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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. I had dogs as a kid but Sweep is my first dog as an adult (same for my husband). I was super neurotic and worried especially about how things would go with my two cats. My adoption group told me they love the people who ask a ton of questions and seem like "worriers" because it assures them the dogs will be well cared for. And, as luck would have it, we have had very few hiccups in four and a half years with Sweep. I hope things work out just as well for you!
  2. Just wanted to send my best wishes that Fancy quickly recovers physically and mentally and that Paris can overcome this with the help of a behaviorist. So sorry you're dealing with this. I can't imagine how distressing it must be.
  3. If a pill's label says any variation of "dogs love the taste" it's pretty much a guarantee that Sweep will spit it out and look at me like I tried to poison her.
  4. We bought some Duck and Pea pill pockets for our cat, who sadly passed away shortly after we bought the bag, so we've been using them for Sweep's Previcox. They are unbelievably stinky and have worked very well. We usually give her a plain piece of one too so she just thinks of them as treats and has yet to detect the pill. I'll be interested to see if they mask Bravecto when she's due for that next month, as that's the pill that gives us the biggest challenge.
  5. When you have a moment, Ducky, can you add Lou? Many thanks.
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss and heartache. Adjusting to the "new normal" is brutal. Take care of yourselves. Rest well, Lou.
  7. EMT gel or spray Alcohol prep pads/wipes (aside from the antiseptic uses, you can use these on an overheated dog's pads to cool them down quickly) Tweezers Tick key
  8. So glad she is improving! She is much happier at home, no doubt. Sending continued good thoughts.
  9. Oh, I am so sad and sorry to see this news. Rest well, beautiful Beatrix. What a lovely singing voice you had!
  10. Twice a day here, 1 cup at each feeding. Plus plenty of treats throughout the day.
  11. Sending prayers and best thoughts for you and your girl.
  12. You've gotten good info above. I'd only quibble with the raised feeders being an absolute necessity. Sweep actually seems to gag more when her bowls are off the floor. But maybe she's a weirdo. She eats on a non-slip rug and we've had no issues with her going all giraffe-legged that way. We also add warm water to the kibble. We're in hot, humid TN and have never used a cooling vest. We just keep walks very short (10 minutes) in the heat of the day and try to do trips to air-conditioned, pet-friendly stores to keep her from going stir-crazy during the summer. A good source for muzzles is the GEM Greyhounds store. This is the exact kind that most adoption groups give out. Best of luck with your home visit. Please keep us posted!
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl and your signature has always made me smile. Rest well, Passion.
  14. Have you looked into Bravecto? It's an oral flea and tick preventative given every three months. We used to give Comfortis too, but switched for the added tick protection and have been very happy.
  15. New Cassie update. Still doing well! On the home stretch of treatment now.
  16. When we first brought Sweep home, we got these stair treads for our hardwood stairs: http://solutions.blair.com/p/vista-stair-treads-set-of-4/137778.uts. They worked great because they didn't permanently alter the stairs and stayed in place pretty well thanks to their latex backing. Also, they're safe to machine wash and dry and held up really well over multiple cycles. We moved to our current house three years ago, and it's also all hard surface flooring with two sets of wood stairs. We installed wool stair runners here. There's no way Sweep would do the stairs without some sort of traction in place, and I don't blame her with those long legs! She handles the tile, concrete, and hardwood floors fine (though she has added plenty of "character" to the latter over the years), but we do have lots of area rugs for her benefit. It's helpful to keep their nails trimmed fairly short, but that's not something I'd tackle yet for a dog home one day! Congrats on your adoption of Pachy! I call Sweep Peanut too.
  17. Sweep has a special spot in the yard that she digs in, then pees in, then covers back up with her snoot.
  18. It's so hard when the spirit is still strong but the body is failing. I've just been through this with my beloved cat, and ultimately we chose to let him go a day (or week, or even month) too soon rather than risk an hour too late. I admit I've struggled some with guilt and second guessing, but I think that is a normal part of the grief process no matter the specific circumstances. Ultimately our pets live in the moment, and quality matters so much more than quantity. Wishing you and your husband peace and strength as you face this painful decision, and sending scritches to your dear Lou.
  19. Not as her sole diet, but I've given Sweep the treats a lot--the chicken and beef, the turkey bacon, and the sweet potato--and supplemented her kibble with their stews in the past. No ill effects here, and the only thing that wasn't a hit with Sweep was the sweet potatoes (which don't seem to be available anymore, so maybe she wasn't alone).
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss, and for all the heartache you've suffered in such a short time. Rest well, Phoebe.
  21. I'm so sorry you're facing this beast again. Hugs to all of you.
  22. Daisy is precious and full of attitude! Bless you for taking her in. I totally understand about the pills. Henry was a sweet, tolerant boy, but even he quickly tired of six pills a day and started fighting them. I hope you and Daisy have lots more time together.
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