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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. You know you can buy just the squeakers. A little sewing and…
  2. They have that “who, me?” Innocent look down pat
  3. They don’t call it helicopter tail, but I bet we all recognize that signature greyhound tail wag
  4. I think two things might be going on here. The not wanting to eat may be related to the sore gums, even if they aren’t sore anymore! The other weird behavior does sound more like old dog confusion/imaginary things. The last year or so of Val’s life, she changed a bit. It was pretty subtle, none of the typical dementia symptoms, but she had changed. She was more restless, would often go outside at night and just wander around the yard, or stand and stare off into space. I never medicated for it since she didn’t seem distressed, but it was often like she was in a different world.
  5. This pretty much covers it, although if the oil you are already adding to his food is working, I would keep on with that rather than switch to a capsule or add a different oil. My brindles never looked as shiny as my black dogs, but they were certainly soft. I think the brindle coloring just doesn’t lend itself to shiny
  6. Oh, the stress! Isn’t having two twice as much fun?
  7. Wow! How impressive! Good job Mooney, and good job you, too
  8. I hope everything works out for her And glad that you have peace in your house again
  9. Very efficient! I only had one supervisor. Conner the food whore would stand right next to me as I prepared food (mine OR theirs ) and drool on my shoes
  10. The deepest bowl, the widest rug, all futile against a dedicated water spreader!
  11. I am so sorry Peggy had to leave you. I always enjoyed seeing the pictures of your lovely walks, you were very lucky to have each other.
  12. You know they never really leave, but it is sad when we can’t touch them anymore
  13. Congratulations! She is gorgeous! I am sure you will all have a blast
  14. Val would have been a good Walmart greeter . Fletcher would have been a security guard, complete with mirror sunglasses and a camo vest. Most of my greyhound’s wouldn’t be anything other than what they already were, retired! As a child, whenever adults would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said retired
  15. unless I am a houndie with sensitive ears in which case I prefer to do my own flipping thankyouverymuch.
  16. Oh Punkin, I am glad to hear you are feeling better! I guess we know why Annie’s nickname is I’m Embarrassing
  17. Another possible option, Ford makes (at least I think they still make) small vans, not minivans but commercial vans that can have windows installed instead of panels in the back, and can be finished off in the cargo area, although it might be better to leave the easily cleanable finish and put your own bedding in. When I looked at them several years ago the back loading edge was higher than a mini van but lower than an SUV. Ford Transit van, they still make them.
  18. Unfortunately the only vehicle that really has a low enough entry for a senior dog to get into without assistance is a minivan. Believe me, I looked. The only objection I had to the minivan was it’s size. I felt like I was driving a battleship. If Logan is ok using his steps, some of the crossovers may be low enough.
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