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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. That could also explain her eating problems, I've always been told that kidney issues kill the appetite. I don't recall (and am too lazy to go back and read the whole thread) have you tried giving her something like pepcid, or cerenia?
  2. Some of our beloved greys may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but they all seem to be geniuses at detecting pills! Open and shove is the best way
  3. I had a foster once that peed in the other dog's bowls, but I made it clear that that was not acceptable! He stopped pretty quick, but I did warn his adopters.
  4. The color can change depending on the animal it comes from. Beef tripe is usually a dull greyish green, think army olive drab . It has been awhile since I got lamb tripe as Conner doesn't do well with lamb. Edited to,add, if it is mixed with organ meat, that would make it browner
  5. Anything stinky is usually appealing, sardines, braunschweiger, green tripe (not the bleached white stuff at the grocery store), canned cat food, cheese. Good luck
  6. When Sallie had osteo gabapentin was one of her drugs, and my vet checked on the max dose since she didn't do well on Tramadol. She said the max dose for gabapentin in a greyhound is 800 mg/day, so you are way below the max. Sallie was about 60 lbs.
  7. Another advantage of giving a treat right after the pill, they can't spit out the pill if they are swallowing the treat
  8. I have used a variety of approaches with different dogs. Currently, Conner gets his gabapentin wrapped in a piece of cheese (Velveeta works well, it is very smooshy) and Val gets hers wrapped in a bit of Pill pocket. Conner used to get his in pill pockets, but he periodically gets tired of that so we switch to cheese for awhile. I do have to shove Val's down her throat, as she is a chewer. I use the pill pocket to wrap the two together so I only have to shove once. She is very cooperative, and has also been very cooperative with the pill shooter as well, but since she is taking two, I am doing the open and shove method. As long as Wendy doesn't object, stick with the simplest method!
  9. Conner is on two 100 mg of gabapentin twice a day. My understanding is that is a fairly low dose. I have rugs down everywhere, but he still manages to get a foot down on a slippery spot when he gets excited, sigh. Not much you can do about that but watch carefully. My first grey had back issues that sound more like Snow's than Conner's. Acupuncture really helped her.
  10. Conner is on two 100 mg twice a day and has had no stomach troubles. It might be the Vetmiden, that is a good drug for the heart, but tough on the rest of the system.
  11. Well, it is frustrating to not know, but as you said, the important thing is, she is improving!
  12. Conner is on Gabapentin (two 100mg capsules twice a day) and Body Sore, a TCM herbal mixture from his vet. To the OP, I agree that it sounds like Rocky needs to see a specialist. That is a lot of pain meds for no improvement.
  13. I agree, ask your vet. My vet has successfully used Soresto collars on a dog with severely compromised kidneys, that might be an option.
  14. I am glad she is home, that they can find the cause and fix things
  15. I am sorry she is having such a hard time. Beginning to sound like it may be something other than (or in addition to) the thunder & fireworks. Could it be some form of dementia? I believe there are other meds in addition to what has been mentioned for that. Hope the vet can figure something out.
  16. I am so sorry! When several vets doubted the osteo diagnosis, I had hoped it was something that could be fixed.
  17. Well, if an Iggy licking didn't help, it is serious! I meant to add, Conner is about 80 lbs
  18. Conner is on Xanax. I would prefer something non prescription, but nothing I tried helped. Well, the thundershirt combined with the Xanax helps. He still trembles and pants a bit, but doesn't pace and shake and constantly pant I give him 2 .5 mg tabs, more makes him too wobbly on his feet. Seems to last 4-6 hrs. to Mazy and Allen
  19. great to hear she is still improving! do they have any ideas of a cause?
  20. I am so sorry, what a special girl she was
  21. I have used them for about a year & half (on our second eight months) and have had no problems. My vet recommended them, she has a client with severely compromised kidneys who uses the Soresto collar with no side effects. The only downside I see is it is another collar for the dog to wear, mine wear tag collars all the time and martingales for walks. The dogs don't seem to mind, just me
  22. It is always so hard, but I have recently come to recognize, in addition to "better a day too soon" it is better to let them go on a good day rather than waiting for a bad day. Harder on you, but better for them, I think.
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