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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. My foster would occasionally give a blood curdling scream during the night and when you checked on him (within seconds) he'd look at you like nothing happened. He would do it during the day too. He was a bit dramatic.
  2. If that had happened here, I would have covered the vomit and moved and let someone else deal with it. (no, I didn't look at the picture and never will.) It was bad enough finding out that a past foster had nasal worms for 9 months while he was here sneezing all over my house.
  3. Congrats! I say you are both on the right track. My 2 were both really shy. My first wouldn't leave his crate for 2 months without me crawling in and putting a leash on him to pull him out. My second wouldn't let me pet him for over a week. 2 years later and he still doesn't enjoy strangers petting him, but he LOVES when I do.
  4. Bu if short for Sambuca. He won't answer to it because I have never called him Sambuca. But he does answer to "you're lucky you're cute", "don't be a #@$@", "you're a pain in the rear" and many other things. They know when they are being spoken to. I do shorten everything down to one syllable. I often call Sailor, Sail.
  5. Has she been to the vet? If not, I would bring her in for a visit. Not only for that, but I like to bring my new guys in for a well visit to have a good experience say the very and to start to get to know the vet and vice versa.
  6. Me me me! I just had to bring Bu to the vet for a laceration IN his ear. It wasn't on the ear flap, it was inside his ear. Even the vet was surprised at that one.
  7. Also try putting a treat on every step. If she wanted the treats she'll have to go slow.
  8. Bu is probably the smartest dog I've ever met. Yet, he is completely unmotivated to learn most things. I can not, got the life of me teach him sit or down. But, he picks up other random things. He knows upstairs, u-turn, get Sailor, stay, stay here, wait, come, lets go, pill time, meat, up up, leave it, drop, move, you're lucky you're cute, you're a brat, lay down and relax, do you want to dance, etc... You get the drift. All of what he learned was just by speaking to him as things happen. Often I didn't know he knew what they meant until I randomly said it and he actually listened! Sailor on the other hand is lucky hes very pretty because he is pretty dumb. He is food motivated so I've been able to teach him basic obedience. He also does not understand off and he will not do anything he knows if I am not holding food. And I really do mean anything. He sometimes stays with a friend while I'm away. She has a large yard. She has a pool off her deck and the deck is closed off for the dogs safety when no one is outside. To get to the large part of the yard the dogs need to go around the pool. Once Sailor is ready to come inside, he stands at the far side of the pool where theres a (closed) gate to the deck. He can't figure out how to get back inside. On 1 week long visit he was taught and figured it out after a couple days. On his next visit a month later, he forgot and had to be retaught after he was found in the dark standing at the closed gate again. And there were at least 3 other dogs outside with him who he saw run around the pool to come inside.
  9. When I was doing partial raw and Bu stayed with my parents, I made up the meals and put them in tupperware that went straight into the freezer and they took 2 out every day to thaw and had no problems. Bu are it straight out of the tupperware so my parents just had to pop the top and stick it in the dishwasher after. Would the family be willing to do that?
  10. I have no problems with dog parks for some greyhounds, but it's not a good idea for all of them. My real question is, why does he need to run off leash? As long as hes getting enough walks, he shouldn't need to run. That's not to say he wouldn't enjoy it, but it shouldn't be necessary.
  11. I'm a pet sitter and I can honestly say that greyhounds are generally easier than most other dogs (for me at least). They tend to have quirks, but so do other dogs. I have 2. Bu is one of the easiest overall dogs you will ever meet. I drag him out of bed 2-3 times a day for a walk and put food in front of him when he asks and thats it. He doesn't care when I come or go from the house. Sailor is also pretty easy, but he is the biggest mommas boy ever. He has some slight separation anxiety. If I'm home with him he can go 9-10 hours without going outside. But, if I'm out, he can only go 6-7 hours or I come home to an accident. I think working on separation anxiety would help you. It may help to bring him to obedience class as well. I did this with Sailor to help with confidence and he has come very far. Find a good positive reinforcement trainer. Working on "stay", "down" and "go to your bed" while you are home may help when you leave. Also, more exercise. A tired dog is a happy dog. Wake up a little early and go for a long walk, try to get him into agility, find other greyhounds to have play dates with. There are also toys, like kongs, that can help keep him busy. Good luck.
  12. It could be impacted (or compacted, I can never remember which) feces. When I was walking a dog that did this and was brought to the very she said it would only get worse without intervention. She didn't give 1 yelp though. She screamed and screamed. It was horrible. It could be anal glands issues. Or it could just be constipation. If it was 1 quick yelp and she is acting fine otherwise, I might just keep an eye on her.
  13. I use Heart guard plus, comfortis and the preventic collar. No topicals. It's a good combo for us.
  14. Poor guy. Last year a couple days before Thanksgiving, Sailors muzzle swelled up on the left side. My vet put him on benedryl, but couldn't find anything wrong. No bites, no dental problems, no wounds, no pain, nothing. Thankfully it went away, but we never figured it out.
  15. It could be either. You can try adding some fish oil to his diet and see if that helps.
  16. My only suggestion is ice. This happened once at a doggy day care I worked at. The dog was fine.
  17. Bu loved my dad. When my dads cancer came back and he needed crutches Bu was afraid of him for a bit and then got over it. (Even walking down the road off leash on a perfect heel with my dad on his crutches. Dad didn't realized Bu was loose until he was a few houses away and he looked down and Bu was at his side. I found out about this after the fact and it didn't happen again. I was pretty upset and realize I'm very lucky.) As my dad got sicker and more equipment was brought in, Bu adjusted to it all and became protective over my father and would keep watch when nurses were around. Considering Bu came to me bordering on being a spook, it was amazing. It really just took him time to get used to everything new. He did fine with the walker and wheelchair as well once he got used to them. Ruby could also be picking up on what your feeling. If you're in pain and probably a little scared, she can tell. When I first got Sailor if I was having a really bad day, he wouldn't let me near him. He still doesn't want to be too close to me if I'm in a bad mood (scared, sad, mad, tired), but hes much better than he was. He would run away and cower before. It was horrible and brought me to tears once or twice.
  18. Just a quick hint. Putting a t shirt on with a maxi pad on the inside over the wound will keep him from licking and scratching the wound. It also keeps the wound from oozing onto his beds. I hope he heals quickly.
  19. I've had Bu for 4 years now and he still occasionally does something totally new. Both he and Sailor are shy so I would say over a year. Obedience training helped Sailor a lot.
  20. When I use a muzzle to prevent wound issues I put duct tape on just the 2 holes the tongue goes out of, but leaves the space in front of the nose available. That could be an option as well.
  21. If it's just bile and fluid my guess is that the meds are upsetting his belly. Can you make sure he gets small snacks throughout the day to absorb it?
  22. You were also using a different scale than say the track and scales vary. As long as he looks good, I wouldn't stress over the number.
  23. In theory I think it's great, but I've tried multiple things myself and seen no results. I've also seen people who believe in. it use it on their dogs and the results were horrific. They were extremists though. I have never heard of what you are trying. My feeling is was long as it doesn't hurt the dog, it's worth a try.
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