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Everything posted by Riverhound

  1. She's been on Clavamox since Wednesday, but adding something else is is a possibility if she gets puffy or pitiful again. The nose is continuing to go down, thank goodness. We went out for a bit, and when we got home I could see where is drained onto her pillow. I just did a compress and got out a little scab, so things can flow if they need to. There's no smell to what's coming out, which is a huge plus. (My Mom had a cat that used to get really funky abscesses. Ick!) She's almost looking normal now. I was pretty freaked when it moved up to her eyes. That was really scary! Thanks, everyone, for your ideas and good wishes. My hope is that this wild creature is on the mend, but we'll have to wait and see. At least she's felt just fine through it, except for that one night.
  2. I'll put her in a box for you, Don. She's killing us! The thing decided to burst on the way to GAA's holiday shop. We cleaned her up some there, but she needs more work. Lots of clear fluid leaking out of a small hole, but I have no idea what kind of ick came out initially. There's a huge difference in the size of her nose now! We'll be home in about ten minutes, then I'll get to really see what's going on.
  3. We just got back from the vet, again. The swelling is moving around; less on her lips, more around her eyes. The vet doesn't think she's infected, just reacting badly to the force of the bite and the cat's saliva. She got another Benedryl shot this morning, and a shot of steroids. If we end up back at the vet, I'll ask about Augmentin, for sure. Can't hurt, might help, right? All her other wounds are looking good. It's just her face that's crazy-looking. And still, she's acting fine. Out-of-her-head-crazy, as always! So, is this an allergic reaction to the saliva or is there some other explanation? Glad to hear that she's acting normal. The vet thinks it's a reaction to the saliva and the trauma of the bite. I like that idea much better than a massive infection, but we'll have to see how she does. The swelling in her lips has gone waaaaaaay down since last night. They were about as wide as one of my fingers at the bottom then, but her mouth is closing normally now. I don't like that the area around her eyes is getting puffy.
  4. How is he doing with food that isn't kibble? Cookies, etc? Any mouth pain? Gas? Runny poo (more than usual) ? The crying worries me, but leaving some food in his bowl doesn't (mine are free fed, and do fine with it). I sure hope he's ok!
  5. We just got back from the vet, again. The swelling is moving around; less on her lips, more around her eyes. The vet doesn't think she's infected, just reacting badly to the force of the bite and the cat's saliva. She got another Benedryl shot this morning, and a shot of steroids. If we end up back at the vet, I'll ask about Augmentin, for sure. Can't hurt, might help, right? All her other wounds are looking good. It's just her face that's crazy-looking. And still, she's acting fine. Out-of-her-head-crazy, as always!
  6. Just saw your update on Brees...when it rains it pours don't it?? Oh yeah! She's a disaster. Awfully cute, though!
  7. Ouch! I hope it goes well, and the recovery is smooth.
  8. Hi Leah! Glad you're ok. We actually never lost power. Very lucky! Brees is well drugged, and feeling much better tonight. She was pitiful yesterday. Didn't even fixate on the cats at the e-vet, so you know she was not herself! I can't believe how quickly the swelling/fever came up. Just an hour from normal, crazy Brees to "Mommy, do we have to go for a ride? Can't I just sleep?" And she laid in my lap almost the whole time at the vets, instead of trying to get into everything like she normally would. Much worse than when she tore her shoulder. This is twice in a month that she's been to the e-vet; they're gonna think I'm a Münchausen's Mommy soon1 Don't know if we'll make it Sunday. I still have a cold, and we want to go to GAA's holiday shop. We had a fine time there last year!
  9. Her breathing was a little rough last night, but she seemed better when I left for work this morning. I'm sure her Daddy is spoiling her rotten right now!
  10. $900 on Brees in less than two months. The last injury was mainly reimbursed through pet insurance, but not sure this week's will be. I'm thinking about getting her some chainmail!
  11. I hope it all goes well. A little scar is no big deal for a real woman!
  12. I'm sorry. That is just too young.
  13. Monday, all better! (She actually does have a very slight "bump" on her snout, just before her nose. Very endearing!) And a before pic, for comparison: She's back to stealing my shoes, so I think it's safe to say she's feeling better! Still have the Clavamox to finish, but I think we're done with pain meds til next time. I'd like more than a month till the next e-vet visit, please! Sorry the pics aren't right. Photobucket is acting dumb! Saturday pics, after it burst: The itty-bitty hole all that nastiness came out of! The pics were taken about 2 hours after it burst on it's own -- after 2 vets told us they couldn't feel anything to lance. It's not hot at all, and she's already killed both stuffies she got at GAA's holiday shop. I'm not quite sure what to do with her from here. I'm really glad she's feeling good, and hope this means she'll be on the mend. Friday Update: I came home from work tonight to find Brees's nose even more swollen. She's starting to look like a Bull Terrier! The local vet let us bring her in, even though they were about to close. She got a shot of Benedryl, with more to follow at midnight. We're to keep a close eye on her in case she starts having trouble breathing. E-vet if that happens. Vet says if the nose doesn't look 100% better tomorrow morning, we'll be bringing her in for another poking at, more and different antibiotics, and goodness knows what all else. On the plus side, her temp. was only 102, and she's acting fine. (Being nosey, stubborn, and into everything!) Vet was pretty insistent on a rabies booster, so we did that. (She got her rabies shot mid-Sept of this year.) ___________________________________________________________ I got Brees a nose job! Isn't she pretty? She got a cat last night. I gave her a bath, cleaned everything out, and dribbled betadine in all her wounds. Planned on a vet visit this morning, but our vet was closed due to Sandy, and she seemed fine. The nose swelled up, huge, over about an hour this afternoon, and she felt awful. None of the local vets are open, so it was the e-vet for us. Antibiotics, Tramadol to go with the Rimadyl I was already giving her, and some staples for an "underarm" wound. She put herself to bed after we got home. It's been a couple hours, and she's perked right back up and being a pain in the rear end again. I'm VERY happy about that! (Joe liked her better when she felt funky.) So, I'd really like a Roman-nosed houndie someday, but not like this. Rob's off tomorrow and Friday, so he'll be able to keep up with the hot compresses. My poor, crazy, cat-eating puppy! (The cat wanted to come in after this event. Don't know what happened to it.)
  14. Brees has a weird "butt dance" that we've always just thought of super-silly excitement. Now I'm wondering if it's excitement of a different kind. Sheesh!
  15. Joe figured that part out on his own. He wasn't going to waste the energy to go all the way down when all I was asking for was his butt on the floor! Brees is a different story. Her only trick is to stare at you looking pitiful. Works on me every time!
  16. I've gotten a couple PMs from Cheryl. Alex was uncomfortable the morning after he got hurt, so the vet gave Tramadol. She says he's gotten back to being his goofy self since then.
  17. He's probably bored, and extra frisky because of the season. If exercise is off the table, give more tasty chew toys (raw meat, pig ears, bully sticks, peanut butter kongs) and work on training. My kids are both pretty silly right now, and Brees has scattered my shoes all over the house. I toss them outside with a pork chop or some chicken when they're making me nuts.
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