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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. She is gorgeous, and looks like she will be lots of fun! I hope her medical mystery gets resolved quickly. How exciting, a new house and a new dog!
  2. Sounds very much like dementia to me, it is usually worse at night. I would have her checked out at the vet, a specialist if need be, there are medications that can sometimes help. In the mean time, can you take her out at night on a leash? I know it is a pain, but at least you wouldn't have to worry about getting her back in.
  3. A beautiful tribute I am so sorry for your loss
  4. No suggestions but for your pretty girl, I hope they get it figured out soon,
  5. For security, posting a couple of "beware of dog" signs will go a long way. And if you actually have dogs, even better
  6. I can't give Val pills in any kind of disguise because she will chew anything I give her, but she has been very good about letting me use a pill popper. It shoots the pill down their throat, no way for them to spit it out (or taste it) Conner got tired of the Pill Pockets, so now I use Velveeta cheese, it mooshes nicely around the pills
  7. Actually, I think the canned tripe smells worse than the frozen/raw , but yes the freeze dried stuff doesn't small at all. I bet Ruby would love it, but no need to put yourself through dealing with it if you don't want to . I hope she turns out to not need a special diet after all.
  8. Greyhounds generally tend to not be barkers, but many who do learn from being around other dogs who do bark I've had one who barked, he was very territorial and protective of me, also not really typical greyhound traits. His bark was very scary, I felt very safe with him around. The rest of my greys, not so much although I have found some people wary of my two black girls, I guess they just see a big black dog. If you work with a group, explain your lifestyle and what you are looking for, I am sure you could find a grey who would suit.
  9. It is hard to watch them get old I don't see anything in your description that stands out as anything other than normal aging. Except for Fletcher, all of my greys have been at least 6 yrs old when I adopted them, so I am pretty familiar with old dogs
  10. What a wonderful tribute to a sweet boy. I am so sorry for your loss, those goofy boys take a huge piece of your heart when they go
  11. Sounds like you have tried most of the "try this first" remedies, so I think seeing a specialist is the next logical step. I think GI issues are one of the most frustrating things we can face, good luck!
  12. Conner's main problem is in his shoulder and is more nerve and tendon related than arthritis, so he doesn't really need the anti-inflammatory benifits that come from NSAIDs. Also, gabapentin has a pretty high max dosage, so there is a lot of room for increase if he needs it. Seeing a chiropractor has been a big help for him, but if Tracker has any kind of spinal stenosis, you would want to avoid that.
  13. Conner is 12 and has a number of issues with his shoulder/legs/feet, most related to a badly healed hock injury that causes him to limp and throws everything off. Some mild arthritis as well. He takes gabapentin (2 100mg twice a day) and a Chinese herbal called Body Sore. If your vet offers acupuncture, you might ask if they carry it, many acupuncturists do. I would definitely try the acupuncture as well. It might not help, but I have had two dogs that it did help, quite a lot. I did have a dog that was on Metacam for several years for arthritis with no side effects.
  14. I am so sorry, Daisy was such a special little girl. She wasn't with you long enough (they never are) but she made the most of her time.
  15. Sounds like she is doing well (thievery aside )
  16. I am so sorry, it is devastating to lose them at any time. to have her go so quickly is a terrible shock.
  17. I am so sorry I lost my heart dog to hemangiosarcoma. I hope you are able to have some good time with her, but in my experience it moves pretty fast.
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