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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. My only suggestion is to just take her out until she goes. Make sure shes walking on grass though as it will be softer. Maybe put some socks on her with some cotton under her foot for padding.
  2. My 2 are good with all indoor cats. I'm a pet sitter and they go to work with me so I know that. They also don't seem interested in outdoor cats on our walks, but I wouldn't trust Sailor off leash with any. Bu is everything, everywhere safe, but I'd still be careful outside loose with him.
  3. Ok, I'm just going to try a coat first I think. He LOVES clothes, so that won't be a problem. I've tried rescue remedy on him before and it didn't do a thing so I won't bother with that again. I have melatonin. How much do I give and when?
  4. Would any tight fitting coat work in a similar manner or is there something special about this coat?
  5. Worth it or not? Bu is thunder phobic. He doesn't mind the rain if theres no thunder so I don't think its due to the barometric pressure. He also had lots of other sound fears like fireworks, beeping, trucks, motorcycles and balls bouncing. Hes also afraid of kids and big public outings and the car. Is the thunder shirt something that can help him?
  6. I'll trade you. Sailors dew claw got stuck on something while running and it yanked the whole toe and the toe, not the nail, is broken we suspect. Its been 2 weeks of painful hell for him. He also tore the webbing between 2 toes at the same time. They are so athletic and graceful, how is it they are so accident prone?
  7. It could be a cebatious (sp?) cyst. If its not bothering him, then it shouldn't be a problem. It is worth mentioning to the vet though.
  8. You could also lock the kitty in the bathroom with everything she needs instead of a crate, but I think a crate would be fine. Make sure to put toys in there too.
  9. I thought Sailor was like this, but them I realized he will play in the evening and only the evening. And even then it's not all evenings. Yea, hes odd. He does like to rip up paper towels when I allow it. So when he does I added the command "tug" and can get him to "tug" on a toy every so often, but unless it's his idea, he doesn't enjoy it.
  10. Poor girl. I would give her a small amount of kibble and see how she does with it and go from there. Mouths are both very dirty and very gods at cleaning themselves out so it could go either way with an infection. Just keep a close eye on her. If it starts to really bleed again I'd bring her to the vet.
  11. Ok, pretty sure the damn toe is broken. We've been to the vet 3 times now for it and go back on sat. Hes on antibiotics and pain meds. The vet wrapped him up and he is muzzled 24/7 for now. How long should this take to heal? He is absolutely in pain. My vet mentioned amputation, but wants to see if it will heal first which I agree with.
  12. Make sure he has toys in his bed with him. If that fails, use the basket muzzle at night.
  13. It sounds like separation anxiety is the root if your problem. Search the forum for ways to deal with it. Lots of exercise is the first step. Alone training is very important. Giving a kong when gone can help as well.
  14. I would add a little more food if he really is still a little thin. Just like people, every dog needs a different calorie intake. I have 2 hounds. Sailor is 65# and eats 4.5 cups a day. Bu is 83# and eats about 7-8 (hes allowed as much as he wants) cups a day and is still pretty thin. I know hounds of all different weights on the same food as them that only get 2-3 cups a day and look great.
  15. So I realized I couldn't find the vet wrap he got off and induced vomiting. Yup, he ate it. Hes now mad at me. Poor guy has had a tough few days.
  16. Yesterday I brought Sailor to play with a bunch of dogs. He did a lot of running and playing. When w got home I noticed blood in the floor and him licking his paw. He tore the webbing between 2 toes. I cleaned him up and put a boot on him. I took the boot off him today ans went top put a sock on him and he cried when I touched his dew claw. The whole toe looks a little swollen and he keeps licking it. I plan on bringing him to the vet tomorrow if hes still in pain. I did put vet tape around the area so it wouldn't get bumped around and he took it off. Is it possible to break that toe? The nail looks fine.
  17. Poor, sweet girl. Both my boys are pretty shy by nature. It really does just take time.
  18. Add some corn to a meal and you can see for yourself.
  19. I just spoke with the owner and he claims shes been eating and that they did cut back the food. I told him I was concerned and hes going to keep a close eye on her. I'm bringing her back to the holistic guy in a week. If theres more weight loss like that we're bringing her to a real vet. If she were mine I'd bring her today, but shes not and this is actually very impressive for this family to agree with me. I'll take what I can get.
  20. I just brought her to their holistic vet who didn't do anything. I was looking for ideas as to what it could be to help convince them to bring her to a regular vet to run tests. They really l like this holistic guy, but I think hes kind of a quack.
  21. Her owners are still feeding her so I doubt know, but even if thats true 10% of get weight in 4 days us extreme. Shes refusing treats and not acting hungry which is a first for her. Sorry, her owners are still home. I've just been filing in a bi.
  22. I'm a pet sitter and I'm taking care of a very fat pug. In 4 days she went from 24# to 21# losing 10% of her body weight. She also seems depressed. Do you have any ideas what could cause this?
  23. If they are arguing over you, then walk away. They will learn that neither gets attention if they don't share nice.
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