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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burpdog

    Gustav's Gone

    There's a lot of hearts in Rainbow Land going pitter patter! Gustav -- what a stunning dude!
  2. Burpdog

    Gustav's Gone

    How to post pictures Sending my sympathy. If you want to email me some pictures, I'll post them for you. Burpdog@msn.com Perhaps you could start a thread in Rememberance and tell us about him
  3. Years ago (more than I'd like to admit), we had a PHD (might have been a vet too) that did his thesis on tapeworms. We got a lot of education during that talk One of the things he said was if you really wanted to do a good check for worms, you should take in a sample everyday for 3 days in a row. so many of the greyhounds carry a worm load that I just worm them 5 days with panacur and do not do a fecal. I don't worm for tape until/unless I see them. The only time I do a fecal is if I suspect giardia.
  4. May she visit you & let you know she is ok and that she is waiting for you. She got her forever home.
  5. I'm sorry to hear You can only do so much. We cannot "fix" everything and I know how much it hurts
  6. Welcome back! Pictures please
  7. Burpdog

    Ion Miss Muffet

    Reading your story -- it is so touching -- amazing how two souls who needed each other actually found each other How fortunate you all are! Sending my sympathy that you must be apart for awhile. She'll be waiting for you.
  8. Get something for her stomach. Antibiotics tear the stomach up! Carafate is good. Offer boiled meat. Warm canned food slighted in the microwave and hand feed. Try cheese. Hamburgers from McDonalds. Anything to get her over the antibiotics. Isaac just got picky after being an kelfex for 10 days. Around day 7, he really was not eating well and this is the one I call fat boy. Off antibiotics for 2 days and he's back to normal, yodeling for food.
  9. Sending my sympathy I know how much it hurts.
  10. Not very much protein at all. Also, not very much meat. Do a urine check on him. You are not withholding water, right?
  11. Burpdog


    A special girl, a special angel. Sending my sympathy
  12. What a beautiful, young angel Sending my sympathy
  13. Oh my goodness I got to meet Linda at Abilene one year. My deepest sympathy to her family and friends.
  14. Almost sounds like her sugar is going low and/or side effects of the medicine?
  15. Wish I would have had that info years ago <sigh> I lost my last Great Dane to Addison's/Bloat. I believe they have come a long way in 20+ years.
  16. Sounds like a good plan. I would not worry too much about a small lesion. Have a radiologist look at the xray too.
  17. Sounds like they need to come out.
  18. The lesion may have nothing to do with the problem. Did they culture the urine? Did she ultrasound the kidneys? The baytril should work and hopefully he'll be on it long enough.
  19. Sending many prayers! It's my worst nightmare and why I don't walk my guys anymore. Too many loose dogs and most are pits
  20. Burpdog


    Another year gone. I still miss you Eliza Jane. I hope you are having fun and greeting all the new ones.
  21. btw - when Shadow had his inoperable lung tumor, we gave him prednisone which really helped his breathing.
  22. I agree: if he is eating and playing and running around, it doesn't sound like it is time. I think you'll know when his breating gets bad enough. Sending prayers.
  23. Your vet needs to be aware that he is on a raw diet as some of the blood test results are different in raw fed dogs. I wouldn't worry about a little protein
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