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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I was going to suggest you call and ask about upping his gabapentin dose, it has a pretty wide range, but if you have found a schedule that keeps him comfortable and quiet for now, may be best to just stick to that.
  2. You have become a true cult member
  3. Pretty much this ^ You might still want to keep them separated when you are not home for a while longer, but otherwise, I think you are good.
  4. it is true that sometimes they can change after a few weeks, once they get comfortable in the home. But, in my experience, you can tell pretty quickly if there is some interest or no interest, and even if there is interest, most dogs quickly learn "no kitty" unless they are high prey, and that will be obvious from the first
  5. I am assuming your group is giving you a cat tolerant grey, so hopefully things will go smoothly. Make sure the cats have a safe place they can get to away from the dog. Even if the dog shows zero interest in the cats, it will make them feel safer in the beginning. Don't leave them together unsupervised until you are sure things are ok between them. The timeline will vary depending on the dog, and how the cats react. Don't panic if they are not instant BFFs . It can take cats awhile to adjust, but most dogs can learn to live with indoor cats. Outdoor cats may (or may not) be another matter. oh yes, feed the cats somewhere away from the dog (dogs love cat food) and be sure the dog has no access to the litter box (another thing many dogs love )
  6. I've always preferred to have multiples, mostly because that's what I like Most greys do appreciate having another grey around because, as said above, that's how they were raised. That said, many are perfectly happy to just visit other dogs and keep their people to themselves. None of my dogs have been closely bonded to each other, but they all seem to prefer having another dog around. I can see the difference when I lose one and for a short while just have one dog, but most of them would probably adjust to being only dogs. I guess what I am saying is, get another dog if you want one, your grey will probably be happy either way. Fostering with intent might be a good way to test the waters only downsides, more money for food and vet bills, more poop
  7. I used it in my house, and on the dog beds, when I had an infestation a couple of years ago. I got rid of the ticks, but I also used a spray around the baseboards, so I don't know if it was the combo, or what exactly was effective. And no, of course I don't remember the name of the spray
  8. I've had Conner on NexGard for about a year with no problems, but use it more for ticks than fleas. Fleas don't seem to be much of a problem here, too hot I guess I use the Soresto collar for Val, she won't eat the NexGard.
  9. I am so very sorry The only thing wrong with a perfect dog is that they don't live long enough
  10. I have a panter as well, but I know that is normal for him. Once you get to know your dog well, you can tell when they are "off"
  11. If it is only in the morning, I'd try giving him a little something right before bedtime. He may just need something in his tummy overnight. Bummer about the food!
  12. Pretty clear then that one or more of the meds is upsetting him. If it can be fixed with a Pepcid and Gas X it should be manageable, that's a relief!
  13. I've made some decisions that turned out not to be the best for my pets, but I was doing what I thought was for the best at the time. You can't know the future, so don't beat yourself up. I say that, even though I know I will always have some guilt and regrets for my decisions.
  14. It must be very distressing for you, trying to figure out what's going on! With that long list of meds, pinpointing what's causing the side effects (if that is the cause) is very tricky. None of my dogs has ever had a problem with flagyl, but I had it prescribed once for myself, and it caused dizziness, disorientation, and hallucinations. I definitely would have wanted to crawl under the table if I hadn't realized what was going on and stopped taking it. Good luck
  15. How scary! I know that debate, sometimes I go, sometimes I don't. FWIW, I have a friend (human) who has idiopathic tachycardia. She is very healthy otherwise, but for no reason that anyone has ever found, sometimes her heart goes whacky. So you may never find a cause, but now that you know, you can treat. Hopefully, it will never happen again!
  16. You've been a champ so far Taylor, beating cancer's butt. Keep up the fight and may you have many many more good weeks, months, maybe even years?
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