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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I can't answer your last question, but I can help with the food question. Canned tuna is a big hit, raw green tripe, eggs any way, liver, cheese. Anything stinky is good. But if he's nauseous, something bland may be better. I hope he feels better soon.
  2. I had moved the food where he can't get out, but we had been away and I forgot to move the travel food container. He had never vomited from getting into the food before let alone vomited blood. Hes back on his normal food and done with his meds and seems to be doing well. His poop is still soft, but he hasn't had real diarrhea since friday I think.
  3. This is more sharing my experience than anything else. Last Weds I came home around 4 and Sailor had opened up a rubbermaid container of food and helped himself. This happens occasionally and leads to diarrhea. I gave him 2 Immodium then, another at about 1 am (dinnertime here) with a quarter of his dinner. I gave him another around 11 am with a quarter of his breakfast. (Every walk he had had diarrhea.) When I came home around 4, he had thrown up undigested food and had diarrhea. Later we went for a nice walk and when we came back he threw up bile, a bit of food and there was a touch of blood in it, but not much. So I knew to keep an eye on him, but I wasn't freaked out. I figured he had scratched himself with food when he threw up the food earlier. At 9, he threw up again. This time mainly blood with blood clots in it. I called my vet at home and double checked that I should just go to the evet (instead of meeting him at his office). So off we went. Overall he was acting normal. He was alert, curious, had tried to steal my dinner an hour earlier and was jumping and spinning in circles when he realized we were going for a ride. He was panting and seemed a little uncomfortable though. The vet took xrays to make sure he hadn't eaten anything sharp. They were clear, but there was some thickening of the stomach wall, possibly from vomiting. He also had bloodwork done and everything came back normal. Even the BUN which is normally off when there's GI bleeding. She wanted to keep him over night to monitor him and give him fluids and do an ultrasound the next day. He had been drinking fine all day and had no signs of dehydration, so I took him home. He was treated for an ulcer. She said if he didn't get better or got worse he needed an ultrasound. Friday morning he threw up again. It was mainly bile with a bit of blood in it. I have kept up with all the meds and he seems to be doing really well. He is completely hungry. I don't think the 4 cups of chicken and rice a day really equals the 4 cups of kibble a day. Plus even with the flagyl, his poop is loose. I don't think chicken really agrees with him. I wasn't nearly the nervous wreck I could have been because he was acting mostly normal. Had he been lethargic and really off, I don't know if I would have been functioning. II was told that a dog vomiting can cause an ulcer and vomiting can cause a split in the stomach. These are the only reasons we can think of for why this happened.
  4. I agree with above. Use a leash and collar to get him off the couch. Lead him to a dog bed and praise him when he lays down on it.
  5. Pepto also comes in pill form. I really don't have a preference, but that's the name I was thinking of. Pepcid may be better. No idea though.
  6. I would try to get some pepto into him. If it continues through tomorrow I would bring him to the vet.
  7. Can you try to get some pepto in him? Is he drinking?
  8. It takes time for some of them to realize that we can play with them. Be patient. I have special games with both of my 2. They are goofy little things that we made up. Sailor steps on my heels when he wants me to chase him and Bu body slams me when he wants me to make him dance.
  9. I was having this problem with a foster of mine. I now feed dinner at bedtime, then walk the dogs then go to bed. It solved the problem immediately for us. I would try feeding Lila at 9 or 10pm then let her out as close to bed as possible. Also, try keeping meals about 12 hours apart. That way she won't get as hungry.
  10. No ideas, but Bu was on wd as well and had the same problem. He was insanely uncomfortable so I switched him off pretty quickly.
  11. What did the xrays show? Did they get the hip/shoulder area in the xray? If they think it's muscle cramps can you try a warm compress?
  12. Make sure the adoption group knows that you want to become a therapy dog team. I have 2 wonderful, sweet greys that would be horrible therapy dogs. One melts down in public and crawls under tables and the other doesn't like to be pet by strangers. They are both extremely sweet and affectionate with me and in my home, but as I said, not good therapy dogs. If the group knows, they can help match up a friendly, bomb proof dog with you.
  13. I hope hes ok. Just an aside, I've seen 2 dogs have seizures and neither convulsed. Both kind of freezed up and couldn't move. Both have epilepsy so I know they were seizures.
  14. Teach them like you teach regular stairs. It will probably take longer and will be better if they can go up regular stairs first. Bu does open backed stairs with ease, but didn't like them at first. It just took time and patience.
  15. Could Grace have accidentally stepped on him? Bu gets bruises that look like that in the car when the other dogs step on him. Or he could have scratched it and now it's healing so a bit itchy again. I'd just keep an eye on it for now.
  16. Some dogs, not just greys, think that life revolves around food and only food and don't even think it needs to be chewed. If bring food driven is your only concern, I wouldn't be to worried.
  17. For Bu to gain the 15 pounds he needed when I adopted him he needed to eat about 9 coups of food a day. To maintain it he eats about 6 cups a day. Some dogs have crazy high metabolism, just like people. But, worms are a possibility. Many dogs come off the track with intestinal parasites. Bring a fecal sample to the vet and have them test for them. Just remember that if the test comes back negative he can still have worms.
  18. My first guess is either UTI or bladder infection. I hope he feels better soon.
  19. Awwwww..... Poor guy. I would recommend a pair of 4 legged pjs. You can also use a pair of boxers on backwards with the tail through the crotch hole. Old Navy boys size medium would probably be good. I would only worry that the elastic would rest on the wound so I do think the 4 legged pjs would be better.
  20. Do any dogs get corns and not have much, if any pain from them? I may have found a tiny corn on Bu's foot. It was protruding and I thought it was dirt so i tried scraping it off. Half came off then I scratched more and the rest came and left a little hole in his foot. Hes never limped on that foot and didn't seem bothered by me removing it. Was it a corn our could it have been something else?
  21. My guys are on the Natures Domain and doing great. Pumpkin gives my dog diarrhea, so thats not always helpful. As for dogs with poultry sensitivity, like mine, read all the ingredients in a food. I'm pretty sure the costco lamb food has chicken in it.many alternate protien foods do. The natures domain salmon does not.
  22. I live alone in a townhouse and teach stairs to all my fosters. I put a leash and collar on them and stand directly behind them (going up). I use the leash to make sure they don't try to turn around and I put a knee between their back legs and lift them up step by step with my knee. Their front legs will have to move and the leash helps make sure they go up. After a few times they start to do it on their own when they feel more comfortable. Going down I use the collar and leash again and grab the leash near the collar and stand directly in front of them so they can't see the whole flight of stairs and walk down like that.
  23. Bu gets those in the car sometimes when another dog steps on him. It looks like 2 toenails dragged down him as he got stepped on. Just keep an eye on it. Bu's always heal with no problem.
  24. Sailor will eat just about anything I put in front of him. Including some plain pills. I'm sure he'd love fruit. He does love clementines.
  25. It looks like a corn to me, but I could be wrong.
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