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Everything posted by Riverhound

  1. Aww, I'm so sorry. He was my favorite of your dogs.
  2. He probably had snow between his toes. They can freak out mightily over that.
  3. Riverhound

    Little Millie

    I'm so sorry. She was a pretty, pretty girl.
  4. OMG! The picture of her in the bucket made me spoot coffee. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in a remembrance thread. A special girl, indeed. I'm so sorry.
  5. I think changing rooms and involving Dad in training is perfect! It's not odd, at all, that Biggie growled at him shortly after a big happy greeting. He was on his bed, and telling your father "Hey! You freak me out when you're way up there and I'm way down here." Have Dad toss marshmallows or something toward Biggie before he's close enough that Biggie is uncomfortable and grumbly. It'll work out, or you'll decide that Biggie just can't be approached by large men when he's laying down. You can also make your father think that's a good thing -- they like to think their daughters are protected when they aren't around to do the job.
  6. Sounds like you're doing well with Biggie, and with a little more work, he'll get over it. You're going to need to re-train your father, though, and I know from experience how hard that is. My father hasn't had a dog since the 70s, and was very old fashioned in his thinking before hubby and I got Joe. He was appalled at Joe's behavior when they first met, and it was really, really hard for him to keep himself from "teaching that dog a lesson." I made it very clear that this was MY dog, and not to be touched in any unpleasant ways. One of the things that worked was letting Dad see Joe run full out; he learned to respect him as an athlete. After that, it was just time. Dad's visiting us for a week right now, and just had a hound on either side of him on the sofa while he ate dinner. I've heard him brag to his friends about how well behaved they are, how fast they are, blah, blah, blah. Good luck!
  7. Do you have another dog? She might need one. . .
  8. Joe has a murmur. Vet says not to worry, and checks it each time I bring him in. I have a murmur, and it's the same deal.
  9. Check this thread: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/302114-mandibulectomy-from-oral-fibrosarcoma-just-came-home-today/ It's current, but a very different situation from yours. I bet the person would be willing to talk about the practical aspect of it all. Good luck.
  10. Can you post pictures? Or link to them if you have trouble posting them here?
  11. Yummy treat under a paper cup. That's the only one Brees can do!
  12. You aren't the only one. We found a dead mouse with hound sized puncture wounds yesterday. I'm grateful it didn't go down the hatch, but I still don't want any kisses!
  13. Can you crate one of them? Six weeks is still pretty new.
  14. Alicia, I just had a simple claim for Brees take 20 days when it usually would take 7, at most. It's probably just the time of year. (Normal Brees nonsense. NOT anything serious.)
  15. Thank you for posting all of that! I'm glad your girl is doing better.
  16. She looks like she's going to cute and funny, indeed!
  17. If there's no reason not to leave the food down all day, maybe consider free feeding? Mine eat what they want, when they want, just like cats, and are doing very well. That's after making sure he's healthy, and the food agrees with him, of course. When we first got Joe, I tried to set regular mealtimes and got all freaked out when he wouldn't eat when I thought he should. Then I started adding olive oil, cheese, and all sorts of wonderful things to the kibble. The add-ins (or top layer of food) would get eaten, and the rest would sit. The vet laughed at me when I described what was going on! Joe and I worked out a compromise -- food's available all the time, sometimes he gets a bit of what we're eating, sometimes not. When we got Brees, I worried that I'd need to get Joe on a regular schedule again, but she does fine with free feeding, and they aren't at all possessive over the kibble bowls. It's always there, there's always more. Even when we dump leftovers on top, they can eat out of the same dish (we do have separate feeders, they just don't alway choose to use them!) Good luck. It'll work out!
  18. Miami is the BEST boy. I was shocked when you told me he had space issues after I'd been cuddling him on MP's porch. He was a marshmallow!
  19. Joe can sound like that when he plays, and he typically doesn't like dogs that are larger than he is.
  20. Joe and Brees didn't start to mesh until our first family vacation with both of them - GIG, about 4 months after Brees came home. Before that, they were both muzzled most of the time. Two years later, there's still significant snarking, but it's "ok" snarking. I've only had one injury, and that was during play, so the situation is different, but the first few months were frustrating, scary, and hard; and we're all still here!
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