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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Batmom & I have a difference of opinion on Protatek and NC. I'll take Protatek any day and this is from experience, not hearsay. Protatek will get you answers quickly and they are knowledable. I believe every greyhound should have a tick panel done!
  2. Tony had it. I assume you are getting the meds from the pharmacy in Arizona? Fluconazole is cheap now Look for decreased appetite and use anything you can to get them to eat. Tony was quite the challenge but we did it. It wasn't the VF that finally got him.....
  3. I'm so glad you found each other. Sending my sympathy
  4. Burpdog

    Jumpin Jackson

    Sending my sympathy
  5. Not your fault. I personally would not, and do not, muzzle my dogs if they are in a situation where they might have to protect themselves. I like them bungie cord suggestion. Have something like Direct Stop with you so you can spray offended dog.
  6. Soak it and see if that helps.
  7. Thinking back to some conversations I've had, I wonder if her BP is higher than normal but not that high for a greyhound in her circumstance? I'd call your regular vet and ask for a better interpretation and his take on the situation. Sending lots of prayers!
  8. Sending lots of prayers! When I mentioned it was "an awful" amount, I almost said "you must be up east" NYC no less, no wonder! thank goodness you have a sweet father who is able and willing to help.
  9. I'd just worm with Panacur for 5 days and see how it goes. Fecals most times are a waste of time and money. regarding add ons and treats: stick to one protein source for all & see how it goes. Regarding heartworm: I thought everyone in the States did year round now? It's been too warm the last few months to have skipped it. I'd be concerned.
  10. He's probably stir crazy from being holed up for awhile Can you give him a job? Perhaps a kong, or toy that requires thinking? Or watching for squirrels, or something? When you need to work, you can tell him "to go to work" and then tell him what a good boy he is when he works Crazy, perhaps, but it really helped my whiney boy, long ago. He was so proud of his job and the "good job" he did protecting the yard.
  11. Sending lots of prayers. (just as a side note: that is an awful amount for what is being done)
  12. Do you have an acupuncture vet close -- one that you use?
  13. How old is he? Where are you located? For all he has been thru, it would probably been easier/kinder to amputate the leg.
  14. Usually, after they are warmed a little, you can tell This weekend so far I've made bananna almond, cranberry marshmallow, apple, peanut butter & peppermint!
  15. Sending my sympathy How wonderful she adopted you both.....
  16. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy I know how much it hurts.
  17. Hi If she is only whining, it's a plus I'm glad to see you want alternatives. This is what can happen with a shock collar: This is the first time in her life she has been alone! Hopefully with time she will adjust. Some do and some do not. Yes. Start small & work up to big
  18. Try filtered water and from ceramic or plastic bowl. Burp would only drink from a plastic or ceramic bowl -- no metal (and he drank gallons because of his stomach)
  19. If you can, mix in some boiled meat. It'll make up for the Beneful and give her much needed calories! Hug that pretty girl for me
  20. Sccoby was my first whiner and it drove me nuts I finally accepted it was his way of talking Sometimes he just wanted his bed fluffed.... Grace, on the other hand, has a lot to say <very big sigh> , every day, almost every hour. I guess it's better than barking
  21. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy I've always enjoyed his pictures....
  22. Burpdog

    Red Tiger Jazz

    Sending my sympathy My heart sunk when I saw
  23. If she has worms, that might account for it. Or, any chance is she on a NSAID? If so, stop it immediately. Get something for her stomach.
  24. Sending my sympathy. Another handsome dude in Rainbow Land.....
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