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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Years ago, I gave Trevor 25 mg (my LP dog) and he was out flat for 22 hours. The next time I have him half and he was out for 10 hrs. Never used it on him again.
  2. I used it for a little bit for Tootsie because she was going to kill herself. I really dislike ace and once her thyroid was supplemented (we did tests), the Calm Spirit started working again. Most people I know use either Xanax or valium with good results.
  3. I'd like to see the research with regard to greyhounds and how much time post op they got.
  4. Just a bump up as someone was asking Can't believe Winslow will be gone 2 years this August
  5. Sending my sympathy. What a beautiful picture!
  6. When it's time, you can do a biopsy of the pad. I would not do it until he licks the VF unless the vet feels it's safe. I love my vet dearly, but I don't know what he was thinking that day as he biopsied a front & rear pad, on the same side. Have you ever seen a dog run on two legs, on the same side? I don't know how she figured that one out Bag balm & socks.
  7. Until you figure it out, bag balm will be safe. If he will allow a sock on it'll help can't believe I found it (btw--no way I would go to a determatologist again, went there first, another story)
  8. Somehow I knew they would look just like Mizzy's looked. She did not have VF. She had them biopsied and I'll have to look for the report. Basically, nothing but overgrowth of the pad. Lousy pictures, but I think you can get the idea. I will say that Mizzy's were not sore unless I took off a lot of the overgrowth. To properly diagnosis you need a biopsy of the pad. I wouldn't do it until he's better from the VF
  9. Joining the tick list would be good How is your vet diagnosing the disease? Are you sending the tick panel to Protatek? Has she been tested for babesia? The normal treatment for erlichia is 5mg per # of body weight twice a day. So a 60# dog would receive 300mg twice a day. Is she getting the correct dose? I have information on this if you want to email me, I'll send it to you.
  10. Grace hated the treadmill the first time. Took her about one minute and all of a sudden she said: I can do this! Next time about 30 seconds I'd try it one or more times (make sure she has that vest on) and see how it goes.
  11. You might want to repeat the test and see if the titre is coming down. You can call Dr. Holland and ask her if it's too soon.
  12. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy -- what a special guy I know how much you'll miss his smiles. I miss my smilers tons.
  13. Sending my sympathy I know how hard it is
  14. Willie, Will, William, Sweet William He had a lot of names! I called him my cute little man He had a sire, he had a dam, he had a birthdate -- but, none of that was known. In the end, I believe all that mattered was he had a forever home. I am devesated he had such little time to be happy and that I couldn't "fix" him. One of his favorite sleeping positions: He loved stuffies so much! Favorite thing to do was take a stuffy from the container, play with it for one minute, go get another, repeat until the family room floor was full of stuffies He made us laugh. He loved Grace from the beginning. She of course, was a snot: He wanted to be part of the pack and when the others would go running out, he was right behind them with his quick little trot. He never could gallop. He loved to lay in the yard at dusk and into evening. He'd be out there all by himself. Loved checking pmail Slept on multiple beds: Was a very reluctant indian: Ate ice cream this morning after his chicken hearts & liver He loved to be loved on and stroked. I held him close this morning as he went off to Rainbow Land. He is such a sweet, sweet soul.
  15. Willie got lots of chicken hearts and liver tonight and will have ice cream later or in the morning. Needless to say, my heart is breaking
  16. Willie is scheduled for an ultrasound this afternoon at 3. Unfortunately, it sounds like we are confirming bad news. Please send prayers that he is comfortable, and for me, strength. I'm not holding it together well.
  17. He is eating and the bruising is a shade better. He is going out to potty. He wants organ meat and with his liver values I can't give him only organ meat. He eats liver so fast yesterday he almost upchucked it. He has eaten kibble last night and this morning in addition to the liver and chicken hearts (cooked). He is still lethargic, but not as lethargic. Vet wants to redo blood work today or tomorrow morning. If he is not improving he'll need an ultrasound. Vet was trying to explain some things about IMHA -- I had a hard time saying "I know all about IMHA. It killed my first grey and was the most horrible experience I've ever had" Keep the prayers coming please. We appreciate them.
  18. He is very sick and not sure why yet. His bloodwork went into the toilet since October when it was wonderful. I'm hoping he will pull thru. Since he was at the vet yesterday, he missed his acupuncture visit. Dr. will come back Monday -- I wish it was sooner but very gratefull she can come that soon. He is such a sweet, sweet soul
  19. Pred for IBD for a greyhound is a no no. The above suggestion is a good one.
  20. If it's a greyhound kennel, they should be fine. Considerations/thoughts: make sure you take good bedding; do not board them in the same run, but next to or across from each other; pay extra for turn outs if it's not included in the boarding price or pay a vet tech to stop by and play with them; take your own food if they don't feed what you are feeding.
  21. It only takes once to be dead. I gave a dobe to someone and they promised they would not let him run loose. Promise forgotten because he always stayed with the sammy who never left the yard. She did, he followed and they lost two dogs in 5 minutes. yes.... how good is a person's word -- isn't that really the question? My dogs always went without collars in the house and yard because of the danger of getting caught or a snapped neck in play. My greyhounds wear tag collars. Why? because I signed an agreement.
  22. I have used a sheet in an emergency and, I had another person to help me. In addition the the strecher at Bella's, there is this one: Stretcher
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