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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. Anal gland issues aren't always smelly or visible. Anal gland issues would be my first guess as well.
  2. If it's a complete tear I dint think it can heal on it's own. If it's a partial tear, maybe. Be careful, now that one is torn the other will be more prone to tearing because of over compensation. I hope it's an easy healing process for all.
  3. I would not reprimand her. I'm guessing that it also hurt to get jumped on so not only was it space issues, but Pain reaction. I'd react to if a dog jumped on me like that. I'd reprimand the whippet when he gets close to her during the wild spurts. Maybe have him a drag a leash so you can catch and stop him if he doesn't listen to you. Honestly though, this incident may have taught him his lesson and he'll learn to respect her.
  4. I recommend starting obedience training. My shy boy loves it. Find a facility that is positive reinforcement only and bring awesome treats with you.
  5. Bu is a normal eater. Sailor loves any food. He goes absoluty nuts for bagels. Like jumps up and tries to steal then from my mouth nuts. He also likes asparagus. Honestly I think he'd eat saw dust if I told him it was food. I used to have a standard poodle who would eat watermelon off the rind.
  6. I've used Revolution on my greys just fine. It worked great, but it doesn't cover ticks. I used the preventic collar with it. Front line is fine, but you do need a heart worm medication as well.
  7. Bu knows how to swim and knew how. I didn't have to teach him. He prefers to just wade, but has ended up in deeper areas in brooks and the ocean so was forced to swim. Im always close by in case of emergency and when I first had him near deep water I had him in a harness so I could grab him easily if needed and carry him like a suitcase out of the water. I figured it would be easier that way than hugging him to me or dragging him by his neck/collar. I never needed it though thankfully.
  8. Can you try to get a better picture?
  9. Merrick sausages. Natural Balance also has sausage type things. Cloud Star buddy biscuits, but those may not take long to eat. Costco sometimes has beef stick things that are good. How about 1/2 can of tuna?
  10. Cloud Star training treats are great and tiny. What about rewarding with a walk or play session? Put the leash on him, brush his teeth, then immediately go for a walk. Or if you do it coming in from a walk leave his leash on and don't let him lay down until youre done. If he really just won't get up, I'd just put his leash on him and make him get up. Give him tons of praise and pets.
  11. There is a parasite called a nasal worm. It's closely related to the lung worm. Sneezing and reverse sneezing can be symptoms. My foster had it and was on panacur for it. I hope he feels better soon.
  12. Bu is afraid of people swinging sticks (baseball bats and chuck its), but has no problem with me doing the same thing. Is your guy ok with you throwing things? I think Bu got hit with something stick like before I got him so hes afraid, but he trusts me so its ok if I do it. He was a bit spooky when I got him so it could have been a broom falling near him that freaked him out. He is ok with other people calmly holding and carrying sticks though.
  13. I buy kids size boxers for my greys at Old Navy. A medium or small would probably be good for a girl.
  14. I'm a dog walker and Bu used to come to work with me all the time so I asked my vet. He said unless he tends to burn, then don't bother. And Bu is pretty bald. He has never burned so I have never bothered.
  15. benedryl is safe, but I can't remember the dosage. You can try searching the forum for it.
  16. It sounds like reverse sneezing. Look it up on Youtube. It's usually harmless although I unfortunately found out that it could mean they have nasal worms. Has she has a fecal recently? It could be allergies. Maybe some pollen got up there.
  17. Can they just go in and remove the part of the bone that broke off? Maybe it would prevent it from rubbing against the rest of the bone?
  18. My Bu sometimes destroys toys like crazy. He has no prey drive. My friends ferrets use him as a jungle gym. Your girl sounds fun. Enjoy her
  19. I second testing for tbds. Even if thats negative you can try treating with doxi for a few weeks and see if that helps since most tbd tests don't test for all tbds.
  20. That spot is almost used like a spring to help them move faster (or so I've heard). I call it their cup holder.
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