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Everything posted by Riverhound

  1. Oh holy crap! Denise! Brees broke her hock before we got her. There was some kind of surgery, we don't know what exactly. (Happened before she got to NGAP; they didn't mention it.) I removed the stitches myself. You've seen her run. She's fine.
  2. Try some precooked bacon so you don't have to deal with raw meat or cooking smells. Just a little at a time.
  3. Didn't you just decide in another thread that you've been trying to do "too much, too soon" with Grace? Same thing here. If she likes morning walks, do those. Skip evening walks for a couple months. Build trust. Give her time.
  4. Joe has done that many times. Baby socks for a day or two, then I leave it open as long as it isn't bleeding with liquid bandage stuff to help keep gunk out. I rinse his feet frequently, too. Maybe a little Rimadyl in the mix when he's being pitiful. Lots of ice cream!
  5. My Joe's last "out" was at about 9:30 last night. It's after ten in the morning here, and he's happily roaching on the sofa. I go to work at noon today, and I expect he'll be ticked off when I make him potty before I leave.
  6. That's how we do it here, too. Tasty feet-sicles!
  7. YUCK! (But at least he got off your bed first!)
  8. Good luck at the vet! Your sitter probably honestly thought he was fine. Weird things happen.
  9. OMG! It's bad foot night on GT. I'm sorry. (I wouldn't give aspirin; it can make giving other drugs hard.) I'd ice it on and off, and call dog-friends to see who has appropriate drugs.
  10. Joe doesn't do food in the mornings. When I have to make him eat, it's peanut butter toast or grilled cheese. I'd also do crackers mushed up in yogurt or ice cream if he got really picky!
  11. Emergency vet. He's hurting badly. Do you have any doggie meds from previous injuries?
  12. He's home. One toe off; the vet is trying to save the other. OK coming out of anesthesia (he's had problems before). Ate yogurt. No pooping since saturday. She'll try to support him with a towel later so he can empty.
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