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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. Wiki peed on one of those (accidentally of course) in our local wooded park.
  2. Wiki is a broodie off the farm too. And her adoption group didn't even test her for hookworms! Her fosters though her horrible poop was an intolerance to chicken and tried to solve it with benefiber. I just read an interesting paper about using a topical treatment for cats as an oral treatment for resistant hooks. It's an off label use and scares me a little. Anyone try that?
  3. Sweet girls! Did they lay down in that ooky water?
  4. I know this has been discussed a lot but I’m feeling a bit defeated and looking for any other suggestions. Wiki just got another positive test. We’ve been treating her for about 16 months. She’s had a couple negative tests but always followed by another positive one. She’s on Advantage Multi monthly and has had multiple courses of Drontal with various timings. She was quite sick when I got her but after a course of Panacur she’s been asymptomatic – perfect poops, no squeaky belly, she’s active and shiny and sassy. If you’ve had a long fight, what finally worked for you? It seems like Moxidectin is the magic ingredient and I’ve heard good things about the ProHeart vaccines. If you use those did they get you a negative result or just keep them negative? Is it possible for a dog to just be hookworm positive forever without any serious health effects? Thanks!
  5. Happy 10th birthday Odin! I love your barely brindle furs.
  6. So it appears that the girls are smart enough to make themselves comfortable, but the boys don't seem to be able to figure it out.
  7. Almost forgot this one - A couple weeks ago Wiki volunteered with me at a pet expo for the zookeeper's association I'm part of. She needed a break and although she had a blankie one of our friend felt that wasn't enough so she gave Wiki a pillow off of our sales table.
  8. Yes, lambchop counts! You can see Wiki's in the background. It's often her pillow when her head falls off her bed. Grace has great form. And Nate obviously needs a pillow.
  9. Wiki loves her pillows and knows how to use them. Any other pillow hounds out there? Let's see them!
  10. Oh Buddy, please just stick to the stuffed indoors hedgehogs and leave the real ones alone. Wiki almost killed herself the first two times she saw a rabbit in the yard, running full speed into the fence and the bottom branches of a huge juniper. She seems to have learned her lesson and now every night she and the bunny look at each other and bunny casually hops away if Wiki gets too close. But she does actively hunt and catch small rodents (mice & voles) in the yard.
  11. You're used to those mama dogs. They are always up to something.
  12. It makes me very happy to see Sweep looking so happy!
  13. I'm glad neither of you were seriously injured. We have a Honky Hog here too. Wiki will occasionally do the cut in front of me and stop. I tell her that if I'm dead there will be no one to feed her, much less take her for Wiki Walkie.
  14. What sweet faces! I do think Toni is the only one who has the look of a true pirate.
  15. Rocket! Mark & Diva are cute, but Rocket has the attitude.
  16. Poor thing! As if the indignity of having to eat off a litter bucket wasn't enough.
  17. I’ve got a mishmash because they are all technically the neighbors’ fences. The back is cheap plain chain link, it’s the worst but it’s been there 30+ years and is still standing sturdy. The guy who lived there before the current folks cut off the metal bits that hold the chain link to the top bar for some unknown reason so it’s all loose. I keep meaning to fix it up with zip ties under the cover of darkness so the current owners won’t see me. One side is green vinyl coated heavy chain link, it’s the best. Been there 40+ years and looks like new. Other side is homemade wood. It’s been there over 30 years and is pretty weathered but stands up to our winds and snow and the neighbor kids climbing on it. My contribution is the 5’ wooden gates, all the rest is 4’. They’ve been up almost 12 years and are just fine. Unexpectedly very important to me is some kind of gaps that the rabbits can get out through so I don’t have to clean up crime scenes.
  18. I am so sorry. But it sounds like Su's last night is going to be great!
  19. Hi Finbar and Dad! I'm nowhere near TX, but welcome!
  20. Congratulations! He's very handsome.
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