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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. Thats Sailor. He throws little tantrums at dinner time.
  2. I would have chosen the glue as well. Depending on the size and exact location of the wound I even may have chosen neither and to just keep it clean and dry. Although, that does tend to be harder on the foot.
  3. Stella and Chewy dehydrated carnivore treats and dehydrated meals made all the dogs in class go nuts for me. String cheese is good too. Merrick has small sausage things that go over well and some dried tripe patties that are a favorite. Cloud Star buddy biscuits and training treats are great too. All the goodies are made in the U.S. And can be found with no chicken or lamb in them (some it depends on the flavor you buy).
  4. Really?! So they might be nipples. Hmmmmm. I'm going to try and get a picture to show you guys in order to determine if they are nipples. Are the spots on your boy symmetrical (or close to it)? If so, they are nipples.
  5. My boys have nipples in the area of their privates.
  6. 4 days will be enough. Regular walks should be fine. Bring a t shirt for her and she should be fine laying in the sand. A t shirt will also prevent her from scratching or licking at it.
  7. My boy Sailor is like that. I tell people that he doesn't like to be pet by strangers and neither do I, so I don't blame him. It makes them put it in perspective. I bring treats whenever I'm in public with him. The best thing I did was teach him "touch". I used clicker training and he lives doing it for food. When someone wants to interact with him I give then a treat and they ask him to touch. He now sneaks up on strangers and touches their hands and looks at me expecting food. He still isn't thrilled with being touched by strangers, but he has come very far.
  8. What about sticking mole skin to the inside if the muzzle and having him wear it. Another idea is to have him wear boots or socks so that if he does scratch, his nails can't catch it.
  9. You said she doesn't like the car. Could it be a very severe anxiety attack?
  10. I'm a fan of the kennel muzzle with a bit if duct tape over the front 2 bottom holes that the tongue would go out of.
  11. I have 2 boys. When I went to pick my second, Sailor, up from the farm he was marking everything. We stopped briefly at a kennel and he marked everything there as well. I was worried about bringing him home. The first 2 days he marked twice. He realized very quickly that it made mom unhappy and he hasn't marked inside since. He has had accidents, but they weren't marking accidents. (He has since marked in 1 other house, but the resident dogs also mark/pee in the house, so I don't really blame him.)
  12. When he wakes you up what do you do? Do you pet him, give him treats, play with him during the time you are up? If so, stop. Make it all about business (while being nice). Get up, take him out. Give a quick "good dog" when he potties, then go right back to bed. Sometimes the dogs wake us up because they know they'll get a cookie for going out or that you'll pet them. If you think he may be doing it for a cookie, give him a small snack before bed to see if that helps.
  13. Was he out in the heat or in a parked car? I'm sure heat stroke could cause dehydration pretty quickly as well.
  14. If it's just the nail, keep it clean and keep an eye on it. If it's the whole toe, get to the vet now! Eta: saw your post. I'd get her to the vet if it's dislocated and bleeding.
  15. I had a foster with a really bad skin infection on his neck and got a buckle martingale from NancyB. It was wonderful. I was able to put it on and off without irritating him. It was very secure and I never had any issues. His new home used it for well over a year and never had a problem.
  16. If you buy baby socks, they may stay on by themselves. They do on my grey. 3-6 month works well. I'm glad shes feeling better.
  17. I would leave some toys by the door and when you walk in, hand him a toy then his mouth is occupied and can't nip. Eventually he will grab a toy by himself when he's excited.
  18. He should be fine. I'd only had my first boy 2 weeks and I had to go away. He was bordering on being a spook and I thought it would be a huge set back. He did great! I did have someone stay at my house with him, but he was never fostered so there was no foster home to go to.
  19. I just bought baby socks with rubber grips for 25 cents a pair at Old Navy.. They were in the clearance section and had come out of their wrapping. There was a huge pile there, so I'm sure the store closest to you also has them.
  20. Comfortis is a once a month pill for fleas that is supposed to be great. My boys are on it and I've never seen a flea on them.
  21. As long as you are careful hating short leashes and walking I don't think you need muzzles. Keep a positive attitude and stay relaxed or the dogs will tense up. Take turns walking 5-10 feet or so in front if each other so the dogs can "sniff" each others bottoms. Walk 5-10 feet away side by side and as you get comfortable start getting closer to each other keeping a close eye on the dogs. If either starts having a problem, back up and start over. It will probably be fine since both are friendly over all.
  22. Make sure you muzzle both dogs while they play. Even if Derby hasn't ever started anything with Tally, if Tally starts something she won't be able to defend herself if Derby fights back.
  23. I usually ignore him. It didn't seem to matter if I ignore him or baby him. Honestly, I think he likes to be left alone when he's freaked out. Even when I'm on my bed which is next to his safe spot he doesn't try to get comfort from me when he's a mess.
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