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Everything posted by MerseyGrey

  1. They must have been a trip hazard where you left them. Leaving them in the middle of the floor is much better. Health and safety, mum!
  2. Logan has his Hallowe’en costume on early this year
  3. Happy gotcha day and birthday Aiden! I would say ‘make sure you get spoiled’ but I can see you already are
  4. I’m just reviving this thread as I wanted to ask the people who have the harness from GodsGreyts about how easy it is to use and what you use it for - by that I mean, is it more for assistance in light lifting up from a lying position (with the dog doing most of the work), or have you used it for, say, lifting in and out of a car with all the dog’s weight on it? We have started to notice a few changes in the way Buddy is moving over the last few months - nothing too specific but just a bit more stiff on getting up, struggling with the back step, and catching his back feet when he walks. This last thing is something he has always done, but it seems a bit more frequent, and a bit more dramatic recently. He’s 10 1/2 now and does still love to run and have zoomies but it just seems to take a bit more out of him than a year ago . I hope we have a few more healthy years with him - certainly seeing all the pups on here who make into their teens makes me optimistic - but I’d like to be prepared, just in case. The GodsGreyt harness looks so slender that he could wear it without noticing (some people have commented on this), but does that mean it lacks a bit of robustness than you can get with chunkier harnesses? All advice is appreciated!
  5. It’s a shame for Sadie Rose but she will find a home where she’s a better fit. Petunia comes first.
  6. It sounds like they are trying to rule out a UTI for Daisy’s aberrant creatinine since her other kidney function results are normal. The in house tests are probably dip stick tests or the electronic version, whereas a culture will need to be incubated over a couple of days. It all sounds quite positive, great news for Daisy and her humans.
  7. Hi Razzie and welcome, Ours is still a stinker nearly three years on and we think he might have an intolerance/allergy to chicken too. We are currently feeding him Chappie and are sticking to beef flavour at the minute. A lot of people on here will advise that you stay clear of grain free foods as there is a link between them and a condition called dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) - possibly related to the leguminous foods that are used to bulk the food out instead of grains. Unless there is a reason why your pup needs to be grain free you might want to consider reintroducing grains back into his diet.
  8. He’s such a good boy! Maybe you could spend an hour with Buddy and teach him ‘stay’
  9. Great stuff! I think it’s a good sign that he wants to eat after reading your other current post
  10. I think we need video evidence...
  11. I suspect this a tough one to answer without being able to feel it. I don’t know much about greyhound physiology, but I know a very little bit about lymph node pathology. Firstly, are you certain that it’s a lymph node - could it be a cyst? Could it be explained by an insect bite? Secondly, even if it is a lymph node there are lots of reasons why it could be enlarged, infection being the biggest culprit. Something like sore teeth or swollen gums could result in enlarged lymph nodes in the throat. Does he have any other lumps in his throat/armpits/groins? So, try not to worry too much - I know it’s easy for me to say that on a sofa miles away but it won’t change anything for you. Book him in to see a vet as early as you can, any vet should be able to help and hopefully put your mind at ease. And if it’s close to the surface it will be easy to take a biopsy from (a biopsy is better than an aspirate as far as I’m aware because in lymphoma the pathologist looks not just at cell population but also tissue architecture, which is not maintained in an aspirate. A needle core biopsy can be taken easily). This will be sent to a pathology centre where they will look at many of these - and the pathologist won’t need to be a greyhound specialist. I’m not sure about the previous assertion that lymphomas are benign - organistswife might be thinking about lipomas, which are tumours of fat and which are benign, and this is another thing that Rumble’s lump might be. Best wishes Moo, I hope Rumble is ok.
  12. Mum (armed with ‘leave it!’ command) 1: discarded ice cream cone 0 Result! I was so surprised that I almost walked Buddy back to the ice cream cone so he could eat it. A few steps further on —> Mum (riding high on her previous success) 0: dried up horse apples 1 Clearly they were just too tempting for The Budster to resist. And who can blame him?
  13. Happy belated birthday Logan, sorry we’re late to the party (Buddy has turned into a slowcoach at the slightest glimmer of sunshine too)
  14. Peanut butter on the end of your finger might work. It’s a little bit crunchy but strips of red pepper might work too.
  15. Welcome home Sadie and congratulations to your folks on another beautiful companion. Enjoy settling in to your forever home and making new memories with Petunia
  16. You notice the smile way before the buzz cut butt, she looks great!
  17. So sorry for your loss. He sounds like a wonderful companion
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