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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. My friends dog passed away from a tumor popping in his heart. It was a sudden thing as they didn't know about the tumor.
  2. So I looked at my baby gate and realized I could screw it into the door jam, so I did that. Thanks to whoever reminded me about that. I've had the gate 2 years and just used the tension with success. Hopefully that will work. I'm also sleeping with a double leash around my ankle so I know when hes moving. Thanks for the suggestions. I don't really blame him, it was just one of those mornings where I was very annoyed to be cleaning.
  3. Yes, you can over bathe them. It can severely dry out their skin and hair if bathed to often. I think once a month is probably more than they should get, but may be ok. You need to just watch then and see what works for them. Yes, you can over bathe them. It can severely dry out their skin and hair if bathed to often. I think once a month is probably more than they should get, but may be ok. You need to just watch then and see what works for them.
  4. I've actually had him for 10 months. He doesn't seem to like going for walks (I don't have a yard), but just wants to be with me so if I teach him to tell me I don't think he'd do it all the time. The gate has a cat door in it. I'd be afraid they'd knock over a bookshelf trying to get to the food. This is dog who constantly acts like I'm starving him. The dogs are gated upstairs when I'm sleeping and have access to just my bedroom, the hallway and the bathroom. The accidents often happen in my bedroom so that's not helping. I'm not changing my cats routine because of a dog. They were here first and they shouldn't be punished because the dog is misbehaving. I also can't feed 7 animals at one time and keep the dogs away from the cats and the cats from stealing from each other. I am going to see about attaching the gate to the wall and see if that helps. He is not waking me up when he has to go to the bathroom. I don't know if he's trying to or not though. When I'm awake the accidents are much less common. At any sign at all we go out. If he paces even once we go out. I'd really just like him to wake me up when the need hits.
  5. Cat food is definitely the diarrhea problem. Normally he doesn't pee in the house, but when he gets diarrhea he also pees in the house. So obviously his pee schedule changes when he has diarrhea, but how do I get him to tell me that he needs to go out?
  6. I meant to use the crate to keep him out of things. His diarrhea is caused by eating things he shouldn't. when hes not getting into trouble his poop is solid. At night he always pees a couple times and poops at least once, and only has accidents in the morning when hes eaten stiff he shouldn't have. He knocks down the gate to get to the cat food. Out is always gated off from the dogs. He only does it every so often though.
  7. It is only when he gets into things that he has diarrhea. My cats need to eat so I can't keep their food locked up. It is behind a baby gate. I have been getting better at keeping him freon everything but the cat food. I know he can't help the diarrhea, but he should be able to tell me when he needs to pee instead of going in the house. Thats the part that is really annoying me.
  8. Sailor is a great dog most of the time. When I'm not home, hes loose and muzzled. He tries to get any food possible. He kicks unopened bags of food until they explode and knocks down baby gates to get to cat food. Whenever he does this he ends up with bad diarrhea. When he ends up with diarrhea he completely forgets hes house trained. I woke up this morning to the sound of him peeing in my bedroom. When I yelled he stopped and I took him out where he peed and pooped. When I came in I found that he had peed another time during the night. I went back to bed for an hour out 2 and woke up to the horrid smell of diarrhea. I found 2 piles of it. Hes never great about telling me he needs to go out, but rarely has accidents unless hes sick. And when hes sick, my house becomes his toilet. What do I do? I can't really crate him right now because I have a foster and don't have room for 2 crates. I can try gating him into an area away from the baby gate to the cat food. How do I teach him to tell me he has to go? I have bells for the door, but he avoids them. When I'm sleeping he only has access to my bedroom, upstairs hallway and bathroom. I can put bells upstairs if I can teach him to ring them. Any other suggestions? I'm tired and frustrated. This happens at least once a month or even more.
  9. They can colds and allergies. If it's just today, maybe she inhaled a dust bunny or something. If it continues, I would bring her to the vet.
  10. I call it the shiny hiney club here. I've had Bu for 3 years and he still has a butt as bald as a babies bottom.
  11. My guys do 3 well sometimes 4. I'm a pet sitter/dog walker so I'll give my opinion in that regards. For the most part I hate when clients ask for only 2 walks per day. I feel even if I run 30 minutes late that I'll get there to an accident and sometimes do even if I'm not late. Most dogs just don't do it well. Of course some do just fine with that. Most dogs do very well with 3 walks a day. I do feed meals when I walk the dogs. Which walks I feed should be discussed beforehand. It's usually the AM and dinner walks, but sometimes the AM and bedtime walk. If I know the person and I'm comfortable at the house I will sometimes watch some TV, eat, read or even take a nap on the couch at clients house so the dog has some extra company during the day. I do tell clients ahead of time if I may do that because I'd be weirded out if someone did that at my house without telling me. So far everyone I've made that offer to has been thrilled.
  12. I would stop the pup from searching out the cat. Either lock him in the room with you or tether him to you. When the cat comes in the room call the dogs name and give a treat when he looks at you. Continue to do this until when the cat shows up he automatically looks at you for a cookie.
  13. Beeping, the toaster, the microwave, fireworks, thunder, trucks, motorcycles, kids, crowds, people working on the roof, and I'm sure theres more I'm not thinking of. If you met him at home he actually seems really well adjusted though. I ignore most of the phobias because hes scared while it's happening but fine the minute most are done.
  14. The male men in my family die of cancer in their early to mid 60's with their mothers outliving them. So far it's every man in that line for the last 3 generations. That didn't stop my brother or sister from having kids (both have a boy and a girl) and I don't think knowing cancer is in the lines of a dog would stop me from adopting it. It would make me sure to have a plan ready (not to say that I would follow the plan, but it can't hurt to try and be prepared.)
  15. I use the water bottle. Mainly for cat training and excessive barking and whining. A technique to use for your situation is to walk out the door (alone) when she's over excited and only come in when she's calm. It can easily take 30+ minutes to get in the door at first. You just need to do it until she gets that you don't enter the house until she's calm and you leave if she's nuts. Eventually she will stay calm when you come into the house. This technique does take lots of time, but it's effective.
  16. Could they be his anal glands? They probably need to be expressed. I'd say a vet visit is in order either way.
  17. You're lucky they're on the belly. Bu's are on his privates.
  18. Bu did horribly on lamb years ago and if he even gets 1 piece of kibble with lamb in it, it's gas mask time. When Sailor was my foster I already had my foster Tuffy and we got a bunch of lamb kibble donated. Lets just say I passed that on to another foster home after a few weeks. It was horrible. I feed Bu and Sailor salmon based kibble and I couldn't be happier.
  19. I think of it as helpful. If there's no real noise and all of a sudden there's loud scary noise it's very obvious. If there's music or other background it's not sudden and scary, because you're expecting noise.
  20. Try using some really yummy treats and canned food. Tuna is a favorite here too. Just like anything else they may be afraid of use lots of positive reinforcement. If you put the really good stuff in the bowl, he'll remember that the bowl is full of goodies. I wouldn't really do this with his food at meal time though because he may start to become picky, but throughout the day throw some good stuff in there. Even one treat at a time is good because he can grab and run until he's more comfortable.
  21. I would do some hot compresses and just prevent him from licking the wound. I hope he feels better soon.
  22. Theres no perfect weight. I have 1 thats 65#s and looks great and 1 thats 82#s and needs to gain a few pounds.
  23. Can you mash banana into some wet food and mix well? Our maybe banana pumpkin cookies. Rain Dog treats makes homemade cookies and will put in whatever you need and make the dogs beg like crazy. (shes in the merch section). Shes also been known to make the cookies a little smaller for smaller dogs, which may be good if your guy has trouble eating.
  24. That's awesome! I thought about doing it with my hounds, but one is afraid of being pet by strangers and whenever I'd bring the other to visit my grandmother in a nursing home, he'd hide under the bed for a nap. . I don't think my dogs would be good therapy dogs. Maybe my next one.
  25. I was at the vet yesterday and I think it was $50 for the appointment. But it does depend on why I'm there. I've walked out not paying a dime with a free toothbrush on top of it to paying just $20 for other things. My vet is a family friend though so they try to give me a break. I also get what I call a "frequent flyer discount" of 20%. I have 4 cats, 2 greys and I'm a pet sitter so I refer as many people as possible to them because they rock.
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