Stop the raw & call the vet.
  11. Yes, it was on the Tick List . If you are not a member, I suggest you join. They cover a lot of subjects (this was of course, OT) and they have the knowledge to back up their posts. Aujeszky's disease AD This started the discussion and then they moved to comments regarding feeding raw pork -- one of which was you should freeze pork at X # of degrees for 4 months and why.
  12. She has osteo. I am heartbroken. My cute, DIVA PITA girl.....
  13. Did I look for you before? Long time ago when Munchie started having problems? It's best to find a vet certified. Many IVAS vets use chinese herbs, but I have found the ones here and in other states, certified by CHI use them more. Some vets get certified but aren't really converted to Eastern medicine. Acupuncture works. Right now I have 3 getting treatments: Isaac, Batman & Willie.
  14. Do you know if your vet is CHI or IVAS certified?
  15. I just read something (maybe on the tick list) that said they were finding something in it. I'll have to go look and see if I can find it.
  16. I had (or rather Isaac had) a very bad experience with one of the NB food -- I think it was the fish & sweet potato. Isaac is now on duck & potato NB and doing well. Can you get Prairie beef there? Everyone else is one that and they get one cup of kibble a day and one feeding of BilJac frozen. Lots of people feed Costco food and their dogs do well.
  17. Haven't read all the replies. I would not spay before 12-18 months.
  18. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy to all who loved him
  19. I will miss his goofy, sweet pictures and stories. Quite a character. I know you will miss him terribly Sending my sympathy -- I know how hard it is
  20. Remember the company was sold. Wonder if there is a change of some ingredients.
  21. I thought you were & up east. I have read of some case in the south, but none up north. How did they diagnose them?
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