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Everything posted by Riverhound

  1. Oh, what the hell?!?? Bwat, you are killing your Mommy! Quit! MP, I'm so sorry your littlest girl is going through this. I'm here if you need anything!
  2. Blossie, one of the dogs in out walking group, hurt his foot Saturday. He never cried, just held it up and didn't want to walk far on it. The two center toes puffed up badly, so his Mom has him at NGAP now. One toe is for sure broken, and they say should come off. The worry is that the vet says when she gets in there, she may decide to take the adjacent toe. (Blossie's Mom heard about this ten minutes ago) I know I've seen toe amp threads, but I can't remember seeing this situation before. His Mom would love to hear some success stories! Blossie is the big hunka houndie in the front of the photo below. He's the sweetest guy ever. We took the pups to visit him after the walk yesterday (he was depressed because he missed it!) and he was just sooooo happy to see his friends. No snarking because of the pain, and he let me fiddle with the owie foot with no complaints.
  3. Now, I *knew* what the issue with Brees was last year when she puffed up and stopped eating (cat bite), but the vet swore up and down that there was no infection under the skin. Her problem resolved when it burst, but I wish I'd stuck a pin in it when she first refused food. I don't know what Henry's issue is, and I don't know your vet -- but I do know that vets can miss obvious thing, and that our dogs present differently the average mutt. Good luck to you and Henry!
  4. I'm sorry. I'll be thinking of your boy. Dogs named "Joe" are special!
  5. Just seeing this. I'm so, so glad you have a diagnosis.
  6. Hi from Trenton! We have 2 NGAP hounds, and walk with a group every Sunday morning at 10 in Veterans Park in Hamilton, NJ. It might be a trek for you, but we'd love to have you join us some time.
  7. Tricia, I've never seen that post about Murray before. He sounds like a totally different dog than the laid-back guy I know!
  8. Ice cream for both of you. Then what Batmom said.
  9. I think crating sounds like a great solution to keep the kitties safe and your dog where she wants to be -- near you. Good for you for wanting to find the best answer for all your babies!
  10. You can give a regular benedryl, just nothing with a decongestant. It may well be allergies, but be careful of corneal ulcers. Joe had itchy eye earlier this year, and I'm still not sure if the scratching caused the ulcer or the ulcer caused the scratching. Wrap Silver's dewclaws to prevent damage to the eyes when he scratches.
  11. Run free, Daisy Magoo.
  12. Benedryl and Pepcid. Xanax for Joe's storm phobia. Leftover Rimadyl and Tramadol so we don't have to go to the vet for every tweaked joint. Paws brand booties, because they cut their feet more than anything else. Epsom salts and betadine to clean said cuts. Big ziplock bags to soak the cut feet. The most important thing, IMHO, is pet insurance so you can take every issue to the vet until you get comfortable with the little things.
  13. RONG lyrics! "Nobody loves me, everybody hates me; think I'll go eat some worms! First you bite the head off, then you bite the tail off, then you throw the middle away! Nobody knows that I can eat thirty-five worms a day!"
  14. Just seeing this. I am so, so sorry. She was one of my favorites here.
  15. I am so, so sorry. You didn't do this.
  16. Damn! That just pisses me off. The two of you have been through so much. I'm sorry.
  17. I'm with Tricia. If my dog is upset, I'm going to comfort him -- just like I would with a scared kid. "There, there, honey, it's ok, jump into bed with Mommy now." We give Joe Xanax when a storm is coming, and it helps a lot, but being near us helps more. Storms early in the season are more stressful than later ones for him. Each year, we can drug less and just cuddle eventually. I don't have a Thundershirt -- but I'm thinking about it for days it might storm if I can't be with him.
  18. Watch closely. Brees swelled up to the point of looking like a bull terrier lat year -- abx, benedryl, and pred did squat til the nasty thing burst.
  19. We have the Wiggles, Wags, and Whiskers harness for Brees, and it was uncomfortable under her "arms" at first. She needed time to adjust to walking in it, but not much. She never had any chafing, but you could see that it felt weird. Within a few months, though, it cured her of pulling, and it made her easier to walk right away. We can walk her on a martingale now. Eta: My spring siggie shows how it fits.
  20. No ace. I tried it once with Joe, and it made him sloooow, but clearly more miserable. It was scary. Xanax is good. It doesn't knock him out, and it doesn't totally fix the anxiety, but he can settle down next to me and deal with the storm. Can you leave a thundershirt on a dog when you aren't around? There are days when I think it's going to storm, but it's too early to drug when I go to work. I usually don't leave the dogs alone and wearing clothes, but a thundershirt ???
  21. I love the pics of your little guy on the beach, and dearly hope he'll be back there soon.
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