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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Val has terrible gingivitis. What has really helped her is a combination of Oratene water additive, Oratene gel, and colloidal silver spray. Maybe she doesn't need all three, but her mouth is much, much better, so I am not messing with success!
  2. Frustrating not to know, but so far you haven't gotten any bad news! Also good that he seems to feel ok. Hoping you gets some good answers soon.
  3. I am so sorry, what a terrible shock for you. I am afraid you are right, you will probably never know. There are many possible causes, but at this point, anything would be a guess
  4. Don, everything I've found says NSAIDs (Rimadyl) and antihistamines (Benadryl) can be given together. There is no known interaction between the two drugs unless the patient has an allergy to either drug. I even found an online "ask a vet" site that ask this specific question and the vet said it was safe. But, of course, I am not a vet Sorry poor Rocket is having allergy problems, I know how he feels!
  5. I am so sorry it is such a shock to lose a young one, and so suddenly
  6. this ^ I know it hurts, and probably hurt your feelings as well. I've been bitten, but honestly, if you think about how big his teeth are, and how powerful his jaws, he didn't really bite you that hard if it just broke the skin and maybe bled a little. It was a warning, hey, that hurt, back off. Don't take it personally Now you know, he really doesn't like his feet messed with, so muzzle him when you need to do something with his feet.
  7. I think adopting two together is a great idea! Welcome back to the cult
  8. I am so sorry all our dogs are special to us, but she was special,to so many people
  9. I am sorry for the losses you have suffered, but all your family, past and present, are beautiful!
  10. I use the Seresto collar, and it seems to work, but we haven't been exposed to ticks much recently. The only natural/herbal remedy that works and has been scientifically tested, as far as I know, is rose geranium oil. It doesn't work as well as the chemicals, but has some effectiveness. Well, there is also some form of myrhh that works, but the variety that repels ticks is not readily available in this country.
  11. I am so sorry, I just hate that feeling when you "know" it is the dreaded C, even before you see the x-rays.
  12. :beatheart Glad you don't have to worry about that old toe anymore!
  13. Glad you got an answer, even if it wasn't great. She will probably be fine until the dental, and the ABs should make her feel better. It is always something!
  14. I am so sorry those odd quirky boys (seems like it is so often a boy) leave such a huge hole
  15. Poor Aiden, but once it's over, he won't have that nasty toe to bother him anymore!
  16. This is a total squirrel, but reading your topic title my first thought was, another election thread!
  17. Wonderful news! IBD is a pain to deal with, but you can manage it, and more important, it's not cancer! It may take some trial and error to figure out what she can eat, and what triggers a reaction. Start very, very simple, one or two ingredients, and slowly add things, one at a time, so if there is a reaction you know what the culprit is. You are probably going to have to do home cooked or raw, it sounds like her case is too severe to ever go back to commercial food. You just don't have the ingredient control you need. Turkey and duck are other things you can try, they are different enough from chicken. It took awhile to figure things out, but once I did, my Fletcher ate well, and was a happy healthy boy for 11 1/2 yrs.
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