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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Sorry I am a little late getting back to this When I first started feeding RMBs ( I only do turkey or duck necks and pork ribs) I would put down an old towel for them to eat on. Most of my dogs got the hint, but Molly the stubborn Princess kept picking up her turkey neck and moving it. I just followed her and put the towel down in her new spot until she gave up and ate it on the towel Then you just toss the towel in the wash. I picked up a bunch of cheap old towels at Goodwill.
  2. I don't want to scare you, so I didn't go into detail. She had a mild limp for 2-3 weeks. It seemed worse when she first got up, but improved after she moved around a bit, so we (my vet & I) treated her for arthritis or a sprain/strain. She wasn't really responding to the treatment, so I made an apt with a specialist. She suddenly got much worse the weekend before Thanksgiving (before the apt with the specialist). On Monday, she slipped and fell, and broke her leg. We took her to the evet and the x-rays confirmed the break and also confirmed osteo in her leg, at the break, and in her knee. There was nothing they could do and I had to let her go. When she broke her leg, that was the most horrible thing I have ever been through, I hope no one else ever has to go through it. I hope you get a good diagnoses
  3. Not to bad an update. I'm not sure, but I think the weight loss could be thyroid related?
  4. I just went through something similar with my girl Charley. I would keep the Monday apt, the sooner you know what you are dealing with, the better you will be able to plan and make decisions.
  5. The evil monster has taken another one of our greys. Charley developed a limp 3-4 weeks ago, but it didn't seem that bad, and it got better after she walked on it a bit, so I thought it couldn't be the thing we all fear. It didn't respond to treatment however, and the last few days it got much worse. We had an appointment with a specialist on Friday, but today she slipped and fell, and couldn't stand. My wonderful vet came over and helped me get her to the evet. The x-rays showed a fracture of the bone near the hip joint, and it was clear that the bone that broke, and the bone around her knee were both bad. Clearly oesteo there was nothing to do but let her go. I only got her at the beginning of this year, an almost 10 yr old bounce who was the victim of a divorce. She was such a good dog, sweet natured, happy, easy going, eager to please. She was interested in everything, liked everyone, there was just no bad to this dog. She always wanted to be where ever I was, and would come looking for me. I was so lucky to have her in my life, even if it was far too short. her pretty side her goofy side
  6. I am just seeing this, poor, poor Joe! and poor you, too! It does sound like he is doing better
  7. While he is on the antibiotic you might just want to add some plain yogurt to his food (as long as he isn't lactose intolerant!). There are about a million probiotics out there. Charley takes NaturVet Digestive Enzymes which has a probiotic and a prebiotic. Sallie had different issues, more poop related, so she takes Thorne Bacillus CoagulansVET. I get both from Amazon.
  8. I am very sorry to hear about Echo! Travel could be reacting to Echo's illness and passing, to her meds, or something else like diabetes. Simple enough to test for, and if it is that, as others have said, very manageable.
  9. just this morning a guy yells to me across the street, "looks like you are walking a tiger" brindles
  10. Wonderful update It is amazing how much difference getting rid of bad teeth can make!
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