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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I was also going to ask how her hearing was.
  2. Please consider muzzling the pups when you're not home. My 2 are loose and muzzled when I'm not home and they do just fine. In fact they put their faces in the muzzle when I show them to the dogs.
  3. I heard there was a major shortage of HW treatment, but I didn't hear anything about the US getting it from France.
  4. Have you tried putting him in the crate, reading a magazine, then leaving once he's already laying down and quiet?
  5. I would try giving her a snack every night before bed. Sometimes when they are really hungry they can get nauseous then vomit, eat grass and not be interested in eating since they don't feel well. Since this is always happening at night for Azi, the bedtime snack may help.
  6. I don't remember, but I can find out when I'm at that vets tomorrow.
  7. It does look infected to me. Bu recently had a wound that became infected and looked sort of similar. A course of ABs fixed him right up. I don't think his was a staph infection though.
  8. Tuffy does have a history of tendinitis in his shoulder and a corn in a front foot. But, he hasn't limped at all recently. If I get him up to the third step he goes up like normal, but still won't go up from the bottom. He does go down just fine which would be more painful on his shoulder if that were acting up. I really think this is a mental thing so we are starting back at stair training 101 and see what happens.
  9. I have a very sweet, but not so smart foster, Tuffy. I've had Tuffy for 8 months so far . He has been able and willing to the stairs on his own almost from the start. He has a shoe fetish and likes to bring them upstairs and spread them around my bedroom (he never chews them). He will often do this while I'm watching tv or any other time he feels like. Occasionally he will stand at the bottom of the stairs and step on and off the bottom step a few times before starting up the stairs. I just thought it was a quirk. Well today he stood there for close to 10 minutes stepping on and off the bottom 2 steps, whining and wouldn't go up the stairs and finally gave up and lay down in the living room with me. Is there something I should be worried about? He's hilarious, but really not smart so I don't know if that matters. He's generally pretty confident. I'm not even sure if this should be here or H&M. TIA
  10. My first thought was is it possible Arlo was having a seizure or something? Was he able to get up ok?
  11. I brought my cat in last week to get shots and my vet said she needed a dental, but refused to do for a few weeks since she just had the vaccines. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about dogs. What your vet is doing sounds wonky.
  12. In July, Sailor had a similar wound. I have no idea how he got it and I was in a bad mood to begin with (just grumpy, but not at him) and he senses my mood so he didn't want me touching him. I wasn't going to bring him to the evet, but the flap of skin was laying funny and I was afraid of a foreign body. I brought him in and they quoted me $600-$800 to put him under and stitch him up. I said no and they just cleaned the wound well and I took him home for under $200. Still more money than I'd like, but at least I knew there wasn't anything in there. I was comfortable keeping the wound clean. I brought him to my vet the next day and they said good for you for saying no, most people would just spend the money. We left my vet with 4 staples and $88 poorer. Had the flap been lying flat I wouldn't have brought him to the evet. I think it's just experience and time that teaches us what needs to be done.
  13. I had to try about 9 different foods before finding one that works for Bu. The Iams low residue also gave him diarrhea because he doesn't tolerate chicken. That could be an issue with your guy. Bu is on Nature's Domain. You can only get it at Costco. It's salmon and sweet potato and is wonderful. It's almost identical (but not quite) to Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream.
  14. I'm being lazy, but if you look up birdwell muzzles, they sell muzzle keepers. You can also try the GEM store.
  15. Can you call the evet and see what they say? I hope he feels better soon.
  16. I don't think you need a trainer that knows greyhounds, but one that has a good reputation for positive reinforcement. Greyhounds are dogs after all. Will she take treats from Roy? Have him do all the feedings and stuff. Lots of stinky yummy treats will help too.
  17. Is she wearing a coat when out in the cold? What about an training classes? Sometimes there's agility equipment that you can use. Does she like tennis balls? What about fly ball?
  18. Keep an eye on her, but I don't think there should be a big issue. Have you tried using a muzzle keeper? It's basically a plastic collar to keep the muzzle in place. Have you tried baby gates?
  19. I grew up with a standard poodle. Whenever the vet took blood he wet a cotton ball in something and sterilized the area, put down the cotton ball and took the blood. He would then go back to the cotton ball to throw it out and every. singe. time. the dog had eaten the cotton ball. My vet was never concerned about it. In fact Bu almost did that once, but we caught him in the act and I mentioned the poodle to my vet who remembered and laughed at the memory. Sailor used to eat the stuffing (that another dog pulled out) from stuffies. His poop came out a little fluffy feeling, but he was never the worse for wear. I can see this trick being totally healthy. Thanks for the tip.
  20. Definitely add water and put a kong (or 2 or 3) in the bowl to slow him down.
  21. Has she had puppies? That may explain drinking the urine.
  22. I haven't read all the responses, but wanted to give input on the dog park issues. She isn't attacking dogs that jump on her. She is disciplining them. She is saying that she doesn't like to be jumped on. If there's a fight it's because the other dog doesn't like being disciplined. Honestly, I hate when dogs jump on me too so I can't blame her one bit. Since she doesn't like dogs that behave inappropriately, I would stop bringing her to the dog park. See if there are any fenced ball fields around that you can use instead.
  23. His diarrhea is gone and his poop is nice and firm. His poop is normally great except when he gets into things. He gets about 3.5 cups of Natures Domain a day and his weight is great and so is his health, so I really don't think there's a malabsorbtion issue. He just seems to be a food obsessed dog. He has never chewed or eaten anything that is not a food product. He doesn't even play with toys. His life is about me and food and he doesn't care about much else. If I am around he is very respectful (yet hopeful) when I eat and doesn't get into trouble, but does get up every so often to see if food has suddenly appeared in different places. He reminds me of a lab when it comes to food. I can even hand him a glucosamine pill and he will eat it plain.
  24. I would try to start teaching him sit, down and a few other good behaviors. When he starts going nuts run through his tricks with him and he'll learn that he doesn't get food doing what the crazy stuff, but that he gets it when he does tricks.
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