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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Glad she is eating a little better, but
  2. The tripe you get at ethnic markets is usually bleached, not what you want. Green tripe looks like what it is, the contents of a cow's gut and it stinks! If you have any independent pet stores, you may be able to get the frozen, or more likely the canned. The bleached won't hurt her, but it has lost most of its nutrients and isn't as stinky, which is what you are going for
  3. Try sprinkling some stinky cheese, like Parmesan on top of the food, that usually helps (for awhile, anyway ) Another stinky food that is rarely refused is green tripe. Good luck, feeding picky old dogs can be so frustrating!
  4. How old is Charlie? Some gum receding is normal in older dogs (people too!) I would continue with the gentle brushing as long as he doesn't object.
  5. I am so sorry for your loss. A bond like that is such a wonderful thing
  6. I am so sorry, Shelby was clearly loved
  7. I ended up taking Conner to a chiropractor (vet) for his shoulder limp. He has a wonky toe, back right, from an injury that didn't heal well. This throws his gait off, and eventually led to the left front shoulder limp. The chiro felt his shoulder, and along his neck and spine, found tension points, and made adjustments. It made a huge difference for him. We go once a month, and about the only time he limps on that shoulder (he has other limps for other reasons on other feet) is when he is due for his next apt. Her adjustment are always gentle, and other than an occasional muscle twitch/flinch, he never shows any reaction. He loves his chiro apts! I wouldn't take him if he seemed in any way stressed or hurt. But, obviously, you have to get someone who knows what they are doing, and it isn't the right treatment for everything.
  8. How unfair for you that this happened, and yet how lucky for Jane to have you to make the best of her last days (which I hope are many!) Another suggestion, I have been trying to compensate for Conner's old man loss of muscle mass. The vet suggested plain whey powder. It is very digestible, apparently tastes good, and is almost pure protein. Very similar to the powdered goat's milk, but it might work as a change.
  9. I wouldn't add anything at first, let him get used to his new diet, then you can start tinkering Finding out what he likes, doesn't like and adjust the amount a bit, up or down, as needed. For example, my Conner is 80lbs and gets just under a pound, twice a day. Val, who weighs 70lbs gets almost as much, but she is younger and more active.The mix I buy has veggies in it, but I have fed raw without veg in the past and it is just fine. Tripe is a great add in, once you get past the smell. That looks like a great company, very high quality food!
  10. I don't see why not. About the only things you can't freeze are things like hard boiled eggs, that don't thaw well (trust me on that!) sometimes the texture quality is affected, but I don't see that would be a problem with kibble.
  11. Good luck tomorrow, hope you get an answer. I would go ahead and feed her normally. BTW, Jane is beautiful
  12. I agree, taking him to a good behaviorist is the next step. Going to the professional will help you and Charlie learn new behaviors that should transfer to your local environment. I had a greyhound that sounds very like Charlie. Fletcher got along with most other greys, but occasionally reacted to one that (as far as I could tell) gave him what he considered "attitude" He was fine with dogs he knew, and, as I said, most sighthounds. He was also very protective of me, my other dogs, and our home territory, very un-greyhound like I think if you keep working with him, you can get him to a good place, but you will always have to be very aware of your surroundings, you will probably never be able to completely relax outside your home. I never realized how hyper aware I always was until after Fletcher passed.
  13. I also think it sounds like there is something (non food!) in there that is bothering her digestion. I think I'd ask for an ultrasound.
  14. Not all my greys have chattered their teeth (is that a verb?lol) but many do. Conner just started recently, he is 11.5+ If it is in the middle of the night, she may be dreaming about something happy
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