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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so sorry, she is gone much too young
  2. My vet said that she is not fond of this drug because it depresses cardiovascular function and she feels it should be used with caution in older dogs. So, it will be interesting to see what people who use it think. We are going to Rocket's for the 4th, he lives in OldFartsville and there aren't a lot of fireworks. But, the legal fireworks include lots more this year, so I am sure there will be some in my neighborhood the weekend before
  3. I've sent my vet an email asking about it, I'll let y'all know what she says. Conner takes two .5 mg of alprazolam. that with his thundershirt helps, but I am always looking for something better.
  4. What an amazing recovery! Other than being a little wobbly, you would never know anything had been wrong.
  5. His eye(less) looks so much better! I expect it will take him awhile to get his new balance.
  6. Glad you are going to get it checked out, but it is most likely just a "bump" Some dogs get them as they age, both soft and hard bumps. hope that it is nothing!
  7. I am so sorry you were not able to have more time with him. Benny and Seamie are two perfect examples of what makes senior dogs so special
  8. The first few days, soft foods, canned food, scrambled eggs, mushy kibble, pretty much anything he doesn't have to chew. Once his mouth is healed, you can go back to feeding him his usual diet. I had a cat with no teeth that ate dry (no water added) kibble just fine I did later wean him off that for other reasons, but lack of teeth didn't slow him down much. hoping your poor boy's dental is uneventful
  9. Nah, if it was a ghost the cat would have spotted it
  10. He definitely hears/smells something he doesn't like outside. Probably wildlife of some sort. Remember, a dog's hearing and sense of smell are way better than ours. A dog's sense of smell is on the order of thousands better than humans, so he easily could be sensing something you don't see or hear.
  11. Sounds like a promising update! I agree, first vet shouldn't be upset if you take Throp to second vet since he used to be his(Throp's) vet
  12. I am so sorry the pictures show how much he was loved
  13. Poor boy, he looks so pathetic in that cone (but they always do) Could he be taking longer to heal because of his other medical issues? I hope today is a better day
  14. Sometimes specialists want to do their own x-rays, sometimes not. I've had both situations. I am glad you are getting a referral. Since this has become chronic, a specialist seems indicated. Good luck.
  15. I am a little surprised they didn't start her on some of the basic meds, but good to know she is not in failure at this time! I hope it is years before it gets bad.
  16. Of course you worry, that's your job Sallie had a dental at 8 or 9, I can't remember now (bad mom!) She lost 22 teeth and was back to normal in about 24 hrs, Larry should do just fine.
  17. Scary, frustrating, worrisome I have never had to deal with a dog with dementia, but have had two cats with what I call kitty Alzheimer's. I believe there are some drugs you can try, sometimes they work, sometimes not. In the short term, can you let her out dragging a leash? Might make it easier to catch her, but you might still need your DH to carry her in. Unless the weather is bad, I'd just let her stay outside until she comes in on her own. I believe there are others on GT that have dealt with this, hoping they will have better advice for you.
  18. you were a good mom and did what was best for him, hardest for you
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