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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. He is such a handsome boy, I am so sorry the two of you are going through this, but remember what you said "he is happy, runs around the yard, plays with toys, snuggles..." I hope you can find some combo that will control the seizures!
  2. Avoid VPI. They refused to cover my 2 yr old grey because he had IBD. I didn't expect them to cover the IBD (pre-existing condition), but they refused all coverage. They actually did me a favor, because that caused me to take another look at the premiums on my other pets, which had jumped by 1/4-1/3 as they got older, so I dropped them.
  3. agree that Mars looks fine! The "5 lbs over racing weight" thing is silly if you think about it, dogs, like people have different metabolisms, body types (yes, even greys!), activity levels, so many factors that figure into proper weight. I suspect that the 5lb thing has become common with adoption groups because many people who are new to greyhounds think they look too thin and fatten them up after adoption. So this may be an attempt to control excessive weight gain. That said, there was no reason for the adoption coordinator to be so rude, even if your dog was overweight, which he is NOT!
  4. I am so sorry He was a hansom debil and reminds me, in looks and personality, very much of my first grey Sugar.
  5. another vote here for Bag Balm. I have a (human) friend who used it on scar tissue and it did help make it more supple, so I am guessing it would do the same for a dog. It did take a few weeks to see results.
  6. I know you feel terrible about leaving him, but he is in the best place for now. He needs to have his seizures under control
  7. I would still take him to the vet for a complete check up, just to rule out any physical cause. Anything new in his life? Even something very minor? Maybe you can try a different medication if the last one didn't work. Don't let them give you ACE, it sounds like that may be what you had last time. Melatonin and Springtime's Stress Relief have helped take the edge off of Salie's fear of fireworks and thunder and high wind.
  8. I hope you and Coaltrain are at the vet's now, and they get his seizures under control
  9. Sadly, most of us know how you are feeling. I was just thinking this morning, it has been 2 months since I lost Fletcher, and I still have those moments of disbelief. It just can't possibly be true. He can't really be gone. So many little things in the daily routine that remind you. The pain never goes away, but it morphs into something more bearable over time.
  10. Glad she is doing better! That is quite the ride for a princess
  11. This is great news, so glad to hear things are going well!
  12. Poor Fuzzy, hope he feels better soon!
  13. You will get a lot of different opinions on this. Personally, I don't have it, but if I did, I would only get coverage for major injuries/illnesses. I just don't think it is cost effective for routine treatments or minor issues.
  14. That is a great beginning! Hopefully things will continue to get better, maybe all she needed was some company
  15. Remolacha


    I am so sorry this has been a hard time for you
  16. Sorry you didn't get better news My first grey was on Vetmedin, it really helped her. Another thing that helped was acupuncture. I know I sometimes sound like "acupuncture cures everything" but really, once her acupuncture vet started doing heart points on her, they were actually able to cut back on some of her heart meds. Sadly there is no cure, but if anyone can beat the odds, it will be Lazer!
  17. Poor Kimba, I am sure she feels bad now, but she will feel so much better in the long run without those nasty teeth! Sallie had a dental last November and lost 22 teeth, all her upper molars and one canine. She felt punky and had some bloody drool that day and the next, but she bounced back amazingly fast. She was on soft food for a week or so, but really, after about two days she was back to normal and obviously felt better. I am a bit surprised they didn't call you, though.
  18. I know it is impossible not to worry, but try to remember MOST limps are not OS, just arthritis, a tweaked muscle, QGRW (quirky greyhound random weirdness), something minor.
  19. my cats are my bug killers, although now that they are older, not so much sorry Dane wasn't interested!
  20. so sorry, poor Molly I agree about watching the splint like a hawk for pressure sores.
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