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Everything posted by MerseyGrey

  1. Best wishes to Annie (and mum!). Buddy had four out last January. He was a bit spaced out for the rest of the evening and very drooly but back to normal pretty much the next day, including wanting to eat everything he could see . I hope Annie makes a similarly speedy recovery
  2. Yep! Been there too! The things we do for our hounds...
  3. Happy gotcha day Logan! Looks like you celebrated in style
  4. Yep, I can almost hear him screaming ‘whoaaaaaaaaa what are you doing woman?!?!?’
  5. Aaahhh, I hadn’t thought about it that way. It is quite comical to watch, almost like his tail is a lever. Poor boy
  6. I have a quick question, which I wish I could say I was asking for a friend. Poor Buds has got an upset tummy again, although this is the first time in three months so I’m guessing it’s something he’s snaffled on a walk without me noticing. It has resulted in a messy bottom and has necessitated use of a wet wipe (water based) to clean it up. The question: does anybody else’s dogs’ back legs buckle when they lift their tail up? Or am I the only one partaking in this glamorous task?
  7. Agree with Jerilyn. We had to introduce a walk just before bed to combat pooping at night but only after we’d had Buddy for over two years! He hardly had any accidents up to that point. We did know what the trigger was with Buddy though - we had to start walking him a bit later last summer because of the heat, so he just got in the habit of a toilet break later on. Also we give him carrots in his food to help firm his poops up but the fibre adds bulk. It’s a bit of a balancing act so it sounds like you are doing the right thing.
  8. A beautiful girl. I’m sorry for your loss
  9. Yes, and freeze it beforehand so it will last longer
  10. hello and welcome. Deero is a handsome devil, I hope you have lots of happy times with him
  11. Buddy has done this too. He loosened it first and it bled quite a lot, limping for a few days until we noticed it then he tore it off completely while he was scratching the floor after a wee. Suddenly all better! I hope Grace makes a similarly speedy recovery
  12. Yeah, I think I’ve been married too long for this to be an issue
  13. I’ve got nothing but thanks for brightening up my Sunday afternoon!
  14. I have a soft spot for Max - corns and soft meals. I hope you find the right one for your hound family
  15. Happy birthday Odin! Bud’s mum and dad have had a preemptive pint in celebration (translate=drunken post)
  16. https://www.vetplusglobal.com/products/sustain/ This is what it looks like if you want to find it
  17. She’s a good girl. She looks like she’s primed for an adventure. Lovely photos
  18. This is where we are with Buddy - he is a stinky bum. I don’t want to give him anything with too much fat in case it gives him pancreatitis, but then we find his skin gets really flaky, so we have just started adding a little oil supplement to his Chappie. Chappie kibble was suggested by his vet after a few bouts of diarrhoea (related to him eating his own poop on a few different occasions). We have tried him on both the chicken and the beef Chappie, and while we could be imagining it, I think he’s slightly better on the beef. I posted on here just before Christmas about his tummy issues, and it was someone who is really experienced with greyhounds who suggested that he could be allergic to chicken. I thought the same as you about it being pretty much the go-to food for tummy upsets but his poo gets a slimy film on it when I’ve given him chicken. So the answer is - I don’t know if he is, but he seems to marginally better on beef kibble so we will try to avoid chicken from now on. I was initially sceptical that Chappie would be good for him but his coat is still nice and shiny and he seems to like it. Someone else commented recently that greyhounds do well on mid-price range kibbles so I have to put my food snobbery behind me and really, just accept that if it works for him (doesn’t give him the squits), don’t change it unless I have to! We also gave Buddy YuDigest last year which did absolutely nothing for him. We now sprinkle a powder probiotic on his food three times a week called Sustain. It was also recommended by the vet. We also add yogurt to his morning meal (about 2tbsp) and kefir drink to his tea (free pour - about 50ml). I’m not sure that they are doing anything for him but he likes them so we are sticking with it. We find that the first poop of his walks is always solid. They become softer with each poop and I think it’s to do with how quickly it moves through his system and how much water is absorbed from it. This seems to be Buddy’s base line so if he deviates much from that, then we look into what could be upsetting him but for now, this is his diet. Supplemented by many treats - particularly now I’ve discovered there’s a raw food shop in walking distance from my house!
  19. I agree with what has been said above. It sounds like you’re doing everything right, so don’t take it too personally, she’s just finding her feet in her new home. Try to ignore her if she runs away, don’t mollycoddle her at these times, and praise her when she comes to you by her own choice. She will soon learn that not only are you keeping her safe, warm and fed, but that she can get plenty of love from you too
  20. She’s hiding the baldy spot that’s growing back in nicely
  21. The greyhound at Kew might just be the ugliest one I have ever seen! I like the coin though.
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