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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. They are all great! I have a painting that represents Lila. I do need to find something that captures the spirit of Wiki.
  2. Most of the time stuff like this is nothing, dogs are weird. But greyhounds are also super Routine Dogs. She has probably figured out that your wife is going to leave and that makes her a little anxious. Maybe make your wife leaving a fun time, like she gives your pup a great treat on her way out?
  3. Living at Camp Broodie must be an influence on Mark, he has a lot of similarities to Wiki.
  4. Happy birthday kids! You both look spectacular in your crowns.
  5. Happy birthday LaVida! I like your beaded necklace.
  6. This girl is the Queen of the Lean. But she's got better options.
  7. Sorry Milo, the rabbit is inanimate. The plug is for the TV and the battery pack balanced on the handle of the can is for some pink lights wound around the cherry blossom branches, which have somehow been knocked askew.
  8. It was a poor choice for a place to lay down, but she's sticking with it.
  9. I'm so glad to hear that Milo is feeling great! Have you had the panic of wondering what the weird growth is on the naked houndie undercarriage that upon inspection turns out to be the missing piece of cheese?
  10. Poor Punkin! You'll be feelin more yourself in no time at all.
  11. Wiki is down for this scheme. As long as no one thinks WikiLeaks is because she has housebreaking issues. Girl's got a stainless steel bladder the size of Texas and can hold it forever! But she's also a marker and can always deliver on demand.
  12. Wiki likes to rip up paper too. She's got her head in any box or package that comes in the house. She'll rip up bubble wrap too. She really seems to like the popping noises. Buddy
  13. I’m afraid I’m not going to be of any help, but I can sympathize, I too have a jumpy hound and nothing I do can make her stop. When I first got her she would jump on guests, that has stopped and now she saves her Jump Around routine for me when it’s time for a walk. Like you, I’ve tried all the normal things to get her to stop and also like you nothing works. She’ll stop if I stop moving but the second I move she’s back at it. She knows “go to your bed” but it’s totally useless when she’s in that state of mind. I feel like I’ve tried everything, but I’m curious what else all the smart folks here have to say.
  14. Nutter for sure! But a very clever and talented one.
  15. Looks like you used up too much striping on one and didn't have enough to finish the other one.
  16. He is so cute! I had to look up Podenco Orito. Sounds like you've got a rare breed!
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