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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. A TBD panel at Protatek costs around $86 with a full blood panel. It would be a good idea to do one.
  2. They are better in my opinion. I'll ask my vet what he thinks when I see him Tuesday.
  3. He is on Tavist (generic) and benedyl every day, and pred when needed. They have treatment allergens that can be ordered. For now, I'm going with getting all the food allergens out of his diet. They taylor the weed and grass test panel to your specific area and you can add on certain foods/weeds/trees/grasses separate. The full panels (I got 3) was $185. It has to have the vet name/clinic on it and they send it to the vet. Allergy Testing Website My vet asked me the other day: how long does it take? I said, "I don't know it's the first time I've done it". He had not sent off any allergy testing to them although he knew about them--met them at conferences. Fortunately Isaac is not allergic to sheep wool or human dander..... The 0-6 levels: 0 -- Absent or undectable 1 -- Very low level 2 -- Low level 3 -- High Level 4 -- Very high Level 5 -- Ultra high level 6 -- (can't read) high level It states of consider class 2 and greater for allergen immunotheapy might not be but what about what you didn't test for? Who would think peas?
  4. at least in my opinion. Poor Isaac -- I've been messing around for over a year. Blamed it all on outside and thought he was allergic to chicken. He is allergic to every weed known to SE Texas.... Oak & Pine trees and the biggest surprise -- the food on a scale of 0 - 6 he is allergic to: yeast 2 Peas 2 Lamb 2 Turkey 2 Rice 3 He is not allergic to chicken. Try finding a food without yeast, rice and/or peas. There are peas in everything! What concerns me too, is what we didn't test for. He is not allergic to catfish. Does that mean salmon is ok? Herring? He is not allergic to wheat or potatoes. Does that mean sweet potatoes are ok? on and on and I think you get where I am. Arrrgghhhhhh....... First time I or my vet used Liquid Gold Allergy Test. If anyone wants the information, let me know.
  5. I have not read the entire thread. Has he had allergy tests? Look up Prairie Beef & Barley
  6. This awful disease is taking so many She'll be waiting for you When it's time, you'll find someone -- or as it's happened to me too many times to count, they will find you. Sending my sympathy I know how much it hurts.
  7. When I looked, the first thing I thought was "how young" What a beautiful angel.... Sending my sympathy
  8. Sending my sympathy I know that guilt all too much. It's very hard to accept there are some things we just cannot fix..... I sometimes wonder if that is how I find the courage to adopt again & again, especially the seniors. Even if it's for awhile, I can make someone happy -- it's not about me, it's about them. Think not of what you couldn't do, but what you did do (and what you can do in the future) -- shared a love, a forever bond. Think of the happiness and joy when you meet again
  9. Re eating: any calories you can get in. Tony, at varying times, would eat: roast beef, chicken, beef hot dogs, EVO canned, rarely kibble and usually grain free. Fried hamburgers, fried turkey burgers, roasted turkey. The key was trying to feed him numerous times during the day and night. It was a real trial the first 3 months after he was diagnosed. He was on pepcid and carafate as well as the fluconazole. Sending prayers.
  10. Sending my sympathy He sounds like quite a character
  11. Yes, please ask for the carafate! His platelets are in good shape if they are up to 156,000 The most pred I've ever had a grey on was 60mg per day. Greys don't do as well with pred as other breeds. You need to talk to the vet......
  12. Talk to the vet about reducing to 60mg or 40mg per day. Ask for carafate prescription -- very important for a dog on that much pred & the doxy. Sending prayers
  13. Especially for the newcomers, please read Winslow's Diary It may answer some questions
  14. Doesn't seem possible I remember his journey to you.... Sending my sympathy
  15. Isaac takes the generic Tavist twice a day and also benedryl. He had no allergies in Florida..... When he is really bad I give him pred.
  16. I know we will see them again. Sending my sympathy
  17. At the very least, send the xrays to a radiologist for an opinion. In two weeks there might not be enough change to see anything. We xrayed Mahogany every 2 weeks for 6-8 weeks. With Pablo, I waited 3 weeks. Sending prayers.
  18. Eliza did this and chiropractic helped the most. Wish I would have found the chiropractor before the rimadyl With Eliza it was assumed a pinched nerve. Acupuncture will help also
  19. Part of me wants to cry, and part of me is so incredibly happy you guys found each other. I guess I'll cry, then laugh? Such a sweet, sweet boy. I thought of him as I cleaned poop out of Grace's paw just the other night. Told her if a blind boy could stay out of it, why couldn't she? Sending my sympathy that he had to leave (remember, it's not forever and how sweet it will be when he can see you )
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