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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. His creatine is fine especially if his BUN is normal. His urine is dilute because he is drinking lots of water. I certainly wouldn't go to a k/d diet. Is your vet familar with greyhounds? Email me and I'll send you all the medical info.
  2. I'm so glad he had you Sending my sympathy.....I remember
  3. Call & call. Your dog needs the meds
  4. How beautiful she is! Sending my sympathy I'm glad you found each other....
  5. What a handsome guy I know how much it hurts. Sending my sympathy
  6. Another beautiful angel....sending my sympathy
  7. Because every dog is different, and like people, they have something individual to contribute. It sounds to me like this is a bad fit and he should find another home
  8. Just now seeing this. Sending prayers!
  9. I'm very, very sad He's such a sweet spirit. Sending my sympathy
  10. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  11. Sending my sympathy How wonderful she was in a home that allowed her to enjoy life to the fullest!
  12. Burpdog

    Twister Sheba

    What a great job she & Dolly did! Sending my sympathy
  13. Sending my sympathy How wonderful he made his way to your home & heart
  14. Sending my sympathy She sounds like a joy and I know you will miss her
  15. Every year in Houston it seems, we have it on the news to remind people because some dogs get sick and/or die.
  16. Depends on the medical check up of course. Check her thyroid too. Make sure he checks her eye pressure. In the mean time segregate while you are not there, and muzzle when walking. I'd segregate food stations also & gate her away from the crowd during meal times. Don't you wish they could talk?
  17. It only takes once and one of them is dead. I am not sure what you are waiting for?
  18. I know a Doberman that waited 6 months to die after eating a tennis ball. At the least, he should have an xray to make sure it's not there.....
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