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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. She is beautiful! Can't go wrong with a broodie
  2. Hope he starts to feel better soon! If all his labs come back normal but he continues to be "down", consider an x-ray and/or ultrasound.
  3. I'll add my agreement. It is scary, but if Max's blood work is OK, I would do it. Bad teeth can be very detrimental to their health, even fatal, and they feel so much better after! I am going to be scheduling a dental for Molly (11 in May) soon, I am nervous, but she needs it.
  4. I am so sorry We always say they are never with us long enough, but you and Murphy were really cheated
  5. I agree with Batmon, if he was able to move around when he was on pred, I would start that up again. I had an older girl than had spinal issues, and the pred was a huge help to her. I was lucky that acupuncture also helped her, sorry that it didn't work for Clowny . Talk to your vet about it when you go in, see if they have any reason not to keep him on it for as long as necessary. And just to clarify, normally I wouldn't say keep him on something like that long term if there were an alternative, but you make the best of what you have. I completely understand the frustration, it is partly because you love them so much and can't fix the problem.
  6. And here I was thinking, wow, that went smoothly! Lol
  7. What a beautiful face! I am so sorry
  8. I give about a tablespoon per day, I don't really measure, just scoop it out and glop it on
  9. You have been getting some conflicting advice, which is only natural. Different people have different methods, and more importantly, the dogs are different. You have to decide what will work best for Gracie. Based on what you have said, here and other places, it sounds to me like she is a combination of my first grey, who was very timid and shy, and one of my current girls, who isn't timid, but is extremely devoted to her routine. Example: Molly loves to go for walks, but only in our neighborhood where she is familiar with everything. She loves to go for car rides, but if we get out somewhere new, she refuses to budge. Anything new is met with great suspicion. So, I agree with the answers that say, time and patience. If she does ok in the morning, just walk her in the morning for now. I like the idea of randomly putting on her collar and leash in the house, treat, come back a little later and take it off. That will desensitize her to the whole "getting dressed" part. I know it is hard for you as a vegan to deal with meat, but remember, Gracie isn't a vegan Try a few different cooked meat & cheeses to see if one really appeals to her. Molly will walk on water for bacon, and all mine adore roast turkey (the deli slices). She is still pretty overwhelmed with all the changes in her life, and it sounds like she is one who takes some time to adjust to any change.
  10. Actually, more recent thinking, by some vets anyway, is good quality lean protein is beneficial for dogs (and cats) with kidney problems. Monitoring potassium(? I think, it's been awhile) levels and fat content are more important. The key, of course, is "good quality" and "lean".
  11. I am so sorry Pam, I hope Buddy is one of the ones who beats the odds and is with you for much longer than the vets predict.
  12. Agree on the thyroid, get more extensive tests done before you treat. It does sound like she has some of the symptoms, so further testing might not be a bad idea. Otherwise, looks grey-normal.
  13. Technically, I feed raw at one meal and kibble at the other, but the kibble always has "extras"' , often something raw. Most tracks feed a mixture of raw and kibble, so obviously, there is no problem mixing.
  14. I am glad the first session went well! Hope it helps
  15. hoping it was just one of those "nothing" mysteries that they get sometimes.
  16. I got the biggest size, but it was for my Fletcher who was 90lbs! I was able to adjust one down to fit my 70lb girl, so it really does depend on your dog's size, but they are pretty adjustable.
  17. if you are really worried about her slipping out, a spook harness is pretty much un-get-out-of http://www.majesticcollars.com/harness.htm for most dogs, a "regular" harness works fine http://wiggleswagswhiskers.com/ you don't have to use the two leashes unless you have a puller, just clip the leash to the d-ring on the back.
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