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Everything posted by Riverhound

  1. From the album: Siggies

  2. Both of mine have taken it with no problem, and I always have some in the house. My vet tests liver function if they need to be on it for any length of time, so I feel very comfortable using it. BUT I'm going to go have a look at the site you linked to so I can be ultra careful/paranoid fom now on!
  3. Joe has wonky back legs, but nothing shows on X-ray. Two years ago, we were told to keep him on strict rest for something like 12 weeks. No sofa, no running, leash walks only. Up and down the stairs only to go to bed at night and come down in the morning. That got him "right" again, but we're still careful about lots of stairs, big hills, strenuous walks, serious running, and the like. We let him do some of everything, but not all at once, and we make sure he rests after. If he does something crazy, I give him 1/2 a Rimadyl before he starts to hurt. And every time he limps, I panic.
  4. Just saw this. I'm really glad it looks like this is just a scare.
  5. Wow. Those pics are scary. It's really good to see how well he's doing now!
  6. Do whiskers ever get ingrown?
  7. Welcome from another Rachael! Sweep is a real cutie!
  8. Bunk beds. You sleep up top! (it sounds adorable, but really painful! No real advice.)
  9. Thanks all! I'm going to send my coworker a link to this thread. Jennifer, I was really hoping you'd weigh in. I could easily be wrong about the vet giving fluids SQ. Coworker said yesterday that Tyke was acting fine then after an ER stay last weekend.
  10. So this maybe should be OT, since the critter in question isn't a houndie, but I'm hoping it'll be allowed here for better exposure, and so a non-member can view replies. Tyke is a 10 year old shih tzu/bichon mix owned by my coworker. This dog is his Daddy's soul. He's had three incidences of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in less than 2 years; each one costing my coworker well over $1000, and it's breaking the bank. They can't afford to do it again. From what I understand, Tyke is on a very limited diet (but I don't know what food). They don't know what triggers the episodes. Each time, he gets a transfusion, sub-q fluids, and spends a couple days in the ER. After that, he does pretty well for another six or so months. He's just come home after one of these events. The only med he's on now is Tramadol. I *think* he got sucralfate in the hospital. No diagnosed IBD. Negative tests for Addison's. I don't know about any other testing. I'm thinking he should be on Pepcid before meals, maybe some slippery elm. The family should have Flagyl on hand for when things start to go south. I've seen sub-q fluids done at home for a cat in kidney failure; is it reasonable to do that in this case? What am I missing to help keep this from happening? What should the family have at home for the next occurrence? Is it even possible to get dog through a bout of HGE without an ER trip? Thanks for any advice you all can give. The tasty ball of fluffy goodness in question is a really, really cool little dog!
  11. Crap. Ducky, I am so, so sorry.
  12. I get nuts any time one of mine seems remotely owie or changes their behavior a smidgen. Sometimes something is wrong, mostly I'm being overprotective. Glad to hear he's back on the bed where he belongs!
  13. Joe's best buddy at the dog park is an English Bulldog. They are hysterical together! The bulldog play bows, and Joe runs a lap of the park while the bulldog takes about 5 steps. Rinse and repeat 3 or 4 times and Joe is exhausted, but the bulldog is still ready to go. So cute! I'm not sure I'd want one, but only because of the health problems. They are really great dogs.
  14. Just don't freak out. Both of my dogs seem to have old injuries that bother them at times. (Brees's was confirmed but the track vet, and Joe's problem is a pretty much a guess.) Someone who actually knows something will chime in soon!
  15. Ack! Sorry to hear this! Miami had a pretty good walk Sunday, and I think you mentioned he's a corn-dog, too. I really hope the handsome devil just over did it.
  16. I have a prescription for Zofran, for myself, with no restrictions for how often I can take it. I only use it for migraines with nausea -- so not often, but I've never been cautioned on frequency as with other migraine drugs (Imitrex, etc.) I know that dogs and people aren't the same,so this is pretty useless. It makes me tired, but not as bad as other anti-emetics that I've tried.
  17. I sometimes carry a knife, but mostly don't have anything except poop bags and keys. Worst case, my longest key goes into another dog's eye. Slitting its throat might be easier, but I can't imagine either one. I'm a klutz, and I know a spray would go right in my own eyes.
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