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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I believe it would be unusual to have two bad orthopedic specialists (assume they are board certified), but it's possible. Sometimes western medicine does not do it. I'm not saying there isn't value in Western medicine -- there is a time and place. no, not true.
  2. To me it's obvious this is a case for alternative medicine. Western hasn't done anything for him.
  3. Try this vet: Jennifer A.Goetz (certified CHI acupuncture)315-682-2200 8160 Cazenovia Road Manlius NY Zip 13104 Clinic Name Manlius Veterinary Hospital www.manliusvet.com Veterinary Degree(s)/Certifications DVM, CVA and this vet: Lisa Bancoft, DVM (certified chiropractic) Canton, NY 315-386-2754
  4. Prairie beef & rice. My guys have done very well on it.
  5. Burpdog

    My Cat Neumann

    Sending my sympathy & hugs
  6. Sending my sympathy. Way too young....
  7. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  8. I'd try vitamin E. I'll ask my alternative vets what they suggest.
  9. for all of you. Sending prayers she heals quick and you have many more days & months ahead.
  10. When you figure it out, let me know. That part hurts (figuratively and actually) Batman is crazy (although he told the communicator he was not crazy, he was boisterous) and has no idea of space and he boings everyway -- he does not walk or run. I've learned to protect the unsuspecting. I've had others get better with time. Isaac did. The boys seem to be worse about space than the girls.
  11. Sending my sympathy. Thank you for sharing him with us. He is a special spirit
  12. Burpdog


    Good grief -- how young Thank goodness he had you from the beginning so he enjoyed all the life he had to enjoy!! What a sweet boy Sending my sympathy. It has to be extra difficult losing one so young
  13. I would go on the tick list and ask what is the best treatment.
  14. I am sorry to hear this. For those of you dealing with limping dogs, make sure your vet xrays all the way to the shoulder, always
  15. I am very sad to read this. I bet Winslow met him in the intake meadow in Rainbow Land and what a sight to see the two of them running on all fours! May he send you a sign he is ok so you can be ok. My sympathy and hugs
  16. I'm not sure and I've had lots of thunderphobic dogs. It does get worse with age. I had a Dobe who achieved her WAC with no problems, then as she aged and we moved to Houston she got very thunderphobic and she was an only dog when this happened, so she didn't learn it from anyone. I've also had them get better. Austin was close to ballistic when I got him and over the years, he got better. Found his safe spot and he would go there and he was fine. Poor Tootsie was the worst. She did like the CD and by the time we got to the third song her Calm Spirit was kicking in and she was ok -- as ok as she could be. Right now Batman is getting better and Isaac is getting worse.
  17. Burpdog


    What a handsome guy! Sending my sympathy. I know how much it hurts and how awful osteo is
  18. Dose sounds right. Get him some carafate for his stomach. Sending prayers!
  19. BilJac frozen is not only good for good poops but it is easy to put on weight with it.
  20. How many days of panacur did you do? Did you try the frozen BilJac? I have the Protatek information if you want it as well as tick information.
  21. Unless there is a problem, I never get a fecal done and even if there is, I do panacur before I do a fecal. I would do a urine test if there has not been one done recently. I would also do blood work once a year.
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