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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I thought it was originally made for humans? Tell your friend
  2. I have only used Pepcid for a dog short term, when they were on some meds that upset their stomach. I actually haven't given it recently as probiotics seem to be more effective. Perhaps OP's dogs are on other meds?
  3. I was so surprised to see Wendy's name here I am so sorry
  4. I've been raw feeding for over 10 years and have given Pepcid to several dogs for various reasons with no problem. Never used Prilosec (for the dogs) but I can't imagine it would be a problem either.
  5. Pearl is beautiful! My Conner has a bum foot from a racing injury that didn't heal right, so he is a bit gimpy, but it doesn't slow him down at all!
  6. Neither one of mine have scratched with the Seresto collars
  7. this is something you are never going to be ready for, but you have made the best decision for your girl. Try to make the next week a happy time for both of you (hard, I know). She will always be part of your life.
  8. He says thank you for all the sympathy The bleeding just about stopped this morning, but he is still swollen and wouldn't eat breakfast, even though I know he is hungry.
  9. His teeth were so bad, and his blood work was good, so I finally broke down and scheduled him a dental. I went to a specialist because of his age (12) He did really well, but of course, had extractions, so let the bloody drool commence. He will feel much better in a couple of days. I wish now I had done it sooner, but if you could spare him a few "poor Conner"s, he would appreciate it
  10. I think if they live with other (non greyhound) dogs that bark, they do pick it up. If you already have two small barkers, your grey may very well learn to chime in Their size is usually enough to make people hesitate, unless of course they are sprawled out on the floor asleep
  11. I am so sorry to hear this!
  12. I've found it makes a difference for my arthritis and for the dogs as well, more so than glucosamine.
  13. I am so sorry, she was with you a long time, but of course it is never long enough
  14. If you can get her eating regularly you might try adding some probiotic powder while she is on the ABs. Rx Vitamins for pets probiotic powder is a good and reasonably priced brand (Amazon carries it). I gave it to Val while she was on doxy, seemed to help.
  15. Try canned tripe if you can get it (hold your nose), sardines or mackerel, or canned cat food, all are pretty stinky and that often helps stimulate their appetite. I agree, giving antibiotics on an empty stomach will likely just make things worse. Or Ensure (plain vanilla). It is disgusting, but often works My old girl liked vanilla Ensure and canned tuna mixed together
  16. I know how you feel, one of my cats has dementia, and you feel so helpless. I don't recall, have you tried any of the calming drugs for dementia? They don't always work, but if you haven't tried that, it may be worth a shot. Also, I have heard of CBD oil being helpful in calming stress and confusion.
  17. He is gorgeous! Don't worry about starting a new thread, we can never have too many pictures
  18. Seniors are the best I adopted Conner at 10.5 (his owner died) and he turned 12 this spring. He is in good health except for an old racing injury that makes him a bit gimpy. Good luck with your old girl!
  19. When I adopted my first grey, I had a choice between a 3 yr old and a 7 yr old broodie. Luckily for me, I picked the 7yr old. Older dogs just fit my quiet life style better. Yes, you will probably have less time with them, but Sugar lived to 12.5, and I know of dogs only 1yr old that died of heart attacks and cancer :sad There may be more medical problems, but maybe not. If your group thinks an older dog would fit what you have told them you want, it would at least be worth meeting a few
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