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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. This is only my opinion, but I'd get a consult with OSU and before I'd do RT I would consider amputating the leg assuming the progress is good overall. Was it a nerve sheath tumor? If not, what kind? How long for the path report to come back.
  2. Went thru something similar with Batman. Since I didn't know how well he chewed it, I took him to the vet in the morning and let the vet make him vomit. Batman had chewed well enough but better safe than sorry. That piece is huge.
  3. It depends on how much calcium is in it. Is there sugar in the puppy food?
  4. Sending prayers. Are you sure she doesn't have a corn? Huston has to have his hoo hoo flushed on occassion.....
  5. Burpdog


    What a handsome guy! Sending my sympathy. He sounds like quite the character
  6. My heart breaks for her. GUR her to me. And, I'm not kidding.
  7. I am so sad to hear this I remember you bringing him home! Run like the wind Elvis. Go see Shadow -- just knock on the bakery door.....
  8. So young! Sending my sympathy I know how much it hurts.
  9. Sending my sympathy & hugs
  10. Sending my sympathy He knew he found "forever" with you Brings tears to my eyes.
  11. Sending my sympathy The tuxedos are so great, aren't they? She is beautiful. Turning quite a few heads in Rainbow Land.....
  12. He needs to get off the pred, or as Marilyn said, it will kill him.
  13. question re the long lived dogs mentioned: were they greyhounds?
  14. Again, with the needed weight gain & soft stools I suggest you try the BilJac frozen.
  15. Try BilJac frozen. I bet he straightens up. I currently am feeding one meal BilJac frozen and one meal Prairie beef. Brookline Dog Grooming 148 Harvard St Brookline, MA 02446 Frozen Dog Food 617-738-6682You can also mix the BilJac with the current food if you like the current food
  16. Add some boiled meat to a good senior kibble and I bet he eats
  17. I would not wait. I would see a specialist asap. If you wait, he's losing vision, and what if it's not what your vet thinks but something totally different that could have been slowed or stopped?
  18. Sending my sympathy I know how much it hurts. The pictures are priceless.
  19. What weight is she at and what did she race at? They don't have to chew their food. Dogs do not have digestive enzymes in their mouths like humans. Have you tried boiled meat?
  20. It's a terrible shock They can have a heart attack or throw a clot and be gone in minutes. All I can say is that even though it is a shock, thank goodness you were there and she did not suffer.
  21. This made me cry for many reasons. How wonderful you found each other. May he guide someone to you soon. Remember -- you can always go to the kennel and walk greyhounds just to be around them
  22. How long after eating? Are you feeding twice a day? What times?
  23. Sending my sympathy Special girls I've sent off two on one day twice, so I do know how you feel......
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