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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. Bu was like that in class, but Ellie is doing more than Bu did. He would walk in and immediately go to sleep.
  2. An itchy rear can be a sign of worms. As for the neck, what material is his collar? Could that be making him itchy? If it were fleas, I'd think his whole body would be itchy.
  3. Can you try feeding her in the spot she always vomits in? I would hand feed her a piece of kibble at a time. Don't let her have access to the bowl. Act like youre giving her treats.
  4. I can understand that all to well!!
  5. I hope Tony is ok. If you'd like, you can drop Violet off at my house on the way to the very so shes not home alone.
  6. If I see him again, I'll take pictures. Hes being boarded at a vets right now then he'll move into a foster home. At that point I'll see if someone can get pics if I can't.
  7. Every tooth was completely brown. I've never seen anything like it.
  8. I was pet sitting a lab once who had an eye infection and he so very nicely shared with me despite me being very cautious.
  9. So why would they feed it to the pups to begin with?
  10. You all mention grey, but this dogs teeth were brown. Like just ate poop brown. Could that also be from the same thing?
  11. I think he's just a bit stressed. Most dogs look fatter lying down. If he's comfortable lying down and moving and pushing his belly, I don't think it's bloat. If those things change or he tries to vomit and nothing comes up, then you should start to worry. Keep a good eye on him and make sure he has plenty of water.
  12. We had a dog returned recently from a group in RI. Donny was immediately brought in for a dental as his teeth were really bad. I went and visited him at the vets (they're boarding him for a bit) today and I saw his teeth were completely brown. I said I thought he had a dental and the woman said he did. Even the vets were shocked at how dark his teeth were stained. Apparently he didn't really need a dental, but the staining made it appear he did. Has anyone seen anything like this before? I should have taken pictures, but I didn't think of it. His racing name was Country Trey. Kiowa Sweet Trey x Country Lesson pup. Does anyone have any family of his that has this problem? Thanks in advance.
  13. Yes. It can be just as contagious as pink eye is in humans and depends on the virus, may be passed to people.
  14. If this were my dog, is assume he ate something he shouldn't and takes a wait and see approach. If it were only 1 drop of blood, I wouldn't really worry . It's probably just from straining. Again, keep an eye on it. Definitely try to see what he did in the yard. If it's bloody, he needs to go to the vet. If the diarrhea continues for awhile or gets worse, then he meds the vet. do try to fed him small handful of kibble or something so he doesn't vomit from an empty stomach.
  15. Is he throwing up blood as well? If so, get him to the vet asap. Had he ever had blood in his stool before? How much blood is there now? If hes never had blood in his stool I'd get him to the vet soon. If hes prone to some stress colitis and it looks the same as other times then I'd keep an eye on him. If theres a lot of blood, bring him in asap.
  16. I would try fostering first. Bu, my first would still prefer to be an only, but I can manage the brat. Hes not aggressive, just jealous and grumpy. If there are some issues, then you can decide if they're something you can work with or not.
  17. Just an aside, but the meds treat different types of pain. If one does the job, great, but if not it doesn't mean it's not working.
  18. If she's only doing it in that location, I wouldn't let her lie there any more. If she does growl at the dogs, don't correct her. I would leave a leash on her and when she growls, go over and take the leash and gently make her move from that bed.
  19. Bu runs every so often, but usually at the dog park he pees, poops, sniffs then crawls under a picnic table and naps. Laziest dog ever AND I have to lift up the table so he can get out from under it. On the other hand, he LOVES to run in water. When we were at a beach house that was near a huge sand bar I would take him out there and let him go and he had a blast. He also likes to try and pull my arm out in the brook.
  20. That's not always the case. My grey Sailor greets all other dogs, including greys with ears full up and that's about the only time his ears are up. I have cats and as long as the dog doesn't act like prey, he sniffs then ignores it. He doesn't care if it's playing, running or jumping just if it acts like prey. As far as Gable, what kind of dog did he meet with your brother? A bichon and say a lab will get very different reactions. It does sound like prey drive, but it could be he's still trying to figure things out. It's hard for me to say because it sounds borderline. You will have to be very careful especially with little dogs. Something you can do is go outside and when you see small dogs off in the distance, if he starts to show interest, call him. When he focuses on you, give him a treat. He'll start to learn that when there's little dogs around to focus on you for good things. Make sure to do this from a distance and not near the little dogs.
  21. Honestly, if it's not bothering her, I wouldn't worry. Even if it was broken it is probably long healed and to "fix" it you'd have to break it again. There's a chance she just has crooked toes. I would keep that nail a little long just so it's not rubbing funny, but not so long she's having problems walking.
  22. One of my guys has made me realize a few things about this topic. He loves love from me. He does not like to be touched by strangers. Well, neither do I so I can't blame him. I've always been respectful about petting did and stopping if they aren't interested. But because of Sailor I now wait until they show me they are comfortable being pet by me. I'm not sure why we assume all dogs want to be pet. I try to put myself in their place and I don't want random people touching and petting me or even people I love touching me whenever they feel like it.
  23. Try seeing if she needs to poop. Sometimes Bu gets extra gassy when it's time to go. Maybe her body schedule is just changing.
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