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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  2. This had me rolling. I tell Jayne to go to her room, but never thought to call her crate jail! Yea, whenever I'm on the phone I have to tell him to. The funny part about "are you full of sh#@"is that he couldn't care less about going for a walk normally, but if he has to poop he starts jumping up and down and acts like a maniac if I ask.
  3. I think every dog is different. I've had Bu for 3 years and hes a total slut. He just loves love. Hes pretty well trained, but he mainly listens to me. The main reason is that most of what he knows I didn't intentionally teach him. I always talk to him and tell him whats happening. Because hes smart hes figured out what much of it means. Unfortunately, due to it bring unintentional, he knows unconventional commands. Instead of"walk" he knows "are you full of sh@#". So if someone asks if hes wants to go for a walk, he may not respond. Same with"crate" for him it's"go to jail". He also knows "stay", "wait", and" stay here". They all have different meanings to us, but other people wouldn't know that so chances are Bu wouldn't do what they wanted, but what they're asking, creating confusion. I also live alone so hes just used to me. Sailor is a1 woman dog at this point. He just takes awhile to trust anyone. Both boys were shy and weren't sure about people when I got them so I worked for their trust and I'm very respectful towards then and their quirks so we are very bonded.
  4. That's what I was thinking. Rocky probably stepped on Vinny at some point and it hurt so he's making sure Vinny doesn't do it again.
  5. I think it's inappropriate. It's equivalent to jumping on someone to me. I don't just allow people to do that to me. I don't allow people to pet my dog when hes uncomfortable, why would I let the dog do something that makes the person uncomfortable.
  6. I have fostered with intent twice now. I decided not to adopt either dog. One ended up being cat keen so wasn't a safe fit for my house. The other was sweet and gentle and shy. I thought Bu would do better with a more outgoing dog. I kept telling the adoption coordinator no, but hes the easiest foster I've had. 4 months later he was adopted by a nice couple that ended up not bring ready for a dog. A week later he was returned minus his tail. I told him that hes never leaving again. That was in July. He knew he was home way before I did. You have to do whats right for you and your family. No flames here.
  7. http://m.cabelas.com/cabelas/product/detail.do?itemId=732807&categoryId=2197378&path=Home%7CHunting%7CDOGS%7CDOG+APPAR%7CDOG+COLLARS%7CBelt+Loop+Dog+Lead These attach to a normal belt. They're pretty short, but great for events and crowded places. You can probably make something similar using a normal belt. Also google European leashes. They're very versatile. There are a million links. Find one that explains the different ways to configure the leash. It's pretty cool and I'm actually going to be buying a few myself soon.
  8. If it's not bleeding and not bothering him and looks clean, I'd leave it. I've given up on stitches on anything I think can heal cleanly and safely. BTW, I think we met once at a new adopter dinner at Marni's. Fozzy came up with my boy Bu and I had my choice of them or another boy. I picked Bu because he was pathetic, but I thought Fozzy was great as well.
  9. I leave the Preventic collars on 24/7. We haven't had any issues. If I buy Revolution from my vet,i get the collars free. So it's worth looking into that option as well. I was very happy with the combo.
  10. I don't think dogs need any grains. That said,i think everyone should feed a foods that works for the dog. If it's grain free, great. If it's mostly grains, great. It took almost a year to find a food that works for my dog. It happens to be grain free. He can't have chicken or lamb. He does get some grain in treats and does ok. I was so desperate I would have fed the dog saw dust if thats what worked for him. Don't worry about fads and experiment until you find what works.
  11. Sometimes it takes awhile for them to adjust and you really haven't had her very long. Hopefully with a little time it will moisten up. I think 4 pills a day sounds like a lot. Is it giving her any diarrhea? It would turn my boys into faucets.
  12. I agree this is resource guarding and not aggression. As for the accidents. When you take her out in the morning, walk her until she does her business. As dogs settle into a house and their stomachs settle down, they sometimes take longer to get things moving. If youre worried about being late to work, wake up 30 minutes early and put that time towards the walk. Same thing at night. Don't bring her in until she does what she needs to do.
  13. What you are describing is generally referred to as space issues. My suggestion to toss treats to the pup when the cat is getting close to him, but before he growls. If he growls, the treats stop. You can do a very very minor uh uh almost in a happy tone so he gets a minor cue as to why the treats stop. Don't yell or say no. This is rewarding him for letting the cat near and he'll start to think that good things happen when the cat is close by. Eventually he may even lay down near the cat so you toss him treats, but that won't happen for a long time.
  14. I'm so sorry. I'll forever remember him as the best cuddle buddy. He was better than a blanket. He was so sweet and fun to be around.
  15. I feed dinner right before the bedtime walk to make sure the pups aren't very hungry in the morning. It worked pretty well for me. Now we all often sleep past noon.
  16. Just be careful with add ins because she may stop eating kibble if she knows you'll give her something better. Then you'll have a picky eater for life that has you well trained.
  17. Just to add, that not all types of ticks swell up. Some have hard shells. Deer ticks don't swell and they are tiny.
  18. Are you the one that swung the greyhound over your shoulder? There's a pic of a greyhound being carried through a forest with other greyhounds...where is that pic?! I've seen that picture, but thats not me. I'm 5'3"and female. Thankfully Sailor was humiliated and after a few minutes I put him down and he walked perfectly due to his fear that I'd embarrass him again.
  19. I once had to carry my grey on a hike. Count yourself lucky.
  20. Poor guy. I hope he feels better soon and you figure out what's going on.
  21. Are you sure it was pee? Sometimes Bu licks a giant wet spot on my bed. I know it's from licking because I'll catch him doing it when I get out of the shower.
  22. Check her gums. Are they pale? If so she probably needs the vet. Is be worried shes having a clothing issue and the blogs is just settling in a low part of her body.
  23. My boys are on it, but they've never had an infestation so I don't know house it would work in that situation. Revolution is really good for that though.
  24. Will try that. Thank you. (He's drinking with no problem) This is not your fault. Sometimes things happen that we can't control. What matters now is you do everything you can to make him feel better. You are doing that as we speak. Love him and enjoy him.
  25. I like tuna in water for them and they love the tuna juice. You can even soak some kibble in the juice to help get him to eat more. Or soak anything really. Or add it to water to get him to drink.
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