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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. I got my coupon code today! It can not be used on shipping and that would be $7.95. I don't want to pay that so I probably won't use it. It was a legitimate offer sent to members of Dogster. I am not a member there, but a friend who is forwarded me the email.
  2. I bought a large one for Lila on Friday. I have not given it to her yet. It was $10. The lady at the pet store said it would probably take her 3 hours to eat. I pay $5 for a large bully stick that lasts her 1 1/2 hours (2 45 minute sessions). So the price of the yak chew is comparable for me.
  3. Lila gets a spoonful of plain, non-fat yogurt on her food. She loves it! I don't know if she gets any benefit from it, but she is less stinky. I also let her lick the lid from my flavoured ones if she is around when I am eating it.
  4. Yes! Lila has also become a cold weather sitter. My thought was that it was a way to make herself smaller, therefore warmer. I am also using it as a lazy way to train sit. Whenever her butt starts going down it's, Good sit Lila! and many treats. She also hates her coat. Walking in it becomes the death march and she won't go potty in it. I hope she can get over that as it gets colder because this is just the beginning of winter for us.
  5. Lila eats Diamond Naturals Lamb & Rice. She loves it and is active, shiny, and has pretty good poop. It is $24-$29 for a 40 pound bag around here.
  6. If you sign up for the mailing list here - http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=001yNBsj5sMLIssBz7d9vvcpQ%3D%3D - they will send you a coupon for $20 off Dingo products on the website. It appears to be legitimate. I got a return email stating the coupon would be sent once they receive 25000 requests. I have never used Dingo products, but it looks like they have more than rawhide. If these are not products you give to your dog(s) it would still make a nice donation to your adoption group or local shelter.
  7. Lila does this too when she is settling into bed or getting pets. I thought it was tongue flicking at first and that she was worried or upset about something. But this is different, it is a good thing.
  8. Lila gets a "beddy biscuit" after last call for the night. If she finds out about these sandwiches and chicken she might leave me!
  9. Lila LOVES the Sam's Yams sweet potato chews! Spins and dances for them like crazy! She seems to chew them very well as I never see any chunks in the output, just a nice orange colour.
  10. Thank you! I should be able to get the antlers as long as they are not "trophy size". I think I will ask for the ribs too.
  11. I have seen topics here about giving deer antlers to the dogs to chew on. I think they were purchased commercially. Does anyone know if they are processed in any way? I have access to antlers through relatives who hunt. Could I give them to Lila right off the deer?
  12. Jerilyn


    I am so sorry for your loss! You got Larry near the anniversary of my father's death. His name was Larry also, so I always felt a special connection to your guy. His memory will live on in the hearts of many.
  13. I am so sorry for the loss of your Jilly. May your memories bring you comfort & joy.
  14. It breaks my heart that Deeni is not trusting you. I don't have as much experience as the rest of these folks, but I do know that once they get scared it takes a long time for them to get it out of those pointy little heads. But I do believe that patience and love can overcome a lot. I don't know if you or Deeni would be up for it, but I am planning on taking Lila to the meet & greet here in Green Bay on Saturday. Maybe a group of friendly people and hounds could help? We would love to meet you!
  15. I am so happy to see these good updates! I hope the rest of Deeni's recovery is uneventful.
  16. for a good update! Hope the improvement continues!
  17. I couldn't log in from work when I saw this this morning, but you and Deeni have been in my thoughts and prayers all day. I hope she has a restful night (and you too!) and has made some improvements by morning.
  18. I have had Lila for about 10 weeks and her poop has always been soft. After just one day of pumpkin added to her food it is so much better! Even rolled on the street! I knew this day would come someday - discussing poop on the internet.
  19. Lila has been shedding like crazy too. I assumed it was seasonal, but it is good to get a confirmation of that. I saw her shake in the sunshine and could see the fur go flying. Looks like we will be brushing everyday for a while.
  20. Arrow woke me up this morning at 6:00 (he doesn't have mercy on weekends) and I stumbled out the door with him. It was dark and quiet outside, and to my surprise he pulled me down the driveway, around the block, did his business, and we headed back to bed. I think he may have been so sleepy and disoriented that he forgot what he was afraid of. Maybe this is the key-- early early morning walks, before anything scary wakes up. Unless I dreamt the entire experience, as he refused our second morning walk attempt! I wish Lila slept until 6:00! She had me up at 4:00 this morning. I am glad you found something that worked (at least once). I think I may have also. I took Lila for a walk on a state trail today and yesterday. Train tracks were converted to a walking/biking trail. It is in the woods, so its quiet, has lots of good stuff to sniff, and leashed dogs are welcome. She loved it! And as a bonus she gets to practice her car riding skills (which could also use some work) and got to meet a very well behaved dog. If you have something like that near you, I would suggest it. I think because it is so different they don't associate it with the scary walks in the neighborhood, but I am hoping that eventually she will come to realize all walks are fun.
  21. I am glad you are making some progress! I have no suggestions because I am going through something similar with my girl. I know what scared her - fireworks - but since then she doesn't want to go for a walk. I don't know if I should just take her for walks (she will go but is clearly unhappy and keeps turning for home) or let her stay home. It has been 3 weeks and she is still hyper sensitive to noises that did not bother her before. Hoping both of them can get over it.
  22. Lila's toenails are not horrible, but longer than I would like them. Her foster mom said to do them every two weeks, but even Dremeling once a week is not making any real progress. I am new to the Dremel and Lila's toenails are black, so I don't know what is going on in there. How fast do the quicks recede? How often can I Dremel without causing her any pain? She is such a good girl and just lies there quietly when I Dremel.
  23. Lila is getting better in the yard. She even rolled over for belly rubs this afternoon. Walks are still a bit scary for her. She goes, but does not enjoy it. Unfortunately she does not have any dog friends who could be her walking buddy for a while. She used to come running into my bedroom when my alarm went off in the morning and would dance around until I got dressed and was ready to go. This morning she stood up then layed right back down.
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