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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Glad everything went well! I think that would be a good solution for a lot of dogs during parties.
  2. Yes, Sallie had no previous limp before her leg broke. I don’t want to scare you, but dealing with a spontaneous broken leg is a horror you do not want.
  3. I am so sorry, and I agree with getting him to a knowledgeable vet and consulting Dr Couto. Having been through an initial mis-diagnosis for cancer, you need to get to a specialist so you can make informed decisions for your boy.
  4. That’s surprising! I am taking a higher dose of Gabapentin than that, for much less pain. Of course, I weigh about 100 lbs more han Tanzi, but still.
  5. I am glad to hear she is feeling better! My first grey had heart problems. The cardiologist didn't put her on Vedmedin right away because it can cause kidney damage, but later when her heart got more enlarged, he did. It helped her a great deal, but she ultimately died of kidney failure, which I am pretty sure was caused, at least in part, by the Vedmedin. However, I am sure she would have died of heart disease much sooner without it, so I think it was worth it. She was on it about a year before the kidney problem started.
  6. I am so sorry to hear this. When Sallie had it, my vet said she could go up to 800 mg of gabapentin
  7. Brood moms are excellent companions for nervous/SA dogs. They are generally calm, confident, and unflapable. Good luck!
  8. I am sorry Misty is struggling. Their systems are so delicate when they get old, and they don’t have the resources to bounce back I hope she feels better.
  9. what a sweet old man I know you made his last months happy ones, I am sorry for your loss
  10. Remember, you haven't had her very long (anything less than a year counts a "new" in my book) so she is still adjusting to things. I think your plan for the family visit is a good one, especially with small children. I agree with Don, she was probably asleep, maybe just dozing, and was startled. I wouldn't worry about one growl, but be extra careful with the kids around.
  11. I haven’t dealt with this myself, so take this advice for what it’s worth Given his space issues and the short time he has been with you, I would let him hang out and greet everybody early in the evening, then either put him in his crate or upstairs away from the party. With that many people around (strangers to him) someone is bound to forget (or ignore) your rules. Definitely put all his toys away for the evening. I think this would be the least stressful for him and you. Good luck and have a good time!
  12. My dog's food bowls are at 12", but the water bowl is on a 3" plant stand because the cats like to drink out of it as well. Apparently dog slobber is a very desirable additive for the cats Whatever he is comfortable with is fine, I think having the bowls elevated is more comfortable for tall dogs, but they clearly have no trouble scarfing stuff up off the ground
  13. I am so sorry Both of my girls that I lost to osteo broke their legs with no previous warning, it is such a shock
  14. As Jan (Fiveroooers) says, old dogs are the best dogs! So wonderful to hear about your sweet Misty I agree, feeding a good quality food can make a huge difference. Conner is now my oldest greyhound at 12.8, I adopted him at 9 after his person passed away. I hope he can make it to 14! He is on Gabapentin and Body Sore for mobility issues, but otherwise healthy.
  15. I had a foster with an ear infection and his vet also used gentizol. Worked great with no side effects. I agree it is not unusual for them to loose a few pounds in the transition from track to home life, he’ll probably get back to his good weight in a few weeks! Your vet sounds like a keeper
  16. My vet often recommends we start at a lower dose (maybe half the regular dose, or even less) and work up to the full amount, especially if your dog has a sensitive tummy, as many greyhounds do. That may have been what your vet had in mind, but I’d call and ask, you do want to know the max you can use. I hope It helps!
  17. It can take weeks for them to “decompress” especially if the fireworks have gone on for awhile. They start to think the noises aren’t going to stop, so they have to be alert all the time. Conner does eventually calm down, but he is still hyper sensitive to certain types of noises. The other day someone ran over a plastic water bottle, which makes a pop sound much like a firework or gunshot and he started to shake I would have your vet try several different drugs, but if something works, he will probably have to be on it for awhile. I just hate that some people are so inconsiderate!
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