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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am glad she is feeling better! If it is/was a pinched nerve in her neck, or something like that, the key to healing is restricted activity. For at least a few weeks. Do Not believe her when she says she is fine and wants to resume normal activity! Believe me, I speak from experience
  2. it does sound like a tweaked neck/shoulder, hoping that is all it is!
  3. My Molly had a tumor on her spleen. Ultrasound did not show that it had spread, so we had the spleen removed. Unfortunately, the biopsies of the spleen, liver, and lymph node closest to the spleen (all taken during the surgery) came back as cancer, and that it had spread. It was about 6 weeks from the time I first noticed something wrong until I lost her. I hope you have better luck, but fluid in the abdomen is not a good sign
  4. hoping all goes well. If he does have some bad teeth, his appetite ought to improve after they are gone!
  5. hope he won't lose too many teeth! $500-ish seems about right When Sallie had her dental a coupe of years ago, the final total was $800-ish, but she lost 22 teeth including all her upper molars and one canine, so I didn't think it was unreasonable.
  6. there are many things it could be, hoping for something minor and fixable!
  7. I am so sorry. That was a beautiful tribute, I wish I could be so eloquent for my dogs
  8. I realize you are across the pond, but Carol Becker makes a great light weight support that the dog can leave on al the time. I think she has an etsy store? Will try to come up with the link and post it later if someone doesn't beat me to it. The Ruffwear harness is also good, but more cumbersome, and I wouldn't leave it on all the time. I have used both.
  9. I am so sorry, I was hoping he would make it You did everything you could for him, and I am glad you were able to be there to say good bye
  10. Remember that he has been through quite a lot, and especially at his age he will be a little slower to recover. Hopefully he will start to show some interest in food and can come home. My Molly had her spleen removed at 11 1/2, although there was no torsion (tumor removal). Her first 2-3 days were rough, lots of bleeding, but she came home on Wed, after surgery on Monday, recovered well, although it took several more days for the edema in her legs & feet to go down. hoping he makes a complete recovery!
  11. I am so sorry you have lost your beautiful girl
  12. How big a lump? How old is your dog? Charley has a couple of small, soft moveable lumps which turned out to be fatty cysts, fairly common in older dogs. She is 10 1/2. Definitely have it checked, but no need to panic just yet
  13. If you are feeding him chicken and rice for his main meal, I don't see why you couldn't give him chicken thighs for treats (I am assuming raw, yes?) It's all chicken
  14. I'd just like to add, as sobesmom said, simplify, simplify, simplify! I had a grey who came with pudding poop, several pounds underweight because of it. I did worm him, I think with panacur? (It has been 10 yrs) and that helped, but it took a few months of trying different things, one or two at a time, to figure out what he could eat and what he couldn't. I always had to be careful with anything new, but he lived happy and mostly healthy to 11 1/2. I also lost him to hemangiosarcoma Honestly, most greys aren't as food sensitive as he was, so hopefully you will find just a few things that are triggers for your boy. A probiotic and some digestive enzymes might help settle his gut while you are working this out. Good luck! btw way, love "Lad the Inhaler"
  15. I am so sorry! It must be very hard for her after so many years
  16. Yes, she was very beautiful I am so sorry, as someone said to me when I lost Molly, the quiet ones leave a bigger hole than you realize, until they are gone
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