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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I've never had a leash come undone because of a dog shaking. I've had leash malfunctions and human error and a dog once chewed through a leash, but no shaking issues. I do agree that recall training is very, very important. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
  2. 48" is what is usually recommended for greys. Midwest does have the bigger size though. I've only seen it online.
  3. When Bu had anxiety he destroyed a Petco crate in a couple hours. The Midwest brand is less expensive and much better quality.
  4. My boys wear the sane thing. 1 red, 1 white. They can be constant or flash. You can get them at Target where they sell cabiners and such.
  5. Pet Supply Plus. (if you have it near you) they are about $100. Sometimes on sale for less and they are Midwest brand, which is fantastic.
  6. The moment she tenses up, stop petting her and walk away. She'll learn if shes grumpy, she loses you, the resource shes guarding.
  7. Why did you feel bad taking her out? We all have to do it. I've walked my dogs in hurricanes and blizzards because thats what I committed to do when I got them. If she won't do her business, walk her until she does. She will eventually learn that shes stick in the reason until she potties. Then she will potty very quickly to go in. You may want to invest in some good rain gear.
  8. Bald is normal. Could the grey spot be acne? Off you post a picture, it will be easier to tell.
  9. My 2 dogs do not have their own beds. There are 2 in the living room and they take turns on each. As long as everyone has a spot to go to, it really wouldn't concern me that hes bed hopping. I get bored in the same spot all the time, I expect the dogs do too. I have 4 dog beds in my bedroom right now and every night all 4 of them get used.
  10. It's important that a dog is trained to give up it's toys for a few reasons. 1. If a kid comes over and tries to play with the dog (very preventable, but still ease of mind knowing the dog won't get possessive) 2. If the dog starts to ingest a toy that isn't supposed to be ingested, you need to be able to get that toy. 3. If the dog finds something like a chicken bone ob a walk, this will train them that "drop it" covers everything, not just the things around the house. Also if you have a yard and the dog tries to take am inside toy out, then they can just tell him to drop it before he goes outside.
  11. Try "trading up" offer him something better and tell him to drop. When he drops what he has, give him the better goody. He'll learn drop and give you the toy.
  12. I like using individual leashes. I also make sure that every dog has a leash that looks different so that if theres a problem I know which leash needs to be grabbed without guessing. Walking multiple dogs is not that hard as long as the dogs aren't hellions on leash.
  13. Bu does it all the time. He'll do it before he grand the treat or grabs it, drops it, hacks, then eats.
  14. My dogs are accident prone so I would clean it well once then keep applying ab ointment on it and keep a close eye on it. If it started to look at all funky I would bring him in, but otherwise just leave it. If he'll wear the 4 legged pjs, put a maxi pad on the leg of the pjs over the wound. It's sterile and will keep him and the pjs clean. It will also pad it from getting bumped and hurt more. Also a muzzle with some duct tape over the holes the tongue would lick through is very helpful.
  15. Reward the good behavior and especially until the pain is under control, ignore the bad. She may also have doggy dementia, which doesn't help matters.
  16. I would also assume they are age and pain related. I would try positive reinforcement when handling her. Practice lifting her or whatever else you need to do that is met with a snap and go very very slowly. Every time you make a move and your not met with a snap, give a treat. Also, get her pills in her. Make a ball of peanut butter and give it to her plain then make another ball with the pill and give it to her then give her another plain one.
  17. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="kkaiser104" data-cid="5397044" data-time="1355377283"><p> <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Sambuca" data-cid="5397041" data-time="1355375685"><p>You can try some benedryl. I'm wondering if something bit him.</p></blockquote> <br /> I went ahead and gave him a benendryl. He's sleeping very comfortably and happy now. I'll probably be up all night checking on him, but I think he'll be okay until morning (at least). He does have seasonal allergies, so I'm wondering if the straw didn't agree with him. I know it doesn't agree with me!</p></blockquote> That could do it. About a year ago, Sailors cheek swelled up. I brought him to the vet and we could not figure it out. He was on benedryl for a bit, but we still have no idea why he swelled. The odd thing is, is that my tongue often swells for no known reason. I'm curious if theres something in our environment that is doing it to us.
  18. You can try some benedryl. I'm wondering if something bit him.
  19. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="macoduck" data-cid="5396842" data-time="1355359463"><p> Are you leaving food out all day? If so, have set feeding times. If it's not eaten within 10 minutes pick up the bowl. She'll get it after a while.<br /> Regular meal times= more predictable poop times.</p></blockquote> Yup.
  20. Sadly, cost us a realistic factor in treating our dogs. We all understand that. I hope it's not nearly as bad as you're anticipating.
  21. Try smearing some peanut butter on the bottom of a dog dish and letting him lick it. As hes licking, slowly add water to the bowl so that he drinks it while licking up the pb.
  22. It could be from that incident. Being held by the collar while he was attacked, or he felt like he was being attacked, probably made him feel defenseless. Now, he may be associating the leash the same way. Lots of positive interactions should help. Start at a good distance away and give training treats when he doesn't react. Gradually get closer. If he starts to react when you get close, then back up and start over.
  23. Thats pretty common around here and I don't do anything about it. It comes and goes. Unless theres pain, redness, swelling or discharge, I would leave it be.
  24. It could be either. Just like people some are more prone top injury and scarring. As long as he heals up well, it's probably not a big deal.
  25. If you can get her in tonight, I would. Anal gland fluid is pretty gnarly. If it's ruptured, you want to make sure that none is getting into her because that will cause more issues. I hope she feels better soon.
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